Welcome to the BCBF Newsstand.
Italian and foreign magazines had prepared special issues on the occasion of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. Here you can rstill ead them!
A special thanks goes to the magazines’ publishers for having supported BCBF once again this year and for making their issues available to the BCBF’s visitors.


ANDERSEN is the Italian monthly news magazine about children's books, literature, publishing, reading promotion and cultural events. The magazine offers reviews, articles, columns on children's books.


It promotes the Premio Andersen, the most prestigious Italian award given to the best children’s books of the year, their writers, illustrators, publishers and the organisations that promote reading and culture for children in Italy. Unlike other awards, the selection of the Andersen Award does not take place by means of a call for entries, but is the result of the daily work carried out by the editorial staff of the monthly magazine Andersen  assisted by a network of professionals from the book supply chain.


2024 Chinese Children's Publishing:

Navigating Breakthroughs in a Complex Landscape




Giornale della Libreria

Magazine of Italian Publishers Association for people working with books and reading them 

Giornale della Libreria is the magazine on book publishing world published since 1888 by the Italian Publishers Association. We have a daily updated website (www.giornaledellalibreria.it) and we come out with 4 print issues each year.

The March 2025 issue opens with an overview of the industry market, an analysis of the 100 best-selling children's titles of 2024, and a series of interviews with publishers in this segment to explore what it means to publish books for today's young readers. The following article offers an in-depth look at AI applications that are already transforming the way we work—both inside and outside publishing houses. The March 2025 issue concludes with a feature on the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri Booksellers’ School, which kicked off the publishing year by bringing together top professionals from the global publishing industry to discuss the theme The Book Between Eternity and Change.

The magazine (distributed by subscription) has a weekly newsletter full of news and content, which you can subscribe to for free here.

Download your free copy at this link https://bit.ly/GdL032025


Hamelin 54 – Into the wild. Teenagers and adult fiction

Hamelin 54 – Into the wild. Teenagers and adult fiction
Curated by Hamelin

Into the Wild is born from a twenty-year experience of reading education practices with young adults and the resulting discoveries and reflections, from doubts, convictions, and second thoughts. In this journal, the collected voices investigate precisely those novels that move between reality and imagination, between past and future, between desire and the sense of bewilderment that characterizes adolescence, defined by the poet Gozzano as thoughtful. It is a collection of stories that calls into question the boundary between age, genres, forms of storytelling, and the relationship with the reading practice and the world, in search of an impossible ideal library for an elusive age. 


Hamelin 55 Oblò - Joëlle Jolivet

By Hamelin

This “Oblò” is dedicated to Joëlle Jolivet and was created in conjunction with the exhibition Troppo di tutto (“Too much of everything”), on the occasion of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair 2025. Jolivet is one of the most important and recognizable authors in the contemporary publishing scene, an eclectic artist who it is reductive to consider ‘only’ an illustrator for children because she has never stopped working on graphics, posters, images for the press, book covers, comics. The volume retraces her career, examining her poetics, style, method, behind-the-scenes, and the motivations of a job that is truly too much of everything. 


Il Mignolo

 "Il Mignolo" is the quarterly supplement of the historic review magazine L'Indice dei Libri del Mese. It is aimed at adults—parents, teachers, booksellers, and librarians—and is dedicated to children's and young adult literature, covering everything from preschool to young adulthood. Directed by writer Sara Marconi, it serves as a guide for navigating an ever-expanding and fast-paced publishing sector, offering columns, bibliographic reviews, thematic insights, and monographs.

Sara Marconi, in her editorial, presents the March 2025 issue:
"We open with an article on the power of games, and then we talk about poems that become compasses, storms, and blankets; about space journeys; about bizarre scientific curiosities; about books that make us breathe history; about tiny readers, militant readers, young and combative publishers; about provocative and powerful stories; about strange, adventurous, and unique children."

The illustrations and cover are by Kris Di Giacomo, a Franco-American illustrator.



LiBeR 146 - Enriched Identity: Stories of Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in School and in the Library


The presence in Italy of children and young people with family origins in other countries is a widespread fact in a society that is destined to become increasingly multicultural and multilingual. In this context, the new generations are more involved and aware. The students “with non-Italian citizenship” in our country (as defined in the Ministry of Education’s annual reports) number almost one million, but the vast majority were born in Italy, and they have long represented a vibrant component of our communities. They attend schools, parks, playgrounds, and libraries. Having a classmate or playmate whose family comes from different backgrounds is not considered a problem, nor does it arouse fears or surprise among the young. However, this is not always the case for parents, for adults, for politicians. Education for coexistence and citizenship for all needs care, intentionality, effective words and actions. And it needs stories and good practices like those recounted and collected in this issue through the experiences of schools, libraries, hospitals, with contributions from teachers, writers, and scholars working in both large and small realities across our country. As usual, the experiences are accompanied by plenty of reading recommendations on the subject. Contributions by Vinicio Ongini, Manuela Trinci, Marco Dallari, Felicita Rubino, Tiziana Scemi, Monica Caiazzo, Cristina Manea, Michele Arena, Diana Cesarin, Patrizia Sopranzi, Francesca Pepi, Maria Rosaria Colagrossi, Fiamma De Salvo, MCE Genova, Rossana Maranto, Antonella Capetti, Gabriela Zucchini. With the interview of Letizia Soriano to Laura Izzi and two conversations: Franco Lorenzoni dialogues with Ilaria Tagliaferri and Sumaya Abdel Qader with Fausto Boccati. Online, on our website LiBeRWEB, the interview of Sibilla Ponzi to Vera Gheno is also available. In this issue, which has the editorial “A World of Worlds”, curated by Sandra Gesualdi and Federica Petti, the illustrations are made by the students of Mimaster Illustrazione Milano, whom we thank for their valuable contribution.


Leggere: tutti

Since 2005 alongside the readers, Leggere:tutti is a monthly freelance magazine focused on books and reading.

It organizes several cultural events, like “Una Nave di Libri Per Barcellona", "Food&Book" e "aMare Leggere". 

Il Pepeverde

Number 21 - January/March
Youth readings and literatures

Pepeverde is a magazine of literature and readings for young people. It is meant for teachers, librarians, cultural operators, and parents. The magazine provides information on trends and news in the field of children's literature and the most important Italian and foreign cultural events. It addresses relevant questions on the developments of current editorial production. With a focus on both history and the great classics of literature, Pepeverde also explores current trends, including video games, comics, TV series, and the digital world. The magazine is also known for its 'schede', which is a section dedicated to reviews of the latest noteworthy releases from large Italian publishing houses or independent ones.

Pepeverde is published by Edizioni Conoscenza, a publishing house specializing in the School, University, and Research sectors, which places itself at the service of the profession, with proposals designed to train the critical spirit and open to new points of view and keys to reading.


The Bookseller - Day 1

At the heart of the book trade since 1858

The Bookseller is the essential source of information for the book trade, with official book sales charts, previews of upcoming books, market analysis, in-depth articles and career opportunities in the industry. We also run the British Book Awards and a calendar of outstanding industry events