Licensing Conference Room
Helena Mansell-Stopher, CEO, Products of Change, UK
Joachim Knödler, Head of Licensing, Studio 100 International, Germany; Helga Árnadóttir, Co-Founder and CEO, Tulipop, Iceland; Valerio Costabile, Vice President Brand Collaborations, Smiley Company, UK.
Organized by
Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids
In cooperation with
Products of Change
In the framework of
International Kids Licensing Days
The Next Chapter Café
Children’s books capture the imagination, educate, and the can inspire communities to think and act in support of the SDGs. This session will look at the influence SDG book club has on raising awareness and the importance of adding new languages to drive local change and actions. Panelists will discuss how can books compel future generations of leaders to achieve sustainability and lasting change.
Antje Watermann, Global SDG Book Club
Mercedes Alvarado, Mexican SDG Book Club, José Borghino, Secretary General, IPA - International Publishers Association; Kristina Kramer, German SDG Book Club; Karine Pansa, Brazilian SDG Book Club.
Organized by
Bologna Children's Book Fair
In cooperation with
United Nations Publications, IPA - International Publishers Association
The Book Lovers' Café
Marcella Terrusi, Professor, University of Bologna.
Organized by
Bologna Children's Book Fair
Illustrators Café
Services Centre
Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief, Publishing Perspectives
Rachel Martin, Global Director Sustainability, Elsevier; Leonardo Aldegheri, President, Grafiche AZ; Anne Bergman Tahon, Director, Federation of European Publishers; Mary E. Glenn, Chief, Sales and Marketing Section UN Publications, Department of Global Communications United Nations; Helena Mansell-Stopher, Founder and CEO, Products of Change; Iroo Joo, Korean Publishers Association; Gvantsa Jobava, International Publishers Association; Nicolas Roche, BIEF - Bureau international de l'Edition francaise.
Organized by
Bologna Children's Book Fair, BolognaBookPlus, Bologna Licensing Trade Fair/Kids
In cooperation with
United Nations Publications
The Content Café
Itabashi Art Museum Director Kiyoko Matsuoka and Art Director Masahiro Kakinohara will present the SDG SUGOROKU, an educational game created in collaboration with an artist from Itabashi, Picture Book City. Following this, there will be a presentation of Japanese SDG picture books selected by the city of Itabashi.
Kiyoko Matsuoka, Director, Itabashi Art Museum; Masahiro Kakinokihara, Art Director; Ayami Moriizumi, researcher.
Organized by
Itabashi Art Museum and the City of Itabashi, Tokyo
The Content Café
Remember when publishers started producing wonderful, reassuring, empowering, self-esteem-building books for girls? Today, professional sociological research shows that young men need that very same support from the book industry. Many younger boys are testing almost a grade level behind girls in English and arts studies. And many young men are struggling to finish school, earn college degrees, and become the supportive, loving fathers and husbands we know they can be. Much of this comes down to self-esteem and the need to signal that masculinity does not have to be "toxic." The publishing world can help male readers with books that offer healthy career options, loving and compassionate relationships, and the means to grow into great friends, lovers, spouses, and fathers. In this special session, expert speakers will be exploring the book industry's unique opportunity to help young men face their crises, just as it has faithfully done for girls.
Porter Anderson, Editor-in-Chief, Publishing Perspectives
Francesca Cavallo, author of Stellar Stories for Boys of the Future and Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls; Michiel Kolman, Senior Vice President at Elsevier and Chair of the Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee at the International Publishers Association (IPA); Maria Russo, Editor at Large, Union Square Kids; Jonathan Simcosky, Quarto Books, New York, Editor of Yes, Boys Can! Inspiring Stories of Men Who Changed the World.
Organized by
Bologna Children's Book Fair
With the support of
ITA-Italian Trade Agency and MAECI-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
The Content Café
SDGs can be successfully achieved if we start early. Reading promoters help children understand how our actions, both positive and negative, shape the world. What are the main challenges in the era of consumerism, AI and new technologies? And what are the key tools a reading promoter might need? Where does the book industry come into play?
Daan Beeke, Network Manager, EURead
Rian Visser, author, Dutch Children’s Laureate, Writers for the Future; Elaina Ryan, CEO, Children's Books Ireland; Grzegorz Jankowicz, CEO, Polish Book Institute.
Organized by
The Content Café
A panel of esteemed authors, publishers, educators, and sexologists will discuss how children's books today can create space for authentic and inclusive stories that avoid stereotypes—while steering clear of writing books solely to address specific topics. Panelists will explore how gender representation is evolving in children’s books, including trans and queer experiences, in various countries around the world, and also discuss the use of gender-neutral language as well as the experiences of these works being translated (cultural expectations of local versus foreign works and identities about gender and expression).
Lawrence Schimel, author, translator
Ani Rosa Almario, Vice President, Adarna House, Co-Founder, Director of The Raya School; Susanna Barsotti, Professor of Children's Literature, University of Roma Tre; Chiara Gregori, gynaecologist, sexologist, author; Marie-Aude Murail, author; Edward van de Vendel, author, publisher, Uitgeverij Blauw Gras.
Organized by
Bologna Children's Book Fair
In cooperation with
United Nations Publications
Illustrators Café
Services Centre
In 1989, world leaders made a historic commitment to children by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child—the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history. While this agreement has helped improve the lives of millions, many children around the world are still denied their fundamental rights. To highlight the importance of protecting and promoting these rights, Bologna Children’s Book Fair hosts - in collaboration with the United Nations - a multilingual reading of the Convention, featuring 42 authors, illustrators, and publishers from across the globe. Each participant will read one of the 42 articles of the Convention in their native language, creating a powerful, collective voice for children’s rights.
Organized by
Bologna Children's Book Fair
In cooperation with
United Nations Publications, 42 friends of the children's book community
The Book Lovers' Café
Dal 2012 il progetto Leggere senza stereotipi, a cura di SCOSSE, propone una bibliografia ragionata di albi illustrati per la costruzione di identità e immaginari liberi. Un incontro per presentare l’ampiamento del catalogo: nuovi titoli, nuova fascia d’età (7-11) e una sezione dedicata al contrasto alla violenza di genere.
Elena Fierli, Scosse; Susanna Mattiangeli, scrittrice; Silvana Sola, ISIA Urbino e Cooperativa Culturale Giannino Stoppani.
Organized by
The Next Chapter Café
In the field of children's and young adult literature, new realities, voices, and languages are gaining prominence. This openness has brought tremendous richness, expanding genres and readership. As a result, new characters, settings, and territories are emerging in literature and illustrations, opening up the world to diversity and enriching imaginations
Dolores Prades, Founder, Director, editor, Istituto Emília, Brazil
Carolina Ballester, Executive Director, IBBY; Mary E. Glenn, Chief, Sales and Marketing Section UN Publications, Department of Global Communications United Nations; Daniel Munduruku, author, Brazil; Elisa Ramírez Castañeda, author, sociologist, translator, Mexico; Ed Oner, illustrator, street artist, Morocco; Jöelle Betsey Maestracci, publisher, Editions Vizavi, Editions Pielo, Mauritius; Marit Alette Utsi, Deputy Director of Davvi Girji and Chair of the Board of Sálas - Sami newspaper and publishers association, Norway.
Organized by
Bologna Children's Book Fair
In cooperation with
United Nations Publications, Instituto Emília
With the support of
ITA-Italian Trade Agency and MAECI-Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation