Valeria Mari (Director/Editor)
Claraboya was born at the end of 2016 and has a catalog of 35 illustrated books, some of which have been recommended and finalists of awards in the US, Bologna, Germany and Chile, such as the White Ravens List, the Cuatrogatos Foundation, Bologna Ragazzi Award, the Santiago National Literature Prize and the Chilean Ministry of Culture Prize. They are also recognized and acquired by foundations, institutions and local libraries. We work with Birds of a feather Agency for rights´sales and we are currently working with distributors in US, Colombia, Spain, Uruguay. We love working on innovative illustrated projects with new and also renowned artists, with a focus on picture books, poetry and short fiction. We would love to incorporate new titles from other countries and offer our chilean books to the world.
Príncipe de Gales 8870
7850000 Santiago , CILE