Marina Huguet (Founder & Agent) Email:
MARINA BOOKS is a children's and YA books agency founded in 2023. The agency represents internationally renowned and award-winning catalogues from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The agency is run by Marina Huguet, former Foreign Rights Manager at Flamboyant. With a background in literary translation and international sales, Marina is committed to making high-quality and engaging picture books travel across languages and countries (she has sold books to 35 languages). She was Shortlisted for the LBF International Excellence Awards 2021 in the The Rights Professional Award for her accomplishments in rights sales.
Diversità e integrazione Fantasy Narrativa Racconti Saggistica Umorismo
(21-101) Attività manuali (21-102) Libri cartonati (21-103) Libri da colorare (21-104) Fumetti e romanzi a fumetti (21-110) Corsi di lingua (21-113) Albi illustrati (21-119) Libri senza parole
(A) pre-school (B) Early readers (C) Middle grade (D) Young adults
Avellaneda, 16 – 1 08201 Sabadell – Barcelona , SPAGNA