In 2023 the first half looked at prizes and grants, and the second, on scouting for books in translation.
10.00-10.50 – The Literary Translation Forum part 1: The Power of Prizes and Grants
On 6 October in Manhattan, NYC, this roundtable on the theme of books in translation took place. Rights buying and selling is the core of all international book fairs, and translation rights are centre stage within the rights arena. An august group of experts gathered, representing all aspects of the translation world, from agents to booksellers and translators and publishers. Nicole Bond, Simon & Schuster; Soumeya Roberts HG Literary; Danny Baror, the Baror International Agency; Michael Reynolds, Europa Editions; Kris Kliemann, Kliemann & Company; Agnes Ahlander Turner, Maria B Campbell Associates; Ben Schrank, Astra Publishing House; Sarah McNally, McNally Jackson; Allison Markin Powell, translator, and Rachel Deahl, Publishers Weekly moderating.
In addition to the roundtable discussion, six participants shared individual views in a series of five-minute vox pops on aspects of translation.