In Prof. Sven Völker's Picture Book Lab at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, young talented artists and authors create new picture books for children and adults. The focus is on the artistic "making" of picture books, which involves a close connection between text and image as well as materials, format, dramaturgy, interaction and abstraction. Students write and illustrate their books from the first simple idea to a complex medium. We see ourselves as storytellers who work with word and image in equal measures.
Arts Biographies Disabilities Diversity and Inclusion Fairy Tales Fantasy Fiction Food & Health Geography History Hobbies & Leisure Horror Humour LGBT Non-Fiction Philosophy Politics & Social Sciences Science & Nature
(21-101) Activity books (21-102) Board books (21-104) Comics & Graphic Novels (21-106) Educational books (21-113) Picture books (21-114) Poetry (21-117) Tactile books (21-119) Wordless books
Kiepenheuerallee 5
14469 Potsdam , GERMANIA