Le coq polyglotte (The Multilingual Cockerel)       

Text and illustrations: Marie Darme-Rizzo
Publisher: Hélium
Country: France, 2024

What the jury said: 
Elegant, direct, brilliant, this ingenious hardback book uses a customary format to take the reader on an original linguistic journey to discover the crow of the rooster, interpreted differently, as is well known, in different languages. The book invites adult and child readers alike to play together with the sounds of the languages, from Japanese to Italian, from Swahili to Kabyle, Greek to Vietnamese, Icelandic to Ukrainian, while the typography serves to accompany and amplify the sounds. An excellent piece of publishing work, the graphics and chromatic palette were clearly studied in great detail, the book is destined to be read many times over. The map of the world at the end of the book invites the reader to play with other countries and languages, and expresses the broad horizon of this cultural proposal.




Text: Cibrán Rico López and Suso Vázquez Gómez
Illustrations: Álvaro Valiño
Publisher: Fabulatorio
Country: Spain, 2024

What the jury said:  
This unusual die-cut hardback concertina has a design with a strong chromatic and conceptual impact, and offers a reading that sees the numerical structure as a pretext for narration and discovery. It unfolds on different levels to involve readers in exploring the sequence of pages and the enjoyable body of this solid book object. In one direction, the numbers are accompanied by images inhabited by small holes, in progression, and in the corner of the page the corresponding number appears in nine different languages. In the other, all you can see are the small holes and the tiny figures standing out against the black like stars in a night sky. The book can therefore be read in both directions, with a synesthetic experience that plays with addition and subtraction.