Strega Prize Ragazze e Ragazzi 2019

The winners of the Strega Prize Ragazze e Ragazzi 2019:
Luca Doninelli Tre casi per l’investigatore Wickson Alieni (Three Cases for Detective Wickson Alieni) (Bompiani) 
A collection of short stories revolving around the figure of Wickson Alieni, an investigator so ordinary that he is invisible in the eyes of the crooks whose unlikely misdeeds he foils in a London that is as English as it is surreal. A crackling writing style, in the sign of lightness and musicality, that lends itself to reading aloud.
Guido Sgardoli The Stone. La settima pietra (The Stone. The Seventh Stone) (Piemme)  
The Stone is an impetuous current. Thanks to a tense and precise language, it draws the reader into the mystery and entangles him/her in a web of adventures and relationships. The importance of not flinching in the face of truth, of facing the marvellous and coming to terms with one's fears is at the centre of a story with a Gothic-Irish atmosphere.

Anna Becchi was also awarded a prize for the translation of the finalist book Come ho scritto un libro per caso (How I Accidentally Wrote a Book) by Annet Huizing (La Nuova Frontiera Junior). 



 Category 6+

1.    Michelle Cuevas, Il fantastico viaggio di Stella, translated by T. Spagnoli (De Agostini)
2.    Luca Doninelli, Tre casi per l'investigatore Wickson Alieni, illustrated by  N. Donaldson (Bompiani)
3.    Anne Fleming, Una capra sul tetto, translated by  A. Ragusa, illustrated by J. Portillo (Mondadori Ragazzi)
4.    Michael Morpurgo, Lo sbarco di Tips, translated by  M. Rullo, illustrated by  M. Foreman (Piemme)
5.    Ingunn Thon, Olla scappa di casa, translated by  A. Tonzig (Feltrinelli)

Category 11+

1.    Pierdomenico Baccalario, Le volpi del deserto (Mondadori Ragazzi)
2.    Annet Huizing, Come ho scritto un libro per caso, translated by A. Becchi (La Nuova Frontiera Junior)
3.    Maria Parr, Lena, Trille e il mare, tradotto da L. Barni (Beisler)
4.    Katherine Rundell, Capriole sotto il temporale, translated by  M. Pace (Rizzoli)
5.    Guido Sgardoli, The Stone. La settima pietra (Piemme)


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