The New Title Showcase

The New Title Showcase is an official exhibit at the heart of BolognaBookPlus.

The showcase is an attractive, low-budget way for publishers and authors to have their titles on display, both print and digital, at major international book fairs, and in prime exhibiting locations. Official exhibit means high visibility, promotion and traffic, and will help drive the audience, including book buyers, publishers, agents, media, librarians and more, to your books and ebooks.

Every title entered will also be included in an online searchable database. Each database will contain the same information as the exhibit catalogue (including important title and company information) in addition to images of each title. Your information will be included on the database for one full year.

New Title Showcase is managed by Combined Book Exhibit, our partners in the US.



  • What can I expect from displaying my book at shows?
    Most of the book shows CBE attends are professional shows which means librarians, booksellers, distributors, educators, agents and film production companies attend these shows. No direct sales are initiated at these shows but rather the attendees are there to collect information on books and other media they are interested in purchasing. These professionals then place their orders in bulk through distributors like Ingram and Baker & Taylor to maximize their discounts. Distributors order directly from the publishers. We take photos of all the books on display. If you are interested in receiving a photo of your book, please make that request to Due to the number of books on display, we cannot report on how an individual book was received at the show. Rather, we can report on the number of attendees registered at the show and a general report on the activity in the CBE booth.
  • Are books purchased at the shows?
    No, there is no direct selling of books at these shows. CBE shows are a means to promote your book for discoverability. All the title and company information you supplied when you registered will be included in our print exhibit catalog which is handed out free of charge at the show. In addition, your information will also be available on our online catalog which is searchable by author, title and subject. The online catalog is live for a period of two years.
  • Shipping Your Book After Show Registration
    It is the responsibility of the author or person registering for show(s) to send us one (1) copy of their book for EACH show that is registered. The shipping instructions with the address to send the book(s) will be in the confirmation email after successfully registering.