Translators Cafè a BCBF

Il Caffè dei Traduttori è un centro di informazione, dibattito e scambio internazionale per i professionisti del settore del BCBF.
Da oltre 20 anni organizza un interessante programma di attività che comprende incontri con i diversi attori del mondo della traduzione libraria, workshop di traduzione e seminari. 

Nell'ambito del programma BolognaBookPlus, il ramo della BCBF dedicato all'editoria generale per adulti, si svolge un Forum sulla traduzione per gli operatori del settore. 

Highlights dal Translators Café di BCBF2024

Reading of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Working with CEATL (European Council of Literary Translators’ Associations) and FIT (International Federation of Translators), this BCBF initiative is all about the rights of young citizens on planet Earth.
The BCBF has put together a video programme of literary translators reading out the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child.
This venture follows on from a partnership at BCBF 2024 with the United Nations to bring together publishers, authors, and illustrators from around the globe for a collective and multilingual reading of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.

Dead Bunnies and Naked Bottoms. Meeting the Challenges of Children's Publishing Across Cultures

The love we feel for our children is universal. But the ways we raise our beloved children are specific to the cultures we live in. How we swaddle a newborn, how and what we feed a baby, where that baby sleeps, how we teach the child to use the potty, how we speak to that child as he or she grows, how we educate the child and introduce difficult subjects like death or divorce to them - all of our childrearing practices are embedded in cultural traditions that can feel non-negotiable, even eternal. Even our most closely held beliefs about the nature of childhood can start to destabilize when we view them through the lens of a different culture. For children's publishers working across international markets, this raises unique challenges as we acquire books that originate in disparate cultural practices and mindsets. How do we choose which books can travel across borders? How do we work with editors, artists, and writers to create respectful foreign editions that are true to the essence of the original, but work within our markets? What are the limits of cross-cultural adaptation? Join a distinguished panel of publishers, illustrators, and foreign rights professionals for a lively discussion of cross-cultural successes and failures, taboos and proscriptions, and the ongoing search for best practices as we navigate the international children's books market. 

Literature as the driver of change. IBBY Italia towards the 39th IBBY World Congress 2024

From 30th August to 1st September 2024, Italy will hosted the 39th International Congress of IBBY - International Board on Books for Young People. More than 600 participants from the world of children's books (writers, illustrators, translators, publishers, librarians, booksellers, educators and reading promoters, scholars, trainers, volunteers, health professionals and more) gathered in Trieste from all continents around the main theme "Join the Revolution. Giving every child good books". Along the path leading to the Congress, IBBY Italia invited Roberto Innocenti (the first Italian author to receive the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 2008 after Gianni Rodari in 1970) to contribute to the theme of "Literature as a driver of change". Paola Vassalli, author and curator, Executive Board IBBY Italia and Valentina Zucchi, curator Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence will dialogue with the author on the role of literature, in particular youth literature, in building society and promoting revolutionary practices in education and within our communities. Introduced by Elisabetta Lippolis, Vice President IBBY Italia, coordinator IBBY Congress 2024