Translation @BBPlus2024

La traduzione è un pilastro fondamentale delle fiere internazionali del libro, e BBPlus non fa eccezione.
Al Rights Centre e presso gli stand degli espositori è possibile acquistare e vendere diritti di traduzione, per permettere a storie e informazioni di viaggiare in tutto il mondo.

Il nostro forum annuale “Business of Translation” è dedicato a due temi attuali nel settore. Nel 2023 la prima parte dell'evento ha riguardato premi e riconoscimenti, mentre la seconda è stata dedicata allo scouting per la traduzione di libri. 

Il Translation Forum si è tenuto Mercoledì 10 aprile 2024.


10:00- 10:50
Books From Taiwan 1: Discover and Translate 

Catrina Liu, Project Manager, Books from Taiwan; Shin Su, MD, Bk Agency; Kim Pai, Founder, The PaiSha Agency, Daniel Hahn, author and translator.

Taiwan is home to a wealth of literature waiting to be discovered. Covering a range of genres from fiction to manga to children’s books, Taiwan agents and publishers are the gateway to undiscovered and yet to be translated books. With a generous translation grant available for rights buying publishers, this session will highlight how to engage with Taiwan and where to look for its hidden gems.

Translation Forum 2. Marketing and Promotion of Books in Translation: Who, How and Why?

Merve Yavuzdemir, TEDA Translation Grant Project; Katharina Bielenburg, Tamer Said, Sharjah Literary Agency; Porter Anderson, Publishing Perspectives.

In various book markets worldwide, a significant portion of the literature available is comprised of translations from foreign languages into the native language. Publishers and booksellers face the task of effectively marketing and selling these translated books to the general public. One key question arises: do marketing and promotion techniques differ for translated literature? Additionally, what challenges and opportunities do publishers and booksellers encounter in the sale of translated books? Moreover, how does the author and translator contribute to the marketing process when their book is available in multiple languages? Lastly, the panel will provide practical steps and advice for creating a successful campaign for translated literature.