When: 7 March 2023
Medium: Physical Event
Language: English
This event is curated by BolognaBookPlus
This is a new half -day training event that will provide invaluable information on all that being a literary agent entails.
It presumes no prior knowledge and goes through the essentials step-by-step. It is ideal for those who wish to start a career, or set up an agency in this sphere. The role of the scout is also covered.
Chair: Jamie Hodder Williams
10:00 Introduction Jamie Hodder Williams
10:05 Keynote: Loyd Grossman, Historian and Author
10:15 The publishing ecosystem
10:45 The role of the literary agent, Maria Cardona Serra, Aevitas Creative
11:10 Scouts: their place and role, Ros Ramsay, Scout
11:30 Break
11:40 In Conversation: making the relationships work, from an agent’s perspective
12:10 Panel Discussion: Around the world with - or without - Agents
12:50 End