AGENDA - 9 aprile 2024
10:00 Welcome from Chair, Jacks Thomas, Guest Director BolognaBookPlus
10:05 The author’s view
10:15 The publishing ecosystem, Understanding how publishing works, Seonaid Macleod, Hachette Children’s
10:45 The role of the literary agent, Louise Lamont, LBA Books, UK; How a literary agent differs from a publisher or rights professional
11:10 The role of scouts, Rosalind Ramsay, Scout
11:35 Break
11:45 In Conversation: making the relationships work, from an agent’s perspective Luigi Bonomi, LBA Books, with Jo Henry, BookBrunch
12:15 Panel Discussion: author representation around the world Lora Fountain, France, Sofia di Capita, Spain, Evy Tillman, Norway, Emily Chuang, Taiwan. Chair, Jacks Thomas.
13:00 End