This event is curated by BolognaBookPlus, in collaboration with ArgentoVivo
Bologna Book Plus confirms for 2023 its attention to authors and writers - whether they want to publish with a publisher, to self-publish or make writing their job - offering them two unique days of training and updating.
The profession of writing, lectio magistralis– Sara Rattaro
Writing is a profession and like all professions it has rules. Our culture often portrays writers as individuals dominated primarily by talent and inspiration and often this is considered to be enough to tell a story. The reality is very different. Of course the attitude towards writing and, even before, reading a lot, is fundamental but to tell a story or better, to make sure that a reader does not abandon you until the last line, there is much more needed. In our toolbox there are many valuable tools, indispensable and not always easy to find.
The suitcase of the writer for kids – Alessandra Berello
Writing a kid’s book is a journey for which the author must prepare a very specific baggage. First of all, in your suitcase you have to put some tools to evaluate if your book corresponds to what the public and the market are willing to accept.
Then, some tricks to recognize which publisher is the right one.
Indications to package and present your work in the best way.
And something to get ready for everything that happens next.
Writing screenplays, from the idea to the screen – Cristina Borsatti
What is the process that brings a script to the screens? In this meeting will be shown to those who propose one’s work, how to prepare an effective pitch and what to pay attention to make one’s passion a real professional activity.
Not only drawing: writing comic books – Alex Crippa
Writing a story that will become a novel is different from writing a story that will become a comic. It’s always about stories, but while the style of the writer is an integral part of the work, the style of a comic writer must be interpreted by an illustrator.
The essential elements of a good detective story – Paolo Roversi
The journey of the detective story: from writing to publication to the promotion of a genre novel. Ideas, suggestions and strategies to get by (and earn) with the most beloved literary genre in Italy.
Writing romantic stories – Edy Tassi
Romance fiction in recent years has been a driving force in publishing and romance novels are often at the top of the sales charts. What are the essential elements of the genre, capable of winning over not only readers but also publishers? Tips and suggestions to publish your novel and make it a success.
Not only drawing: writing comic books – Alex Crippa
Writing a story that will become a novel is different from writing a story that will become a comic. It’s always about stories, but while the style of the writer is an integral part of the work, the style of a comic writer must be interpreted by an illustrator.
Writing about sports – Federico Vergari
The sports story is increasingly entering into our lives, but what does it mean to write about sports? How to find the right story and how to tell it in the best possible way? And if you have a story that works, how can you "sell" it to newspapers and periodicals? This short workshop will answer these questions by trying to leave a toolbox from which - if necessary - to draw to perform at its best what according to many is the literary genre of the Twenties: The sports story.
In the course of the day you will take stock of the self-publishing market and, above all, will be given indications on how to promote and distribute your book independently and effectively.
Self-publishing in Italy – The market – Sara Speciani
Although it is not easy to have an accurate estimate (part of the self-production - the one without ISBN - is in no way investigable) the market of self publishing in Italy shows signs of vitality and increase, as confirmed by the trends and numbers available.9.30-10.10 AM Self-publishing in Italy
The data of self-publishing in Italy. Reflections and trends in the market and overview of the latest developments of platforms for self authors
Self-publishing: how to choose the distribution platform – Luana Prestinice
Analysis of the five main distribution platforms for self-publishers in Italy: Amazon
KDP, Youcanprint, Kobo Writing Life, Streetlib and Passionescrittore. For each distributor we will analyze the strengths and peculiarities, taking into account the technical level that the author must possess and the degree of autonomy to be able to sell their book, promotion opportunities and the possibility of obtaining specialized and professional support during all stages of self-publishing.
Self-publishing abroad - Clive Herbert
The data of self-publishing abroad. Reflections and trends in the market and overview of the most interesting platforms for international markets
I have published. What now? The offline and online promotion – Chiara Beretta Mazzotta
Getting to publish, creating and selling your book on a platform is only a part of an editorial strategy that necessarily includes a valuable communication activity (this applies to self but also to those who publish with a traditional publisher). It is essential to be in conversation with “ideal”readers, both online and offline and to not confuse promotion with advertising. This means knowing the difference between traditional editorial marketing and digital marketing, and between direct and non-direct promotion.
I have published. What now? The distribution – Renato Salvetti
Communicating is the first important step, but only an efficient distribution allows you to sell books
Amazon store: a separate marketplace – Marco Luigi Palma
Regardless of which platform you self-publish with, the Amazon store is essential to sell your books, whether you are publishers or self-publishers. But what are the opportunities for promotion and visibility in the store for a self author?
Round table with the authors
Bologna Book Plus confirms for 2023 its attention to authors and writers - whether they want to publish with a publisher, to self-publish or make writing their job - offering them two unique days of training and updating.
Why participate in Writing & Self-Publishing @BBPLUS2023?
Because it is the first professional exhibition event for those who love to write and want to work with the words:
Because it is the only event that offers an overview of the international market
Amitrani is an Italian Canadian author publishing independently in Italian and English since 2013. He provides through his platform (Credi Nella Tua Storia) tips and best practices for writers who want to self-publish their books and promote them effectively. He has been a speaker at events about writing, self-publishing, and book marketing in North America and Italy.
Passionate about children’s literature since she learned to read, she transformed her passion into a profession. She has worked as a literary translator (Adelphi), writer for children (Einaudi Ragazzi, deagostini) and editor at the transmedia company Atlantyca, where she is responsible for the Publishing department. For two years she has directed the editorial brand for children Marietti Junior. She is the author of the essay "Scrivere per ragazzi" published by Editrice Bibliografica.
Editor, scout and journalist, she founded the editorial agency Beretta Mazzotta, her virtual home is BookBlister, for twelve years on Saturday morning she woke up listeners of Radio 105 with Books in ColaCione that from 2022 have become Libri a colazione, an indie podcast. She created Edday, a course platform dedicated to publishing and narrative writing.
Giovanni Bogani is film critic of "Quotidiano Nazionale" ("La Nazione", "Il resto del Carlino", "Il Giorno"). He has collaborated with numerous national and international magazines, from "Film Tv" to "Variety", with numerous newspapers and specialized websites, including mymovies.
Ancora un attimo, per favore, released on the platform, is among the best-selling books, among the over forty thousand in the catalog of the platform.
Writer, self-publisher and co-founder (together with Lea Landucci) of the LGP Graphics and more agency, which offers editorial services of graphics and promotion for authors and authors. She began writing on Wattpad in 2013, in 2017 she moved to the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform, selling over 50,000 copies with her novels. In 2019 she published with Adriano Salani Editore Punizione divina. She collaborated with RAI Radio 2 for the program Ovunque6 telling her life as an author for a week. Every day she is active on her social media (Instagram, Facebook and TikTok) where she shares the progress of her work, her personal achievements and the stories of everyday life.
Born in '74, Alex Crippa is a comic book and animated series writer, and a screenwriting teacher at the Scuola del Fumetto in Milan.
Clive Herbert has worked in the book trade for over 20 years, starting as a branch manager and Fiction buyer for James Thin before joining the head office team in Edinburgh as the Group Buying Manager. Joining Nielsen BookData in 2002 in the role of Publisher Relations Manager and then as Head of Publishing Services he has worked with publishers large and small, helping them to improve the quality of their bibliographic data to support their sales and marketing activities. In 2017 Clive started a new role as Head of Professional Services and now heads up the Nielsen BookData Technical Support team encompassing the technical aspects of e-commerce and the supply chain including account management. Other responsibilities include managing the Registration Agency, which supplies ISBN's and SAN's to the UK book trade, and he continues to encourage publishers and promote the benefits of good metadata throughout the global book trade.
Social media architect, actress and writer. She is the president of the association of social promotion ATTOUNO - creative culture and co-founder (together with Paola Chiozza) of the agency LGP Graphics and more. Graduated with honors in computer engineering at the University of Florence, after her PhD in social emerging media she worked in academia as a researcher for more than ten years, dealing with new technologies applied to cultural heritage and working as interaction designer and high-tech content curator. In the same year of graduation, she graduated in contemporary theatre and since then she has been involved in theatrical improvisation as a teacher and performer throughout Italy. After her experience as a self-publisher, in 2020 she published her first novel Mai una gioia for Sperling & Kupfer, followed by a novel and a short novel. She manages the Chicklit Italia blog and social profiles (on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook platforms).
Barbara Malaisi writes the blog She has published numerous books, including cui Il Tarot spiegato a mia figlia. Divertirsi e pensare con i 22 Arcani Maggiori dei Tarocchi, EUM, 2019; Un castello di carte. Per una lettura semiotarologica de “Il castello dei destini incrociati” by Italo Calvino, Aracne, 2019; Taronomia. Principi, metodo e deontologia della pratica tarologica, Youcanprint, 2020; Tarotelling autobiografico. Scrivere di sé con i Tarocchi, Youcanprint, 2022; Quaderno di giochi tarologici. 22 esercizi con il Tarot per affinare l’arte della lettura, Youcanprint, 2023. Currently, he is working on his first novel, "22", soon to be released, in which the Tarot cards will be the protagonists. She is present on Facebook and Instagram, with the page Barbara Malaisi Autrice.
Gratuated with a Master’s degree, he is Book Marketing Specialist and supports authors in all the promotional aspects.
Luana Prestinice is an avid reader with a passion for technology and marketing. With the arrival of eBooks in Italy in 2011 she decided to combine her passions giving life to the Self-Publishing Italia project. She promotes a professional approach to self-publishing, believing that it is the half prince through which authors can have full control of their books, starting from writing to online promotion, becoming full-fledged publishers of themselves.
Her debut Sulla sedia sbagliata is published in 2010 by Morellini Editore. In 2012 Un uso qualunque di te te is published by Giunti. Non volare via wins the 2014 Premio città di Rieti. Niente è come te won the 2015 Premio Bancarella. In March 2016 she published Splendi più che puoi (2016 Premio Rapallo Carige and 2017 Fenice Europa). In March 2017 she published with Sperling & Kupfer L'amore addosso (2018 Premio Letteraria) and with Mondadori the first novel for kidsi Il cacciatore di sogni (2019 Premio Legambiente). In 2018 she published the novels Uomini che restano (Premio Cimitile 2018) and Andiamo a vedere il giorno and in 2019 Sentirai parlare di me and Con te non ho paura. She teaches writing at the University of Genoa and directs the writing school La fabbrica delle storie in Milan. La giusta distanza, una felicità semplice and Un uso qualunque di te-10 anni dopo published by Sperling & Kupfer are her latest novels.
Paolo Roversi is a writer, journalist, screenwriter and podcaster. He lives in Milan. He collaborates with newspapers and magazines and is the author of subjects for television series. His novels are translated into eight languages and from his books were drawn theater performances and short films. With the novel La mano sinistra del diavolo (Marsilio) he won the 2007 Camaiore of crime fiction.
With the novel Solo il tempo di morire (Marsilio) he won the 2015 Premio Selezione Bancarella and the 2015 Premio Garfagnana in Giallo.
With the novel Pyschokiller (Sem) he won the 2020 Scerbanenco Prize of readers.
With Black Money (Sem) he won the 2022 Selection Prize Bancarella.
He founded the festival of crime fiction Nebbiagialla, the platform MilanoNera, the academy of crime fiction of Milan and Noirlab. He teaches at the Holden school in Turin.
Graduated in Business administration at Ca Foscari, he has been working for 30 years in the publishing field and he is currently Managing Director of Messaggerie Libri (physical book distribution), Edigita (digital book distribution), Lampi di Stampa (print on demand), vice president operating of C&M Books Logistics (logistics) and Director of Alcor System (software ERP-managerial for the publishers). In the past he has been Director of the Milan Headquarters of FIEG (Federazione Italiana Editori Giornali) for which he has developed projects for the modernization and rationalization of the distribution chain and Deputy General Manager of Touring Editore.
Edy Tassi has been in publishing for 20 years. She has translated almost ninety books for Harlequin Mondadori, Piemme, Feltrinelli, Morellini and Kowalski and is the author of two romance novels and a romantic comedy: Ballando con il fuoco, Effetto Domino and, with journalist Gloria Brolatti, Non c'è gusto senza te. On her website,, he talks about translation and writing.
Journalist, he deals with culture, sport and current affairs. He has worked in AIE (Associazione Italiana Editori) editing eleven editions of Più libri più liberi, the independent publishing fair in Rome. He currently collaborates with the Turin Book Fair and collaborates in the direction of "Spiegamelo! Festival of divulgation" held every year in Salsomaggiore Terme. He published Le sfide dei campioni. Emozionanti imprese tra i grandi dello sport (2019) and Vittorie imperfette. Storie di donne e uomini che non si sono arresi (2020).
Italian self publishing platform. The writers who have chosen to self-publish their book with Youcanprint are now more than 23 thousand. Alessandro De Giorgi and Donato Corvaglia are the founders.