BolognaRagazzi Awards - How to take part


Entering books for The BolognaRagazzi Award is free of charge and reserved exclusively for publishers.
Books may only be entered by a publisher. Authors or illustrators wanting to have their book(s) entered for the competition must do so through their publisher.
Self-published books shall not be accepted. 

Publishers may submit one or more original works for each Award sector, provided entries were published within the dates given below: 

  • FICTION: original editions published for the first time during the period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2024
  • NON-FICTION: original editions published for the first time during the period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2024
  • COMICS: original editions published for the first time during the period 1 January 2023- 31 December 2024
  • OPERA PRIMA (DEBUT WORK): original editions published for the first time during the period 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2024
  • TODDLERS: original editions published for the first time during the period 1 January 2023 31 December 2024
  • SUSTAINABILITY: 17 GOALS FOR A BETTER FUTURE: original editions published for the first time during the period 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2024

Please note:

  1. There is no limit on the number of works a single publisher may enter. 
  2. The same work may not be entered for the fiction, non-fiction, toddlers or comics category at the same time. Works may, however, be submitted for ONE of four categories and also for the Opera Prima (Debut Work) or special category, provided the conditions governing these categories are met. The same work may be nominated in the OPERA PRIMA category and/or the special category and in only one of the other permanent categories (COMICS, FICTON, NON-FICTION, TODDLERS).
  3. Translated works may not be submitted for the Award.
  4. BolognaRagazzi Award is not a literary prize. Novels, short stories and works without a substantive illustrative content shall not be taken into consideration by the Jury.

Entries are closed.

To enter works for the BRAW, publishers must first register in the visitors area of the book fair website. Note that a publisher that is a BCBF exhibitor with a login for the exhibitor area will still have to register to the visitors area in order to enter books for BRAW.  

Once that is done, the publisher will need to register for BRAW by clicking on the BRAW box in their reserved area. Note that no email will be sent to the publisher at this point. 

Once registered as publisher - BRAW Registry - STEP1 -, publishers should then complete BRAW Book - STEP 2  for each book they intend to present. The candidate book cards will always be visible in the visitors area.

Once your book(s) have been successfully entered online, 3 copies of each volume must be sent to the Organizing Secretariat in the period from 5 October 2024 to 15 January 2025.
Please note that books arriving after this date shall not be accepted for the competition.

Your parcel must contain:

  • 3 copies of EACH book entered
  • A copy of the Book Card (you can print it in Braw Book - STEP2) in EACH of the 3 copies sent in
  • A printed copy of the Publisher Sheet: you can print it in Braw Registry - STEP1
  • Our BRAW Packaging Label must be affixed to the outside of each parcel sent. This packaging label can be downloaded from "Braw Book - STEP2".

NB: Books entered at different times during the submission period may be sent separately, provided they comply with the instructions given above and arrive within the deadline also given above. 

Please note: if a book has been entered for more than one BRAW category, 3 copies of each book, each with an Information Sheet, must be sent for EACH category entered. 

Parcels must arrive from 5 October 2024 to 15 January 2025. Parcels may be sent by post, courier service, or hand-delivered to:

c/o Giannino Stoppani Cooperativa Sociale
Via Nosadella 51/a
Telephone: +39 051 587055 /+39 051 6154463

Please note:

  • All titles must be received by the BolognaRagazzi Award Secretariat carriage paid. All titles must be received by the BolognaRagazzi Award Secretariat carriage paid. All titles coming from outside the European Union must be sent with prepayment of all customs clearance and delivery costs (carriage paid to domicile cleared through customs). Please note that the books received shall have no commercial value for BolognaFiere. It is therefore recommended that for customs purposes a value be indicated that is consistent with publications forwarded for the sole purpose of participation in a competition.
  • Shipments from outside the European Union must be accompanied by an invoice (a pro-forma invoice is also allowed) with a total greater than zero, placed on the parcel in a place that is accessible to the customs office without opening the parcel. The invoice should bear the following header: BOLOGNARAGAZZI AWARDS - C/O GIANNINO STOPPANI COOPERATIVA SOCIALE - Via Nosadella 51/a - 40123 Bologna - VAT code/CF 03393330372.
    Only those titles, the three copies of which contain a completed BOOK CARD, arriving in packages containing a copy of the Publisher Sheet shall be eligible to enter the competition. BolognaFiere declines any liability in the event of non-delivery or late arrival of the titles submitted.
  • We strongly advise you to send your parcel(s) in good time since the expiry date for receipt is close to the holiday season when delivery times might be considerably delayed. We advise shipment by express courier rather than by post for parcels sent near the expiry date. In any event, we recommend using a shipment method with a parcel tracking service. Posting the tracking code of your parcel on your reserved area will assist our Organizing Secretariat to also keep track of your shipment.
  • Books received cannot be returned to sender.

The list of all the books entered for the competition will be published on the BCBF website during the month of January 2025. In February 2025, the Jury will meet to decide on the winners and mentions in each category. This will be followed by an official announcement of the results.

The award ceremony will be held in Bologna during BCBF from 31 March to 3 April 2025. 

  • The BRAW Award is one of the most prestigious prizes in children’s publishing
  • It’s a business opportunity for publishers, the winning books projected on to the international publishing stage
  • Books receiving prizes and mentions are given broad visibility, promoted both during the book fair and via online channels


The BRAW Award offers winners important visibility opportunities on the global publishing scene with: 


  • The Award Ceremony during the book fair
  • Meetings at the book fair and online dedicated to the authors, illustrators and publishers of the winning books
  • Showcasing of the winning books at the book fair
  • Publication and distribution at the book fair and online of a small booklet with details of the winners 
  • The BRAW page on the BCBF website with information sheets on each prize-winning publication
  • Promotion of winners on BCBF’s social network channels

A Jury of international experts will assess the works in the competition and chose a Winner and various Special Mentions for each category: FICTION, NON FICTION, OPERA PRIMA (Debut Work), COMICS, TODDLERS and SUSTAINABILITY. The Jury may also assign the special NEW HORIZONS Award to a particularly innovative work.