Introduction and welcome from chair
Jason Bartholomew
Keynote: What benefits do agents bring?
Michèle Roberts with Jacks Thomas
The publishing ecosystem
Understanding how publishing works
Seonaid Macleod, Hachette
The role of the literary agent
Isobel Gahan, Curtis Brown
- Qualifications, skills and experience
- How a literary agent differs from a publisher or rights professional
- Why writers need literary agents
In Conversation: making the relationships work, from an agent’s perspective
Luigi Bonomi, LBABooks Agency with Tom Tivnan, The Bookseller
Panel Discussion: what if my country doesn’t use literary agents?
Karolina Jaszecka, Poland; Benas Berantas, Lithuania; Stephanie Barrouillet, Israel
Success story: learning from the best
Kardelen Genç, Kalim Agency, success in Turkey and the world