The Office of Teaching the Catholic Religion in Schools Archibishop's Administration (Curia) of Bologna, Via Altabella 6/C 40126 Bologna Tel. 051-6480750 - Fax. 051-235207 - e-mail Pre-school publishing for ages 0-6, School publishing for ages 6-14, School publishing for ages 14-18, General publishing, on-line and off-line multimedia products and services in support of learning and didactics, general scholastic workbooks for pre-school and elementary school education. The Office of Teaching the Catholic Religion (IRC) in schools is the body of the Archbishop's Administration (Curia) of Bologna in charge of teaching this subject in the public schools in the Bologna diocese (which corresponds roughly to the province's area). In Italy the IRC is an integral part of the Ministry of Education's pre-university scholastic curriculum, and it shares its methods and goals. To attain its objectives, the office operates in four areas: it selects the teachers; it proposes text books and didactical supports produced by third parties; it produces its own "pro manuscripto" multimedia teaching material by means of sharing the professional experience of its teachers; it also holds courses for training and updating its teachers.
Via Altabella 6/c
40126 Bologna BO, ITALIA