Isabelle Arsenault, winner of 2017 BRAW Children’s Books on Art, in conversation with Maria Russo, NYTimes

Convegni #BCBF17 | Isabelle Arsenault| vincitrice del BRAW 2017 Libri d’Arte per Ragazzi. Incontro internazionale dedicato al tema della categoria speciale del BRAW e ai libri d’arte per ragazzi come mezzo potente di alfabetizzazione estetica. L'arte è universale e l’editoria per ragazzi ha il grande merito di tutelare, preservare, diffondere la conoscenza del patrimonio artistico dell’umanità. Isabelle Arsenault, illustratrice di CLOTH LULLABY – The woven life of Louise Bourgeois, libro vincitore del BolognaRagazzi Award 2017 - sezione speciale Arte, in dialogo con Maria Russo, children’s books editor al New York Times, STATI UNITI #BCBF17 Conferences | Isabelle Arsenault| winner of 2017 BRAW Children’s Books on Art and Artists. Focusing on this year's special Braw category, this international meeting will look at art books for young readers and their all important role in teaching visul and aesthetic literacy. Art is universal and the children's publishing industry has the important job of safeguarding, preserving and understanding of the world's artistic heritage. Isabelle Arsenault, illustrator of CLOTH LULLABY – The woven life of Louise Bourgeois, winner in the BolognaRagazzi Award 2017 - Art section, in conversation with Maria Russo, children’s books editor at New York Times, USA Link to Bologna Children's Book Fair web site and social medias: Official hashtag of the Exhibition: #BCBF17