BCBF Events Programme

You have time until 30 September to see again our exciting events programme online who took part from 14 to 17 June: award ceremonies, international conferences, talks, masterclasses, webinars, live streaming, interviews and meetings.

The presentation sheet will indicate the link allowing you to connect to the recorded videos.


Scholastic Scholastic

domenica 20 marzo 2022


20 marzo



How to Sell Rights and Understand Licensing in Children’s books

Paid Event

This training event will ensure that you understand the cornerstone of copyright, and the essential steps of rights selling, whether you are starting off, or considering a career in rights; are in your first year or two and wish to consolidate the basics; you work in contracts or related areas, or you are a self-published children’s author.

Organizzato da


lunedì 21 marzo 2022

Authors Café

21 marzo



Almeno questi - bibliografia di base della biblioteca per bambini e ragazzi 2021

Presentazione della nuova edizione della bibliografia Almeno questi! prodotta dal Centro regionale di servizi per le biblioteche per ragazzi - promosso da Regione Toscana e Comune di Campi Bisenzio e attivo presso la Biblioteca Tiziano Terzani (Villa Montalvo). La bibliografia è unica nel suo genere per ampiezza di copertura editoriale e risponde a un’esigenza diffusa e fortemente sentita da bibliotecari, insegnanti e operatori interessati alla lettura giovanile: quella di poter usufruire di una finestra panoramica, costruita con criteri ispirati da scelte qualitative, sui libri in commercio per bambini e ragazzi. L'evento prevede la presentazione della nuova edizione e un breve approfondimento su alcuni dei testi selezionati.


Ilaria Tagliaferri, director, LiBeR

Organizzato da


L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Inside the agency - The Bright Agency

Agency Representation: how it works with Lucie Luddington from The Bright Agency (UK)


Coordinator: Donatella Lombello

In collaborazione con

The Bright Agency

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21 marzo



La biblioteca scolastica e la sua reputazione

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


ITA translation: ENG

How to self-publish in Italy and abroad

Paid Event

A half-day conference on the variety of publishing paths available to aspiring authors, led by speakers from across the globe, looking at the Italian market and beyond, with impressive experience in publishing, marketing and selling. Self-publishing is in increasingly recognised and popular route for aspiring authors to get their work published. There are many options of platforms and services available, and the successful self-published names are likely to get the attention of traditional publishers, and can result in hybrid options, creating wider audiences, recognition, and sales. Getting started is often the biggest challenge. This event will guide aspiring authors, and those in the beginning of their writing careers through the knowledge and skills that are required to navigate the self-publishing journey, and learn how to get your book into international markets.


Organizzato da


In collaborazione con


21 marzo


Opening Ceremony

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21 marzo




Paid Event

An in-depth look at the latest trends in Kids Entertainment and Kids Licensing during a full day of meetings and talks with international sector players.

10 a.m. - 10.05 a.m. Welcome and Opening remarks

10.05 a.m. - 10.35 a.m. Opening Keynote Interview - From the Digital World to a Successful World Brand
How did a digital IP in no way linked to the broadcasting sector become a global licensing phenomenon, adored by children the world over? In this exclusive interview, we’ll be looking at how this extraordinary success story got off the ground, where it’s heading next, and how it has influenced, and continues to influence trends in the kids’ entertainment and licensing industry.
Interview with:
Simon Philips, Managing Director, Global Consumer Products, Moonbug Entertainment, USA
By Cristina Angelucci, Editor-in-Chief, Licensing Magazine, Italy

10.40 a.m. - 11.25 a.m. - The Digital Evolution of Licensing
Over the last few years - and especially as a result of the pandemic - brands have increasingly had to reinvent themselves, creating new opportunities in digital environments in order to target an increasingly eclectic, transmedia audience. We look at the most successful projects and their strategies with a group of expert sector professionals.
Moderator: Neal Hoskins, owner, WingedChariot, Poland
Joachim Knödler, Head of Licensing, Studio 100 Group, Germany
Sébastian Wehner, CEO and Founder, Wonderz, Germany
Silvia Figini, COO EMEA, India and Oceania Mr Men Worldwide, Sanrio Company Ltd., Italy

11.30 a.m. - 11.45 a.m. COFFEE BREAK

11.50 a.m. - 12.25 p.m. An Overview of European Licensing Trends
How is the licensing market evolving in the face of today’s many challenges? What are the must-follow trending topics in the eyes of sector experts? We talk to some of the most important players on the European market.
Moderator: Ben Roberts, Senior Content Strategist, License Global, UK
Maurizio Distefano, President and Owner, Maurizio Distefano Agency, Italy
Pau Pascual, VP Southern Europe, MENA & South Asia, WildBrain CPLG, Spain
Antonella Ceraso, International Consumer Products Director, DeAPlaneta Entertainment, Spain
12.30 p.m. – 1 p.m. The European Licensing Market in Figures
What kids and young adult brands are enjoying greatest appeal in Europe today? What the most popular brands to induce a greater propensity to buy licensed consumer goods? Together with BrandTrends and their special report compiled for this meeting, we’ll be looking at key European licensing trends.
Presentation by BrandTrends
Ivan Colecchia, SVP Global Development, BrandTrends, Italy

1 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. LUNCH BREAK

2.30 p.m. - 3.05 p.m. Children's Brands Enacting Real Social Change
How is the licensing industry embracing the transition to a sustainable future? In this session, we’ll be meeting licensors and manufacturers to find out how they are reducing their environmental footprint while positively impacting their Companies and promoting business growth. The session will be hosted by Products of Change, an organisation helping the licensing sector to bring about sustainable change.
Session organized in partnership with Products of Change
Moderator: Helena Mansell-Stopher, Founder & CEO, Products of Change, UK
Siobhan Galvin, Commercial Director of Magazines, Egmont, UK

3.10 p.m. - 3.45 p.m. Licensing & Retail
Experiential licensing can provide retailing with new ways of capturing the attention of an increasingly digital-oriented public. Living an experience rather than simply making a purchase and creating entertainment around a property than elicits an emotional response is to create a consumer and fan of a brand, not only for what that brand evokes but also for the emotions the brand experience has aroused. In this session, we’ll be looking at aspirational projects and success stories.
Moderator: Cristina Angelucci, Editor-in-chief, Licensing Magazine, Italy
Philippe Glorieux, Head of Marketing, Communications & Family Entertainment, IMPS The Smurfs, Belgium
David Tommaso, Marketing and Sales Director, Leolandia, Italy

3.45 p.m. – 4 p.m. COFFEE BREAK

4 p.m. - 4.25 p.m. Is it time to go beyond Gender in content for children and young people?
Changing social trends have made gender an increasingly topical issue in children's – and also very young children’s – content. How important is it to identify and differentiate the concept of gender in children's properties and content? Besides entertainment, how much does this also affect licensing and consumer goods? An exclusive study by The Insights Family will help us find out more.
Session organized in collaboration with The Insights Family
Will Pearce, Managing Director, The Insights Family, UK

4.30 p.m. – 5 p.m. Next Children’s Content challenges. Closing Keynote Interview
This closing Keynote interview will provide an overview of the latest market trends, including new content, prospects and what we should be looking out for in coming months, together with one of the main global industry key-player.
Interview with:
Mark Kingston, VP International Consumer Products - Paramount Global, UK
By Ben Roberts, Senior Content Strategist, License Global, UK

5 p.m. - 5.05 p.m. Wrap up


Simon Philips, Managing Director, Global Consumer Products, Moonbug Entertainment, USA;
Neal Hoskins, owner, WingedChariot, Polonia;
Joachim Knödler, Head of Licensing, Studio 100 Group, Germania;
Sébastian Wehner, CEO and Founder, Wonderz, Germania;
Silvia Figini, COO EMEA, India and Oceania Mr Men Worldwide, Sanrio Company Ltd., Italia;
Maurizio Distefano, president and owner, Maurizio Distefano Agency, Italia;
Pau Pascual, VP Southern Europe, MENA & South Asia, WildBrain CPLG, Spagna:
Antonella Ceraso, International Consumer Products Director, DeAPlaneta Entertainment, Spagna;
Ivan Colecchia, SVP Global Development, BrandTrends, Italia;
Helena Mansell-Stopher, Founder & CEO, Products of Change, UK;
Siobhan Galvin, Commercial Director of Magazines, Egmont, UK;
Philippe Glorieux, Head of Marketing, Communications & Family Entertainment, IMPS The Smurfs, Belgio;
David Tommaso, Marketing and Sales Director, Leolandia, Italia;
Will Pearce, Managing Director, The Insights Family, UK;
Mark Kingston, VP International Consumer Products - Paramount Global, UK;
Ben Roberts, Senior Content Strategist, License Global, UK;
Cristina Angelucci, Editor-in-Chief, Licensing Magazine, Italia

Organizzato da

BCBF and BLTF/Kids

In collaborazione con

Licensing Magazine

Sponsorizzato da

Maurizio Distefano The Evolution of Licensing

21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Martin Salisbury


Martin Salisbury, professor of Illustration, Cambridge School of Art

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Sharjah Guest of Honour programme - Both of “YOU”: visual exercises on self-representation

First hour with Wafa Ibrahim: the first exercise will consist in exploring the psychological characters of good and evil within “YOU” through lines and color schemes as patches to be used as collage in the second part of the workshop by Nasir Nasrallah.

Second hour with Nasir Nasrallah: the second exercise will consist in choosing two objects used in daily life and two animals that represent good and evil, then combine them together to create new creatures made up of animals and objects. Then, these creatures will be completed with the collage patches they have made in the first part of the workshop by Wafa Ibrahim.

MATERIALS: Paper, pencil, color pencils


Wafa Ibrahim Al Hosani, illustrator;
Nasir Nasrallah, illustrator

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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21 marzo



Lucca Comics & Games: the opportunities for young professionals

Organizzato da

Lucca Comics & Games

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21 marzo



United efforts. CEATL building strenght among literary translators


Shaun Whiteside President, TA, UK;
Lara Holbling Matkovic General secretary, DHKP, Croatia;
Miquel Cabal Guarro, Treasurer, AELC, Spain;
Justyna Czechowska, Vice-President, STL, Poland;
Francesca Novajra, Vice-president, AITI, Italy

Organizzato da

CEATL - Consiglio europeo delle associazioni di traduttori letterari

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


CH translation: ENG

The Painter and The Messenger: Animo Chen's creative process behind "The Short Elegy" and "Love Letter"

Taiwanese illustrator Animo Chen, winner of the BRAW in 2020 (WINNER in Comics-Young Adult category) and 2021 (SPECIAL MENTION in Poetry category), will share the creative process of his two award-winning books: the comics "The Short Elegy" and picture book "Love Letter". He will talk about his daily routines, inner-feelings, thoughts, and painting skills on creating these 2 books. He will also show how his stories evolved from the ideas and fragments to the final results. For Animo, every step is a condensation of affection and tireless practice of skills. Animo will tell how he made his own "fragments d'un discours" on reading other authors, talking about himself, and writing the future.


Animo Chen, illustrator, Taiwan

In collaborazione con

Taipei Book Fair Foundation

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21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Lucie Luddington (The Bright Agency)


Lucie Luddington, Senior agent, The Bright Agency

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21 marzo


FR translation ENG and ITA

Waiting for Three Dots: a meeting with Hervé Tullet

Hervé Tullet talks about Three Dots, giant play-sculptures that the artist donated to Bologna and the events preceding the arrival of the sculptures.


Hervé Tullet, author and illustrator of children's books, France;
Sophie Van der Linden, author and literary critic, France

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Salaborsa Ragazzi, Bologna Biblioteche, Franco Cosimo Panini, Bayard Editions

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


The Italian Book Market: facts & figures

An overview of the Italian book market in 2021 with the data on production, sales, reading, import and export of rights.


Piero Attanasio, head of public affairs, AIE;
Bruno Giancarli, editor, AIE

Organizzato da

AIE - Associazione Italiana Editori for BCBF and BBPlus

Sponsorizzato da

ITA - Italian Trade Agency; MAECI - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Portrait of an Author: Øyvind Torseter


Øyvind Torseter in conversation with Enrico Fornaroli

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

BCBF, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Norla – Norwegian Literature Abroad, Beisler Editore

Sponsorizzato da

MiC - Ministry of Culture - Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Dolores Prades


Dolores Prades, Consultant and Publisher, Instituto Emília and Estúdio Seringueira

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21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Ekaterina Kashirskaya


Ekaterina Kashirskaya, Publisher, A Walk Through History PH

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Riccardo Zanini (Diabolo Edizioni)


Riccardo Zanini, editorial director, Diabolo Edizioni

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

Sponsorizzato da

MiC - Ministry of Culture - Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


Translating Comics and Graphic Novel: challenges and opportunities in a global market

Il celebre fumettista statunitense Will Eisner ha introdotto il termine di "arte sequenziale" per definire la narrazione per immagini. Tre editori illustrano criteri, considerazioni e valutazioni che entrano in gioco nella selezione di un titolo da tradurre e le strategie di traduzione adottate.


Michele Foschini, Bao Publishing;
Emanuele Di Giorgi, Tunué;
Yaël Eckert e Jouda Fahari-Edine, Bayard

Moderator: Ivanka Hahnenberger, VIP Licensing

Organizzato da


L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Abracadabra! La magia del libro-gioco. Generazioni di autori ed editori a confronto tra progettazione creativa e produzione industriale


Emanuela Bussolati, autrice e progettista;
Diletta Colombo, libraia;
Loredana Farina, presidente Associazione Ts'Ai Lun 105 e co-fondatrice La Coccinella Edizioni;
Noemí Mercadé, direttrice editoriale, Combel Editorial;
Cecilia Porrino, graphic designer, vincitrice del bando "I libri gioco si fanno con le macchine" 2018;
Arianna Squilloni, fondatrice, A buen Paso Editorial

Organizzato da

Associazione Ts'ai Lun 105

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


The Winner of the BolognaRagazzi Award 2022 - Poetry Special Category

Immenses sont leurs ailes, text by Maurielle Szac, illustrations by Nathalie Novi, éditions Bruno Doucey, France, 2021


Murielle Szac, author, France;
Nathalie Novi, illustrator, France

Moderators: Chiara Basile, independent children’s bookshop owner, organizer of the Junior Poetry Festival and BRAW Poetry juror; Caterina Ramonda, journalist, author specialized in Poetry and Children’s culture and BRAW Poetry juror

Organizzato da


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21 marzo


Little Arabic Libraries: a story of books

Projection of the short documentary dedicated to the Italian chapter of the Pledge a Library Inititative: Little Libraries in Arabic Language, Kalimat Foundation and IBBY Italy


Amna Al Mazmi, manager, Kalimat Foundation;
Veronica Ceruti, director, Bologna Biblioteche;
Flavia Cristiano, president, IBBY Italia;
Silvana Sola, Marcella Terrusi, Vinicio Ongini, coordinators of the project for IBBY Italia;
Maria Luisa Albano,teacher, Istituto Comprensivo Virgilio, Eboli (Italy);
Representatives of Little Arabic Libraries from Genova, Napoli, Eboli, Milano, Torino, Bologna.

Organizzato da

Kalimat Foundation and IBBY Italia

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Magic Moments - Max Baitinger's approach to storytelling

In this workshop Max Baitinger will break down his way of approaching storytelling. Participants will draw a short comic scene or strip on a single page, reducing information to a minumum. Working out everything needed to tell stories in the right atmosphere.

MATERIALS: drawing paper, drawing tools


Max Baitinger, comics artist, Germany

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Goethe-Institut Rom and Sigaretten

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


PREMIO ANDERSEN 41: i libri finalisti del riconoscimento italiano ai libri per ragazzi 2022

Uno sguardo alla produzione editoriale dell'anno: le scelte della Giuria del "Premio Andersen - il mondo dell'infanzia", aspettando la proclamazione dei vincitori sabato 28 maggio a Genova, momento nel quale sarà assegnato anche il premio alla libreria dell'anno per ragazzi, intitolato a Gianna e Roberto Denti e promosso da AIE-Associazione Italiana Editori e Andersen.


Barbara Schiaffino e Walter Fochesato, rivista Andersen;
Pino Boero, docente di Letteratura per l'infanzia dell'Università di Genova;
Maria Fontana Amoretti, responsabile Servizi educativi e culturali di Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura di Genova;
Beatrice Fini, coordinatrice Commissione Permanente Ragazzi dell’Associazione Italiana Editori

Organizzato da

ANDERSEN - la rivista e il premio dei libri per ragazzi

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Changing Trends in Publishing: Addressing the Fear of New Technology in Publishing


Mariam Alobaidli, corporate communications director, Emirates Publishers Association;
Tamer Said, managing director, Kalimat Group;
Lina Chebaro, copyrights manager, Thaqafa Publishing and Distribution

Organizzato da

Emirates Publishers Association for BBPlus

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


The Winners of the BolognaRagazzi Award 2022 - Opera Prima and New Horizons Categories

Les Reflets d’Hariett (Opera Prima), text and illustrations by Marion Kadi, L’Agrume, France, 2021;
Laimes bērni (New Horizons), text by Luīze Pastore, illustrations by Evija Pintāne, Liels un Mazs, Latvia, 2021


Guillaume Griffon, l'Agrume, publisher, France;
Luīze Pastore, author, Latvia;
Alīse Nīgale, Liels un Mazs, publisher, Latvia

Moderator: Marcella Terrusi, professor of History and Children Culture, UNIBO

Organizzato da


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21 marzo


Michelangelo Pistoletto e "ZOE Salvamondo": la collana dedicata ai 17 obiettivi ONU


Michelangelo Pistoletto, artista, pittore e scultore;
Chiara Belliti, curatrice della collana;
Ruggero Poi, autore;
Alice Rossi, illustratrice;
Alessandra Falconi, responsabile del Centro Alberto Manzi

Moderatrice: Martina Russo, redattrice, rivista Andersen

Organizzato da

Beisler Editore and Cittadellarte - Fondazione Pistoletto

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Illustrating life to trigger love: trying to reach the heart through the eyes of the beholder - Masterclass with Fatinha Ramos

A journey into editorial illustration and children's books illustration: how both can strike an emotional chord in people.


Fatinha Ramos, illustrator, Portugal

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Lo sguardo al mondo della scuola e dei ragazzi: i progetti Leggere per leggere e Lettori si diventa

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


Panel discussion to promote selling rights followed by the reception

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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21 marzo



Ritratti di adolescenza tra realtà e distopia

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21 marzo



The Impact of Elending on Purchasing Habits in Europe


Ricardo Franco Levi, president of the Italian Publishers Association and vice-president of the Federation of European Publishers;
Enrico Turrin, Deputy Director FEP 

Organizzato da

Federation of European Publishers for BBPlus

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


IBBY Press Conference 2022: IBBY Congress 2022, Bookbird, Hans Christian Andersen Award Winners, IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award Winner, IBBY-iRead Outstanding Reading Promoter Award Winners, and much more

Organizzato da


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21 marzo



Lili e Max arrivano in Italia: Calligram scommette sulla sua collana di successo

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21 marzo



Per il verso giusto: tradurre poesia per bambini


Chiara Carminati, scrittrice e traduttrice, Italia;
Chiara Elefante, docente Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione, UNIBO;
Bernard Friot, docente e scrittore, Francia;
Caterina Ramonda, fondatrice e redattrice di Le Letture di Biblioragazzi e collaboratrice della rivista Andersen

Moderatrice: Chiara Basile


Organizzato da


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21 marzo


Portfolio review - Emanuela Bussolati


Emanuela Bussolati, designer and illustrator, Italy

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Paolo D'Altan


Paolo D'Altan, illustrator, Italy

Organizzato da

AI - Associazione Autori di Immagini

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Premio Orbil 2022: libri scelti da ALIR - Associazione librerie indipendenti per ragazzi

Organizzato da

ALIR - Associazione Librerie Indipendenti per Ragazzi

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Vibo Valentia capitale del libro 2O21-2022. Progetto Teen Track.

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Ten years of ICWA: the Italian Children’s Writers Association celebrates with similar European associations

Is networking key to writers?

Making a mark in today’s children’s publishing is every writer’s dream but a solo career doesn’t sound as exciting as maybe it did in the past. Professional connections and exchanges have become more and more important to thrive in a global and complex market. That’s why ICWA was founded ten years ago: to connect people, ideas, and resources. After a decade of intense activity, ICWA celebrates this emblematic birthday by entering into conversation with older European associations. A festive debate about the role of children’s writers associations, their importance for national literatures, and how networking improves writers’ life. Last but not least, a proper birthday cake to share!

Marco Dazzani (Italian writer, ICWA vice chairman)
Relatori Fulvia Degl’Innocenti (Italian writer, journalist, ICWA chairperson) Manuela Salvi (Italian writer, founder of ICWA) Linn T. Sunne (Norwegian writer, NBU representative) Majda Koren (Slovenian writer, DSU representative) Isabelle Dubois (Head of institutional relations for LA CHARTE) Floriane Ricard (illustrator, visual artist, administratorfor LA CHARTE)
Organizzato da
ICWA Italian Children’s Writers Association
Con il patrocinio di
NBU Norske Barne- og Ungdomsbokforfattere - Association of Norwegian authors of children's books; LA CHARTE des auteurs et illustrateurs jeunesse - French association of authors and illustrators for children; DSP Drustvo slovenskih pisateljev - Slovenia
L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Mamma lingua. Storie per tutti, nessuno escluso: dalla rete nazionale ai risultati locali

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21 marzo



O! Workshop

Participants will have opportunity to create their own inner portrait and „O!” glasses. The format of the workshop is open and without any rules: it's full of joy and freedom. Group O! will help to get involved and indicate the direction, but the final form of the work depends on the participants.

MATERIALS: glue, scissors, paper A3 (black and white) 200 g; washi basic tape (white; black; schocking yellow).


Rasa Jančiauskaitė, Illustrator, graphic designer, lecturer, Lithuania;
Ieva Babilaitė, illustrator, artist, lecturer; Lithuania;
Aušra Kiudulaitė, illustrator, artist, educator, Lithuania

In collaborazione con

Lithuanian Culture Institute

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Folktales Reimagined

Folktales are stories that are passed down from generation to generation. Every culture has ones of their own – fables and myths that encompass traditions, beliefs, and legends. Some answer unsolved questions, ease social anxieties, and others tell lessons that should be learned. But what if these folktales were seen through the eyes of someone different? Not just from a different culture, but from a new generation whose understanding and perspective has progressed from when these stories were originally told. Through this project, UAEBBY aims to promote a cross-cultural dialogue and the exchange of ideas, and to honour heritage.


Dr. Yasmine Motawy, Department of Rhetoric and Composition, The American University in Cairo;
Aisha Al Badi, Emirati Illustrator; Marwa Al Aqroubi, president of UAEBBY;
Francesca Dell'Orto, italian illustrator;
Nicoletta Gramantieri, Head of the Salaborsa Ragazzi Library, Bologna Libraries, Culture and City Promotion Department, EC of IBBY Italy

Organizzato da

UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY)

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21 marzo



Rime alfabete, un libro di poesie tra la libreria e i banchi di scuola

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21 marzo



Steven Guarnaccia talking Jacket Design and Illustration


Steven Guarnaccia, illustrator and designer, USA

Organizzato da

Mimaster for BBPlus

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21 marzo



MeFu Talk - Italian authors and foreign publishers: an artistic and commercial comparison

The founders of MeFu, association that deals with the rights of Italian comics authors, will discuss with foreign publishers on submissions, contracts, payments and publishing trends across Europe.


Sam Arthur, co-founder, Nobrow Press;
Olivier Bron, editor, éditions 2024;
Rita Fürstenau, author, illustrator and publisher, Rotopol Press

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21 marzo


Kids Comics: comic books for early readers

Nel mercato globale è ritornato il fumetto per i più piccoli: nuovi personaggi, nuovi autori, nuovi progetti editoriali, in Italia e nel mondo.


Giulia Rizzo, editor, Harper Collins Italia;
Valentina Serafini, coordinator progetto Kids Comics

Moderator: Grazia Gotti

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

Cooperativa Stoppani-Accademia Drosselmeier

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21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Agata Loth-Ignaciuk


Agata Loth-Ignaciuk, founder and editor-in-chief of Wydawnictwo Druganoga Publishing House, juror of The Illustrators Exhibition 2022

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21 marzo


Illustrator's Freehand Workshop

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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21 marzo



La mafia: trent'anni dopo

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21 marzo


Portfolio Review MeFu - Rita Fürstenau (Rotopol Press)

Portfolio Review only for comics artists


Rita Fürstenau, author, illustrator and publisher, Rotopol Press

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

Sponsorizzato da

MiC - Ministry of Culture - Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

L'evento non è più disponibile

21 marzo



Silent Book Contest 2022 - Announcement of the finalists

Announcement of the finalists of the Silent Book Contest 2022 - Gianni De Conno Award, with the International Jury. The Silent Book Contest, now in its ninth edition, is the first international competition dedicated to books without words.


Patrizia Zerbi, publisher, Carthusia Edizioni;
Walter Fochesato, editor, Italy;
Elena Pasoli, Exhibition Manager, Bologna Children's Book Fair;
Emanuela Bussolati, designer and illustrator, Italy;
Eugenio Tangerini, Head of Media Relations, BPER Banca;

Moderator: Costanza De Conno

Organizzato da

Carthusia Edizioni

In collaborazione con

BCBF, Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino, Comune di Mulazzo, Associazione Montereggio Paese dei Librai, IOB, Centro per il Libro e la Lettura.

Media partners: RAI Ragazzi and RAI Radio 3

Sponsorizzato da

BPER Banca

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21 marzo



Taking Stock: Where Does Global Publishing go from here?

Two years into a pandemic that has dramatically shaped how global publishing does business, the industry has had few opportunities to collectively reflect. The International Publishers Association’s International Sustainable Publishing and Industry Resilience (Inspire) initiative is one of the only comprehensive global efforts to reflect on the impacts of the pandemic on publishing. Drawing on a year-long research effort involving consultations with more than 100 senior publishing executives, Inspire seeks to understand the situation on the frontlines by asking difficult questions like: Have readers and reading habits fundamentally changed? How will accelerated digitization trends affect industry development? More importantly, what can the publishing industry do to endure and emerge stronger? This session will delve into Inspire’s findings  about the longer-term impacts of the pandemic surrounding publishing tech, freedom to publish, copyright, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability to reflect on where global publishing is headed from here.


Bodour Al Qasimi, IPA President;
Alison Tweed, CEO, Book Aid International;
José Manuel Anta, managing director, International Publishing Distribution Centre;
Karine Gonçalves Pansa, editorial director, Girassol Brasil Edições Ltda

Organizzato da

IPA-International Publishers Association for BBPlus

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21 marzo


Round Table: Translation in an intercultural context

Translating children's books into different cultures means not only processing the text into another language, but also transferring the level of illustration, which is an additional challenge. There, the different realities of children's lives play a big role: environment, skin colour, religion, etc. as well as cultural paradigms. 


Introduction: Marifé Boix Garcia, Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH, Germany

Elisabeth Pérez Fernández, illustratrice, Spagna - GoH 2022;
Barbara Pregelj, editor and translator, Malinc, Slovenia - GoH 2023;
Ilide Carmignani, translator, Italy - GoH 2024

Moderator: Mariela Nagle, consultant, Germany

Organizzato da

Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH

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21 marzo


Invisible lines. Publishers and artists support from the UE and International Institutions

In collaborazione con
The Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. Invisible Lines is an international project on comics, graphic novel and illustration developed by Fondazione Giorgio Cini, (Italy - coordinator); Central Vapeur, (France); Hamelin APS (Italy); Baobab&G
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21 marzo


Portfolio Review - Mentxu Fernández, Desegin


Mentxu Fernández, illustrator;
Desegin, illustrator

In collaborazione con


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21 marzo



Stories on the Move. BolognaRagazzi CrossMedia Award 2022 Meet the Jury

This award aims to select the best publishing projects that expand their narrative universe across different media or that are a narrative extension of a project originated in other media. The International Jury of the Award, composed of experts in interactive and graphic design, new media, video game, film and television works, aims to identify books derived from multimedia projects and narratives originally produced by the world of traditional publishing that have successfully been included or expanded across other platforms such as television, cinema, videogames, mobile devices, or smart speakers.


Julie Fox, IP Expert and Executive Producer, Ireland-France;
Neal Hoskins, Founder, WingedChariot, UK;
Thierry Magnier, BRAW CrossMedia Winner 2022, Editions Thierry Magnier, France
Ignacio Meneu Oset, Associate professor, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain;
Elisa Salamini, Co-Founder, Mamamò and TheContentMakers, Italy

Moderator: Warren Buckleitner, Founding Editor, Children's Technology Review, USA

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con


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21 marzo


FR translation: ENG

Journey to Bologna by la Charte. Sponsoring of the French Illustrators for the Bologna Children's Book Fair

The Charte organizes the 10th Journey to Bologna that allows 12 young authors-illustrators to present their work and develop their international contacts, during the BCBF.


Floriane Ricard, illustrator, France;
Sandrine Bonini, illustrator, France;
Emmanuelle Leroyer, project manager, La Charte - "Voyage à Bologne"

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21 marzo


IBBY International Congress 2024 – Trieste (Italy)

Presentation of "Join the Revolution! Giving every child good books", 39th IBBY International Congress, to be held in Trieste on 30, 31 August and 1 September 2024.


Elena Pasoli, Exhibition Manager, Bologna Children's Book Fair;
Liz Page, executive director, IBBY International;
Flavia Cristiano, president, IBBY Italia;
Roberto Piumini, president of the scientifc organising commitee;
Tiziana Gibelli, councillor, Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia;
Nicole Matteoni, councillor, City of Trieste

Organizzato da

IBBY Italia

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21 marzo


What works and what doesn‘t in Innovation Training for Book Professionals

SIDT (which stands for “Sustaining and Innovating cultural Diversity in literary Translation” - https://sidt-books.eu/ ) set out under a grant from the Creative Europe programme to build bridges between proven innovators and practitioners. In this seminar, you will hear all about the project in a review by its organizing consortium, namely the publisher Beletrina (Slovenia), Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez (Spain), the Federation of European Publishers, the Lithuanian Publishers’ Association (Vilnius), and Ruediger Wischenbart Content and Consulting (Austria). For 18 months, 4 thorough training modules have been developed, focusing on a wide array of topics relevant to innovation practices, and each was put into practice twice with groups of European and international trainees from many different countries and professional backgrounds. Topics were ranging from ‘Design Thinking’ and ‘UX Design”, to building and handling multiformat digital title catalogues of ebooks and audiobooks, understanding niche translation markets, or how to comply with accessibility standards.


Enrico Turrin, Federation of European Publishers;
Luis González, Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez

Organizzato da

Rüdiger Wischenbart Content and Consulting for BBPlus

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21 marzo


ITA translation ENG

Expanding content and broadening the scope of books for an immersive reading experience. The digital world meets authors, publishers and readers

Mauro Morellini "Extended Book un nuovo modello per l'editoria";
Alessandro Cavallaro "La Divina Commedia VR: l'Inferno, un viaggio immersivo";
Sam Habibi Minelli "Apri un libro e immagina... sinergie vincenti tra editoria e digitale"


Mauro Morellini, CEO, Extended Book;
Alessandro Cavallaro, content curator, ETT S.p.A.;
Sam Habibi Minelli, P.M., GruppoMeta

Moderatrice: Simona Maresca, Communication Manager, GruppoMeta

Organizzato da


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martedì 22 marzo 2022

22 marzo



C.atWork Publishing Projects and the Illustration school of Scandicci: portfolio review and how teach illustration.

9:00 - 10:00

Portfolio Review with Candia Castellani, Gianluca Garofalo and Valentina Fiore Perla.

10:00 - 11:00

The teaching of illustration: a round table on the subject.

Presentation of the presentation of the joint project of C.atWork and the Scandicci School of Illustration.

Stella Nosella
Relatori Manuel Baglieri
Organizzato da
C.atWork Publishing Projects and Illustration School of Scandicci
In collaborazione con
L'Orto della Cultura
Con il patrocinio di
Club per l'Unesco Udine
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22 marzo



Leggere 0-6: sostenere la promozione alla lettura delle famiglie

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22 marzo


SDG Book Club: from reading to taking action on the 17 SDGs


 Emma House, Simbi;
Dusanka Stojakovic, New Africa Books, South Africa;
Antje Watermann, UN Publications;
Raluca Selejan, Two Owls Bookshop, Romania

Moderator: Michiel Kolman, Chair IPA Inclusive Publishing and Literacy Committee

Organizzato da

SDG Book Club

In collaborazione con


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22 marzo



Lucie Félix’s playful books – designing books for and with children

Initially thinking I was going to do graphic design, I end up doing flap books, puzzle books, peekaboo books, and some I don’t really know what to call… And that’s all the children’s fault.


Lucie Félix, author and illustrator, France

Organizzato da

Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse de Montreuil, France; Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Hamelin Associazione Culturale; Biblioteca Salaborsa Ragazzi; Institut français Italia; Éditions des Grandes Personnes, France; Orfeu Negro, Portugal; Fatatrac, Italy

Sponsorizzato da

Institut français Italia

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22 marzo




Private event 

Organizzato da

NBC Universal

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22 marzo



Piedi nudi e dinosauri. Storie Asperger per valorizzare le differenze di tutti i bambini e le bambinie

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22 marzo



35 anni di Carthusia. Carthusia è sempre una bella storia! CHE MUSICA!

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22 marzo



BCBF Visual Identity: the making of With Jean Mallard, Rasa Jančiauskaitė, Sólin Sekkur and Chialab


Jean Mallard, illustrator, France;
Rasa Jančiauskaitė, illustratrice, Lithuania;
Sólin Sekkur, illustratore, Mexico;
Chialab, design studio, Italy

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22 marzo


ENG translation: ITA

Call Your Agent: How to Become a Successful Literary Agent

Paid Event

A half-day training conference aimed at those who are thinking of a career in literary representation or are in the early stages of working in this area.


Jason Bartholomew, MD, Midas PR;
Seonaid MacLeod, contracts manager, Hachette;
Isobel Gahan, Curtis Brown;
Luigi Bonomi, agent, LBA books;
Tom Tivnan, managing editor, The Bookseller;
Karolina Jaszecka, scout;
Benas Bėrantas, agent;
Stephanie Barrioullet, agent, S.B Bright Agency

Organizzato da


22 marzo



Every Story Matters - B2B event

A networking event for publishers of children and youth, as well as young adult literature is part of EU-funded project Every Story Matters , which wants to encourage the creation of more inclusive books for children and young adults, and to give bookprofessionals the tools and the strategies needed to become more inclusive and makediversity mainstream.
During the event you will have the opportunity to meet like minded publishers and to get a first-hand acquaintance with the newstories developed by the six participant artists from our Talent Development Programme.
Our event will include:
-A presentation of the Every Story Matters project (15 min),
-Pitching inclusive books of young talents (45 min),
-Moderated individual meeting session among the participants (90 min).

Katja Stergar
Relatori Katja Stergar, Shamisa Debroey, Mirna Brodanac, Najiba Abdellaoui, Ines Viegas Oliveira, Manaf Alattar, Stasa Gucek
Organizzato da
Slovenian Book Agency
In collaborazione con
Acesso Cultura(PT), Bluedar (DE), Mediart International (HR), Rose Stories (NL) and Flanders Literature (BE)
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22 marzo


Portfolio Review - Andrea Alemanno


Andrea Alemanno, illustrator, Italy

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22 marzo


Portfolio Review - David Carter (Blossom Books)


David Carter, artist and paper engineer, USA

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22 marzo



Spoken word poetry: tradurre il ritmo


Simona Mambrini, traduttrice, Italia;
Elena Paganelli, editor, Italia

Organizzato da


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22 marzo


Sharjah Guest of Honour programme - Illustrators from the UAE

A presentation and commentary on selected works of illustrators Wafa Ibrahim and Nassir Nasrallah to reflect upon their distinguished experience in children's art and to address their techniques, artistic approach and themes they are interesting in drawing.


Wafa Ibrahim, illustrator, UAE;
Nasser Nasrallah, illustrator, UAE

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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22 marzo


A lyrical treasure trove. The International Youth Library’s "Der Kinder Kalender"

First published in 2011, "Der Kinder Kalender” (The Children's Calendar), edited by the International Youth Library , has become a firm favourite in numerous children's rooms, kitchens, and classrooms. Every year, the library's specialists select poems in more than 30 languages and from up to 40 countries for the award-winning calendar. Children and adults can discover a new poem each week, featured in the original language, in German translation and accompanied by the respective original illustration. The International Youth Library team present the calendar and talk about its concept and the selection process for the poems. They also discuss popular and unusual topics, cultural peculiarities, the fascinating diversity of poetry illustration, and the art of translating children's poetry.


Jochen Weber, head of language sections / Ibero-American Section, International Youth Library Foundation, Germany;
Claudia Soeffner, English Language Section, International Youth Library Foundation, Germany

Organizzato da

International Youth Library Foundation

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22 marzo



100 anni di Lodi. Il maestro di Vho di Piadena

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22 marzo


Childhood on the sidelines: reading projects in vulnerable settings - International Conference

The meeting will look at reading promotion and reader training in vulnerable contexts. In a world of deepening social inequalities, aggravated by the worldwide pandemic, many children and young people don’t have access to books. Data on access to distance education show how many children have been penalized by poor access to electronic media, further increasing inequality around the world. Convinced that reading opens the door to personal and social development, many associations, social movements and institutions are committed to taking books to places where there are no libraries, putting in place inspirational community projects. The panel will provide a deep dive into some of these international movements, best practices and inspiring experiences.


Zohreh Ghaeni, Children’s literature expert, head of the Read with Me project, Iran;
Bel Santos Mayer, Ibeac, Coordinator of the Human Rights Program at IBEAC - Brazilian Institute of Studies and Community Support, Brazil;
Maria Beatriz Medina, Executive Director of the Banco del Libro, Venezuela;
Dolores Prades, publisher Revista Emilia, Brazil;
Alison Tweed, Chief Executive, Book Aid International, UK;
Katherine Uwimana, expert in book development and innovative approaches to literacy, Rwanda

Moderator: Patricia Aldana, publisher Aldana Books and president of IBBY Trust

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

Instituto Emília

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22 marzo



Artebambini: Latest Releases

Artebambini presents the latest products of the year: workshop-books, interactive projects and unmissable kamishibai releases, including the launch of the "Kamibaby" series, designed for the little ones.

Many new publications to talk about art and education, and to promote reading in a playful and effective way.

Mauro Speraggi
Relatori Marco Dallari, Mauro Speraggi, Marco Moschini, Giuseppe Vitale, Eleonora Cumer, Raffaella Castagna, Elisa Argentesi, Anna Paola Pagani, Alberto Pagani, Elisa Mantoni, Vincenzo Covelli, Fuad Aziz, Francesco Facciolli, Assunta Morrone, Paola Franceschini.
Organizzato da
Edizioni Artebambini
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22 marzo



#LoveTutorial meeting with the Author Teresa Capezzuto

A gripping story of lives in a novel on the power of love in digital citizenship, written by Teresa Capezzuto. An extraordinary journey like a web fantasy beyond any prejudice. The illustrations are by Giovanni Mucci. Edited by L’Orto della Cultura. For young readers.   

Stella Nosella
Relatori Stella Nosella
Organizzato da
L'Orto della Cultura
Con il patrocinio di
Club per l'Unesco Udine
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22 marzo



Le novità di Camelozampa tra fiction e non-fiction

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22 marzo



Srotolab: Atelier collettivo con Herve Tullet e Alessandra Falconi per liberare la creatività

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22 marzo



Superbaba e la scuola. Babalibri e insegnanti insieme nella promozione alla lettura.

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22 marzo


ITA translation: ENG

An illustrator on the high seas - Joanna Concejo

The creative process behind "M come il mare" by Joanna Concejo, published by Topipittori


Joanna Concejo, illustrator, Poland

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22 marzo



Che cosa traduciamo quando traduciamo per bambini e ragazzi


Paolo Cesari, traduttore, Orecchio Acerbo;
Cristina Gerosa, director, Iperborea;
Daniela Valente, director, Coccole Books

Organizzato da


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22 marzo


Sharjah Guest of Honour programme - Emirati Identity and Children’s Stories

The authors will speak about the uniqueness of Emirati identity, its significance in the past and in the present, and how they managed to express this distinctive Emirati identity through writing children's stories. They will also address the major themes present in their books.


Dubai Abulhool, author, UAE;
Mrs. Fatma Al Mazrouei, writer, novelist, poet and storyteller, Head of the Historical Archives Section in the National Archives - Ministry of Presidential Affairs

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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22 marzo


The Winners of the BolognaRagazzi Award 2022 - Fiction and Non-Fiction Categories

À qui appartiennent les nuages? (Fiction), text by Mario Brassard, illustrations by Gérard Dubois

Monstres Sacrés - Voyage au cœur des volcans (Non-Fiction), text by Julie Roberge, illustrations by Aless MC, La Pastèque, Canada, 2021


Gérard DuBois, illustrator, France;
Aless MC, illustrator, France

Moderator: Marcella Terrusi, professor of History and Children Culture, UNIBO

Organizzato da


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22 marzo



35 anni di Carthusia. Ma quanto parlano i Silent Book!

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22 marzo



"in Corso d'Opera" the art of making art

"In corso d'Opera" the series dedicated to the art of making art.

This series was created with the intention of spreading the artistic culture among the youngest, helping to know and preserve the artistic heritage of the Italian territory.

The books aim to tell the little ones about the art of making art by making them spectators of the creative process through illustrations and a flowing and imaginative narrative that contains the historical and artistic references necessary to remain faithful to reality.

The first issue was created in collaboration with Gypsotheca Antonio Canova of Possagno who, together with us, followed the whole project, helping us in identifying the materials necessary for its realization.

The books in the series adhere to the ArtBonus initiative, which ensures that for each copy sold a sum is donated to the reference museum to support it in the maintenance of the works.

Our mission is to support the conservation of cultural heritage by promoting history and art among the little ones by involving museums and their educational departments by providing useful books for their activities.


What's next:

Palladio - the architecture (Museo Palladio Vicenza)

Giotto - the art of frescoes (Eremitani Museums and Scrovegni Chapel in Padua)

Francesco Querini - Alchemy and the Academy of Paragonists (Querini Stampalia Foundation of Venice)

Bruna Tamaro Forlati - being an Archaeologist (National Archaeological Museum of Venice)

Leonardo Da Vinci - engineering (Museum of science and technology of MIlan)

Stella Nosella
Relatori Stella Nosella
Organizzato da
L'Orto della Cultura
In collaborazione con
Mibac Direzione Regionela Musei del Veneto , Fondazione Canova
Con il patrocinio di
MIBAC Direzione Regionale Musei del Veneto , Gypsotheca Canova
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22 marzo


Critical Thinking: The role of the critic in promoting books. An ‘In Conversation’ between acclaimed children’s book critic, Leonard S. Marcus and BBPlus Author Ambassador - Michèle Roberts


Leonard S. Marcus children's book historian, critic, educator & publisher;
Michèle Roberts French/British author;
Jacks Thomas, Guest Director, BolognaBookPlus

Organizzato da


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22 marzo


Portfolio Review - Alessandro Coppola


Alessandro Coppola, illustrator, Italy

Organizzato da

AI - Associazione Autori di Immagini

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22 marzo


ITA translation: ENG

From the Picture Book to the Comic Book: Joëlle Jolivet and Mara Cerri


Joëlle Jolivet, illustrator, France;
Mara Cerri, illustrator, Italy

Moderator: Ilaria Tontardini, professor of  History of Illustration at Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

BCBF, Institut Français Italia, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Éditions Denoël, Hélium éditions, Fatatrac, Coconino Press – Fandango

Sponsorizzato da

MiC - Ministry of Culture - Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

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22 marzo



Chasing stories - Workshop with Marianna Coppo

Creating visual narratives, free associations, and the rules of the game

MATERIALS: paper and basic drawing tools


Marianna Coppo, author and illustrator, Italy

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22 marzo


ITA translation: ENG

Between art and illustration - A conversation with Beatrice Alemagna and Anna Castagnoli

What are the boundaries between art for adults and illustration for children? A conversation about creative freedom and style in children's books with Beatrice Alemagna and Anna Castagnoli.


Beatrice Alemagna, author and illustrator, Italy;
Anna Castagnoli, illustrator and collector of children's books, Italy

In collaborazione con


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22 marzo


Announcement of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2022

Announcement of the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2022, broadcast live from Stockholm.


Kajsa Ravin, Director General of the Swedish Arts Council;
Jan Björklund, Ambassador of  Sweden to Italy;
Jeanette Gustafsdotter, Swedish Minister for Culture;
Boel Westin, Jury Chair;
Elina Druker, Mårten Sandén and Katarina Kieri, Jury members

Organizzato da

Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award

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22 marzo


The translator as an agent

A discussion between the translator Lena Dorn (translator from Czech to German) and the publisher and translator Tereza Horáthová (BAOBAB) about the different roles of a translator and the relationship between translators and publishers.


Lena Dorn, from Czech to German;
Tereza Horáthová, BAOBAB

Moderator: Michala Čičváková, Czech Literary Centre

Organizzato da

Czech Literary Centre, a section of the Moravian Library

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22 marzo


Jackets Portfolio Review

Pre-registration required

Organizzato da


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22 marzo



Osservatorio Editoriale NpL

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22 marzo


Welcome to story hour: the process of creating a children's book

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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22 marzo



Understanding the new look European Prize for Literature

A Conversation discussing the changes in the European Prize for Literature, and the effect these changes will bring about.



Organizzato da

EUPL consortium – European and International Booksellers Federation and the Federation of European Publishers for BBPlus

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22 marzo


Libri Anfibi - VI Edizione del Premio Malerba per l'Albo Illustrato


Anna Malerba, presidente;
Gioacchino De Chirico, giurato e coordinatore;
i giurati Cristina Taglietti, Paola Vassalli, Simone Di Biasio

Organizzato da

Premio Malerba

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22 marzo



The Narration of the 20th Century. Contemporary History in the Novels for Young Readers

Looking at three novels published by San Paolo Ragazzi, which all draw  inspiration from historical events (Giuseppe Assandri, La rosa bianca di Sophie, Luigi Ballerini, Un sogno sull'oceano e Guido Quarzo, Un piccolo gioco crudele), it will be reflected on the form in which we narrate history to  young people under the guide of Letizia Bolzani.

Letizia Bolzani
Relatori Giuseppe Assandri, Luigi Ballerini e Guido Quarzo.
Organizzato da
San Paolo Ragazzi
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22 marzo



Tiny books: co-created stories from the Baltics

36 illustrators and writers from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia co-authored 18 tiny books on different topics of human rights. Two of the project’s participants will talk about the challenges and achievements of such a collaboration and the impact of the project in the children’s literature landscape.


Kotryna Zylė, writer and illustrator, Lithuania;
Mārtiņš Zutis, illustrator, Latvia

Organizzato da

"Vaikų žemė" reading promotion program; IBBY Latvia; Estonian Children’s Literature Centre

In collaborazione con

Lithuanian Culture Institute; Latvian Literature

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22 marzo



Creature fantastiche in festa! Festeggiando i primi 5 titoli della collana

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22 marzo


Meeting with Lucie Félix, winner of the Grand Ourse prize 2021

Organizzato da

Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse, Montreuil - France

In collaborazione con

Hamelin Associazione Culturale, Biblioteca Salaborsa Ragazzi, Institut français Italia, Les éditions des Grandes Personnes (France), Orfeu Negro (Portugal), Fatatrac (Italy).

Sponsorizzato da

Institut français

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22 marzo



Let's Get Accessible! All you need to know to produce publications (and images) that every reader can enjoy

The seminar will provide an overview of the advantages that will be obtained in making content accessible for people with visual disabilities, thus creating an inclusive editorial proposal for every reader. The seminar will provide an overview the recent evolution of the legislation on the subject and the best practice for producing quality and accessible editorial content for people with print impairments. A special focus will be on the alternative description of images. Publishing, in particular children’s publishing, has always used illustrations and visual representations to enrich and offer content to readers. This seminar is aimed in particular at the editors, graphic designers and illustrators who work with the design and creation of images, infographics and graphics for paper, digital and the web.


Cristina Mussinelli, Secretary General, Fondazione LIA;
Filippo Floridia, Ebook Production Coordinator, Gruppo Mondadori;
Marta Fornasero, Editor, Deascuola;
Elisa Molinari, Project Manager, Fondazione LIA

Organizzato da

Fondazione LIA

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22 marzo



Presentazione del fumetto

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22 marzo



Proposte di laboratorio in classe. Incontro di formazione per gli insegnanti con Christian Antonini e Daniele Nicastro, autori del Battello a Vapore

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22 marzo



Starbright: an overview on the Japan anime world

Overview and Novelties on Manga and Anime of main success in Italy and in Europe. The major international industry key-players will attend as speakers, from companies as: Toei Animation, Starcomics, Panini Comics, Tori Animation, Crunchyroll, Mediatoon, Bandai Italia and others.

Organizzato da

Starbright Licensing

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22 marzo


ENG translation ITA

Spotlight on Africa - Innovators of African publishing

This panel will focus on how African publishing innovators and entrepreneurs are solving complex, systemic African publishing challenges, such as promoting publishing and reading in indigenous languages and rural book accessibility and literacy, through the use of new, holistic solutions and disruptive technologies and approaches.


Elena Pasoli, Exhibition Manager, Bologna Children's Book Fair;
Un rappresentante ICE Agenzia;
Bodour Al Qasimi, Presidente IPA;
Angela Wachuka, Co-Founder, Book Bunk, Kenya;
Bibi Bakare-Yusuf, Publisher, Founder of Cassava Republic Press, UK/Nigeria;
Will Clurman, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, eKitabu, Kenya;
Ama Dadson, Chief Executive Officer, AkooBooks Audio, Ghana

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

IPA - International Publishers Association

Sponsorizzato da

ITA - Italian Trade Agency; MAECI - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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22 marzo



35 anni di Carthusia. Un racconto fra passato, presente e futuro!

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22 marzo


Back to the Future - 10 Years into Digital Publishing: An Open Digital Forum for Children’s Publishers

An Open Digital Forum for Children’s Publishers – Hosted by Neal Hoskins
A special event and gathering for all publishers wishing to discuss open routes into digital with experts from around the world. We will investigate the evolution of Audio apps, video, ebook and games development that can go make up a complimentary cross-media platform alongside publishing print books. This informal session gives publishers the chance to ask many direct questions to some of the best multimedia companies at the fair who will share their experience and diverse outputs along with giving out some practical tips on various routes to international markets today. The Open forum experts include Skyship Entertainment, Piboco, Wonderz, StoryToys, PluginMedia and The Children’s Technology Review.


Sebastian Wehner, Wonderz, Germany;
Juliet Tzabar, Plug in Media, UK;
Morgan Fortier and Brett Jubinville, Sky Ship Entertainment, Canada;
Emmet O’Neill, Story Toys, Ireland;
Aksel Køie, PIBOCO, Denmark;
Warren Buckleitner, Children's Technology Review, USA

Moderator: Neal Hoskins, Wingedchariot

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con


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22 marzo



Le immagini della Fantasia: 40 anni d'illustrazione a Sarmede. La Fondazione Stepan Zavrel annuncia l'ospite d'onore Joanna Concejo.

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22 marzo


Lost or not lost in translation? That is the question! Three translators and three authors

Authors of the same text: three translators meet theirs authors


Samanta K. Milton Knowles e Gabriella Sköldenberg, Sweden;
Anna Patrucco Becchi e Anna Woltz, The Netherlands;
Letizia Kostner e Petra Soukupová, Czech Republic

Moderator: Chiara Belliti

Organizzato da


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22 marzo


Portfolio Review - Anna Castagnoli


Anna Castagnoli, illustrator and collector of children's books, Italy

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22 marzo


Arboreti di carta, alberi per la vita. Presentazione della nuova antologia BILL

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22 marzo



Hasbro Roadshow 2022/2023

Presentazione delle novità HASBRO


Luisa Grasso, Senior Licensing Manager;
Stefano Vitali, Retail Franchise Manager;
Federica Polo, Associate Licensing Manager

Organizzato da


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22 marzo


Meeting with Pei-Hsin Cho and Sarah Mazzetti winners of the 2019 and 2021 International Award for Illustration BCBF - Fundación SM


Pei-Hsin Cho, illustrator, Taiwan;
Sarah Mazzetti, illustrator, Italia;
Teresa Tellechea, Grupo SM, Spain

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

Fundación SM

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22 marzo


Living with Books, Living with Covid: How Booksellers across Europe are Dealing with Change

Five booksellers representing different European countries will explain how they are each dealing with the changes brought on by the pandemic, lessons learnt, and how to build and keep a resilient business.


Maren Kleppen, bookseller, Norway;
Raluca Selejan, owner of La Două Bufnițe, Romania;
Julie Belgrado, EIBF and bookseller from Mr B's Emporium, UK

Organizzato da

European and International Booksellers Federation for BBPlus

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22 marzo


ITA translation: ENG

MeFu help desk

The MeFu association, thanks to its experts in the field, provides authors with a service to investigate and resolve legal and tax issues in the world of comics and graphic novels.


Emanuele Rosso, founder, MeFu;
Armando Perna, lawyer;
Saverio Romanelli, accountant

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22 marzo



Ni Hao Shanghai, Ciao Bologna: From Art Residency to Exhibition

In 2019, three Norwegian illustrators travelled to China to take part in an art residency organised by the Shanghai International Children's Book Fair and Magikon Forlag. The outcome of their 17-day stay in Shanghai is an exciting exhibition which is presented in Bologna. How to turn travel visual impressions into a final exhibition project?


Mari Kanstad Johnsen, illustrator, writer and artist, Norway;
Kristin Roskifte, illustrator and picture book author, Norway;
Bjørn Rune Lie, illustrator, Norway;
Svein Storksen, founder and publisher, Magikon Forlag, Norway;
Carolina Ballester, Programme Manager, CCBF, Spain

Organizzato da

China Shanghai International Children's Book Fair (CCBF) and Magikon Forlag

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22 marzo



P.O.L.P.A. Poesia Orale Ludica Puerile Autentica

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22 marzo



Co-created stories - how to spark co-creation spirit between writers and illustrators

Collaboration can take you places. The workshop aims to spark co-creation spirit between writers and illustrators yet unknown to each other by bringing them together for a quick guided work session.

MATERIALS: A4 paper and any drawing tools (pencils, markers etc.)


Kotryna Zylė, writer and illustrator, Lithuania;
Mārtiņš Zutis, illustrator, Latvia

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22 marzo


ENG translation ITA

Spotlight on Africa - In their own words: storytelling to protect vanishing African languages

Africa’s indigenous languages are at risk of extinction, and many have already disappeared. With indigenous children’s publishing one of the primary ways these languages are passed on to youth, telling African stories in African languages has never been more critical. This session will explore the role of governments, publishers, and authors in preserving and promoting indigenous languages.  


Mkuki Bgoya, publisher, Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania;
Maureen Masamba, president and publisher, Malawi Book Publishers Association, Malawi;
Sandra Tamele, Founder and Editor, Editora Trinta Zero Nove, Mozambique

Moderator: Nathalie Carrè, Inalco - Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, France

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

IPA - International Publishers Association

Sponsorizzato da

ITA - Italian Trade Agency; MAECI - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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22 marzo


Amazing scrapes Workshop

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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22 marzo



Gira Giramondo, un abbraccio di voci - dalla playlist video NpL Piemonte VCO all'albo illustrato

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22 marzo



Guerra e pace

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22 marzo



Le tendenze del post pandemia. Il Giocattolo tra licensing, sostenibilità e partnership con il Normal Trade

Analisi delle attuali tendenze del Giocattolo, tra post pandemia, licensing e sostenibilità. Interverranno i protagonisti del settore e verrà fatta una presentazione sugli ultimi dati di mercato


Ivan Colecchia, SVP Global Development, BrandTrends;
Edgardo Di Meo, direttore Marketing Italia e Grecia, Spin Master;
Alessandro Bruno, Trade Marketing Manager Toys Division, Mondo

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

Toy Store

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22 marzo


Silent Wonders: Scholarly words on wordless books


Marcella Terrusi - Childhood history and cultures Instructor, Dpt. Quality Life Studies - University of Bologna. Author of the study Meraviglie mute. Silent book e letteratura per l'infanzia, Carocci, 2017
Tamer Said - Managing Director, Kalimat Group. Publisher of Arabic translation of Meraviglie mute , Kalimat publisher, 2022
Alyazia Al Suwaidi - Founder of Al Fulk for publishing and translation, Publisher of Emirati Silent Books.
Marwa Al Aqrubi - President of the UAE Board on Books for Young People
Flavia Cristiano - President of italian Board on Books for Young People

Moderator: Yasmine Motawy - Senior Instructor, Rhetoric and Composition, The American University in Cairo, Egypt

Organizzato da

UAE Board on Books for Young People (UAEBBY) and IBBY Italia

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22 marzo



Translation Slam: Cajita de fósforos / BolognaRagazziAward Poetry 2021


Marta Rota Núñez, traduttrice, Italia;
Loredana Serratore, traduttrice, Italia;
Valentina Bongiovanni, illustratrice, Italia;
Alessia Epifani, illustratrice, Italia

Organizzato da


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22 marzo



Narrare la storia le storie. Il secolo elettrico

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22 marzo


ENG translation ITA

Spotlight on Africa - Developing African reading culture beyond the classroom

The Accessibility and Visibility of African Children’s Books: Despite many literacy programs in Africa, little attention is paid to instilling a culture of reading amongst youth. The result is a generation that is reading less and watching more than ever before. This session will discuss the role of governments, donor agencies, publishers, librarians, teachers, and families in fostering a culture of reading.


Kumuriwor Alira Bushiratu, co-founder, Learners Girls Foundation, Ghana;
Amira Abul-Magd, publisher, Dar Al-Shorouk, Egypt;
Chirikure Chirikure, poet, songwriter, author, Zimbabwe;
Catherine Uwimana, Book Development Expert, Rwanda

Moderator: Alison Tweed, Chief Executive Officer, BookAid, UK

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

IPA - International Publishers Association

Sponsorizzato da

ITA - Italian Trade Agency; MAECI - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

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22 marzo



Materie Prime: lavorando a un nuovo alfabeto dei sentimenti.

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22 marzo


Portfolio Review - Marianna Coppo


Marianna Coppo, author and illustrator, Italy

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22 marzo


Portfolio Review - Sarah Mazzetti


Sarah Mazzetti, illustrator, Italy

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22 marzo


Portfolio Review - Sonia Déchamps


Sonia Déchamps, art co-direct Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême, author and journalist

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

Sponsorizzato da

MiC - Ministry of Culture - Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

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22 marzo



Seasons and childhood: the illustrated books of Sam Usher

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22 marzo


Fluo Books

Starting with the bright fluorescent theme that can be found in the selection of books featured in the exhibition "Fluo: Lit Up Books", this round table offers a discussion on illustrated books: from the stylistic and narrative possibilities of colour in the composition of the image, to experimentation in the field of graphics and printing techniques


Sabine Louali, Éditions des Grandes Personnes, France;
Leonardo Aldegheri, Società Editoriale Grafiche AZ, Italy;
Mirco Dionati, Società Editoriale Grafiche AZ, Italy;
Gaby Bazin, illustrator, France;
Alice Piaggio, illustrator, Italy

Moderators: Grazia Gotti and Petra Paoli, Accademia Drosselmeier, curators of Fluo-Lit up Books exhibition

Organizzato da

Cooperativa Giannino Stoppani-Accademia Drosselmeier

In collaborazione con


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22 marzo


Publishers Without Borders: A Meet Up

Organizzato da


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22 marzo


Diverse Digital Journeys: Two stories – Skyship Entertainment and Piboco

Ed Nawotka talks with Morgan Fortier and Brett Jubinville from Sky Ship Entertainment (Canada) on the development of their Super Simple kid’s brand and their entrance in the book publishing world. Comparing two different journeys through the world of digital content and looking at Piboco (Denmark) who have become the premium indie digital publisher for picture books today


Ed Nawotka, international editor for Publisher Weekly, USA;
Morgan Fortier and Brett Jubinville, Sky Ship Entertainment, Canada;
Aksel Køie, Piboco, Denmark

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con


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22 marzo



Narrare la storia le storie. Rissa nel termopolio

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22 marzo



What stories can you tell in times of war? Etgar Keret's point of view. A lecture by the Israeli author

Born in 1967 Etgar Keret is an Israeli writer, scriptwriter, performer and director. His books are translated into more than 45 languages.

He has received the Book Publishers Association’s Platinum Prize several times, the Prime Minister’s Prize (1996), the Ministry of Culture’s Cinema Prize, the Jewish Quarterly Wingate Prize
(UK, 2008), the St Petersburg Public Library’s Foreign Favorite Award (2010), the Newman Prize (2012), the Charles Bronfman Prize in recognition of his work imparting an inspiring Jewish humanitarian vision (2017) and the Sapir Prize (2018), Israel’s most prestigious literary award, for his latest book “Fly Already”, which has also been shortlisted as one of the best books of 2019 by the Financial Times and the New York Public Library.
He was published in The New York Times, Le Monde, The New Yorker, The Guardian, The Paris Review and Zoetrope. Over 60 short movies have been based on his stories.
In 2007, Keret and Shira Geffen his wife, won the Cannes Film Festival’s “Camera d’Or” Award for their movie Jellyfish, and Best Director Award of the French Artists and Writers’ Guild. In 2010, Keret was honored in France with the decoration of Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Keret’s book, The Seven Good Years, was chosen by The Guardian as one of the best biographies and memoirs of 2015. In November 2018, a Dutch documentary film Etgar Keret: Based on a True Story won the Arts Programming category at the International Emmy awards. The Middleman, a French speaking mini-series, starring Mathieu Amalric and co-written and co-directed by Keret & Geffen had aired in ARTE in May 2020. Middleman won the best screenplay award at La Rochelle fiction TV festival in France. In 2020 he produced, together with Inbal Pinto, the Israeli contemporary dancer and choreographer: Outised – A Covid-19 fairytale, a short movie about the difficulties in real life during the pandemic.

Keret resides in Tel Aviv and lectures at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Introduction by David Unger, writer, representative of the Conference of international Book Fair Directors

Organizzato da

Conference of International Book Fairs Directors

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mercoledì 23 marzo 2022

23 marzo


Il Fondo Sergio Silva Libri Illustrati: a Parma una collezione dal passato di BCBF

Fondo Sergio Silva libri illustrati: a Parma una collezione dal passato di BCBF


Emanuela Bussolati illustratrice;
Nadia Malcisi, dirigente scolastica I.C. Salvo d' Acquisto;
Vanja Passerini, curatrice con l'associazione Bibliomondo famiglie volontarie aps

Moderatrice: Marina Petruzio studiosa di letteratura per l'infanzia e di costume

Organizzato da

Fondo Sergio Silva

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23 marzo



Artebambini: Latest Releases

Artebambini presents the latest products of the year: workshop-books, interactive projects and unmissable kamishibai releases, including the launch of the "Kamibaby" series, designed for the little ones.

Many new publications to talk about art and education, and to promote reading in a playful and effective way.

Mauro Speraggi
Relatori Marco Dallari, Mauro Speraggi, Marco Moschini, Giuseppe Vitale, Eleonora Cumer, Raffaella Castagna, Elisa Argentesi, Anna Paola Pagani, Alberto Pagani, Elisa Mantoni, Vincenzo Covelli, Fuad Aziz, Francesco Facciolli, Assunta Morrone, Paola Franceschini.
Organizzato da
Edizioni Artebambini
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23 marzo


Digital Firsts - Publishing Children’s Stories in Cross-Media Formats

Neal Hoskins, Digital consultant for the Bologna Children’s Book fairs talks with Sebastian Wehner, CEO Wonderz (Germany) and Juliet Tzabar, CEO Plug in Media (UK) With their combined and varied experience in producing popular children’s IP within cross media formats they will highlight how the different opportunities and challenges that publishers face in the creating complimentary media can centre around one main children’s character.


Neal Hoskins, Digital consultant for BCBF;
Sebastian Wehner, CEO Wonderz, Germany;
Juliet Tzabar, CEO Plug in Media, UK

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



The many faces of illustration - Masterclass with Sarah Mazzetti

Different ways of thinking and shaping your practice as an illustrator


Sarah Mazzetti, illustrator, Italy

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23 marzo


ENG translation: ITA

The Magic Hour: a meeting with Kitty Crowther

Kitty Crowther, ALMA Award winner, talks about her books and the artistic journey of “the Magic Hour” exhibition.


Kitty Crowther, illustratrice e scrittrice, Belgium;
Ilaria Tontardini, professor of History of Illustration, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Pastel-L’école des Loisirs, Topipittori

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23 marzo



Il laboratorio del traduttore - La zuppa pirata: tradurre Gaiman (inglese)


Giuseppe Iacobaci, traduttore

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



La Biblioteca IBBY Lampedusa compie 10 anni!

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23 marzo


Portfolio Review - Alessandro Manzella


Alessandro Manzella, illustrator, Italy

Organizzato da

AI - Associazione Autori di Immagini

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23 marzo


Portfolio Review - David Carter (Blossom Books)


David Carter, artist and paper engineer, USA

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23 marzo


Premio Carla Poesio per la migliore tesi di laurea in letteratura per l'infanzia

Un incontro dedicato al premio per la migliore tesi di laurea in letteratura per l'infanzia, istituito da BCBF in collaborazione con il Centro di Ricerca in Letteratura per l’Infanzia dell’Università di Bologna (CRLI).

Oltre a presentare il lavoro vincitore della quarta edizione, "Trovando sulle nuvole la chiave di casa. Interpretazioni in chiave metanarrativa e metalinguistica delle opere di Gianni Rodari" di Noemi Fiorito (Università Roma Tre), questo incontro sarà una preziosa occasione di discussione e confronto sulla ricerca nel campo della letteratura per ragazzi.


Emma Beseghi, Università di Bologna;
Pino Boero, Università di Genova;
Lorenzo Cantatore, Università Roma Tre;
Noemi Fiorito, vincitrice della quarta edizione del Premio Carla Poesio

Moderatore: Giovanni Nucci

Organizzato da


Sponsorizzato da


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23 marzo



Making beautiful and engaging images for children from complicated ideas

A workshop about creating an information based children’s book, by Neil Packer illustrator of One of a Kind (winner of BRAW 2021 Non-fiction), a visual introduction to taxonomy. MATERIALS: few A2 size pieces of paper; basic pencils and pens (maybe some additional coloured pencils and pens might be useful too); a couple of large pads of tracing paper


Neil Packer, illustrator and designer, UK

Organizzato da


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23 marzo


The Very Hungry Caterpillar apps - an eight year overnight publishing success story

Neal Hoskins BCBF digital consultant (UK) and Emmet O’Neill CEO, Story Toys (Ireland) investigate the onscreen journey of one the most loved picture books form Eric Carle. They will be working through the long and winding road of a route to success and seeing what makes the enduring story able to reinvent itself for the digital age without losing its original enigmatic draw.



Warren Buckleitner, founding editor of The Children’s Tech Review, USA;
Emmet O’Neill, CEO of Story Toys, Ireland

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con


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23 marzo



Translation Forum: Nations Unite. What Sells Well, Where

This seminar considers trends in translation, and what is selling in translated books, in various markets.


Viviana Vuscovich, Foreign and Movie Rights Manager, Mauri Spagnol;
Simona Olivito, editor, Edizioni E/O Rome;
Nopi Chatzigeorgiou, international book fairs coordinator / Hellenic Foundation for Culture;
Inara Belinkaja, Jānis Roze Bookshop and Publishing, Latvia;
Leonella Basiglini, Production Manager, Europa Editions;
Emma House, Managing Consultant, Oreham Group

Organizzato da


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23 marzo


ITA translation: ENG

Twenty Years of Kids Comics in Italy


Renata Gorgani, Editor in Chief, Il Castoro;
Emanuele di Giorgi, co-founder and CEO, Tunué;
Marta Mazza, Editor in Chief, Mondadori;
Della Passarelli, Editor in Chief, Sinnos;
Emilio Varrà, president, Hamelin Associazione Culturale

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con


Sponsorizzato da

MiC - Ministry of Culture - Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

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23 marzo


The reasons behind a choice - Meeting with the Illustrators Exhibition Jury 2022


Barroux, illustrator, France;
Nana Furiya, illustrator, Japan;
Agata Loth-Ignaciuk, Wydawnictwo Druganoga;
Irene Savino, Ekaré;
Valerio Vidali, illustrator, Italy

Moderator: Marcella Terrusi, professor of History and Childhood Culture, UNIBO

Organizzato da


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23 marzo


ITA translation: ENG

Hybrid writing - Masterclass with Otto Gabos and Teresa Porcella

Potential and peculiarities of a storytelling beyond conventional genres and labels. A conversation between Otto Gabos and Teresa Porcella.


Otto Gabos, writer and illustrator, Italy;
Teresa Porcella, writer and editor, Italy

In collaborazione con

Einaudi Ragazzi and Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

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23 marzo



Ti leggo una storia: la lettura ad alta voce dall'infanzia all'adolescenza

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23 marzo



Tra comunità e futuro: la sfida delle biblioteche per ragazzi

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23 marzo



Translation Forum: Hot Topics in Translation Rights

A debate around the challenges and hot topics that translated books, and those that translate, publish, sell them experience.


Ruth Ahmedzai Kemp, translator;
Lawrence Schimel, author and anthropologist, USA;
Inara Belinkaja, owner of Jānis Roze Bookshop and Publishing, Latvia;
Alīse Nīgale, Liels un Mazs, Latvia;
Fernanda Dantas, Brazilian Book Chamber;
Emma House, Managing Consultant, Oreham Group

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



La poesia come sguardo che illumina la realtà: María José Ferrada e le sue traduzioni in italiano


Giulia Giorgini, translator;
Marta Rota Núñez, translator

Moderator: Gloria Bazzocchi, Università di Bologna-Forlì

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



Il ritorno dell'avventura nei libri per ragazzi

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23 marzo


L'avventura della scrittura: il lungo viaggio di Mino Milani

Una lezione di Pino Boero in ricordo di Mino Milani

Introduce: Giovanni Nucci

Organizzato da


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23 marzo


ENG translation: ITA

Twenty Years of Global Kids Comics


Olivier Bron, editor, éditions 2024;
Frédéric Gauthier, founder, La Pastèque;
Rita Fürstenau, autrice, illustrator and publisher, Rotopol Press

Moderatrice: Sonia Déchamps, journalist, France

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con


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23 marzo


Impact of the folktales on building the children's personality and strenthening their community affiliation

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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23 marzo


Portfolio Review - Kike Mendoza Rojas


Kike Mendoza Rojas, founder of Torre I Mar Ediciones

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23 marzo



Journey to Malta - Gusti's carnet de voyage


Gusti, illustrator, Italy

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23 marzo


Announcement of the winner of 2022 International Award for Illustration BCBF-Fundación SM; Announcement of the winner of 2022 Ars in Fabula Grant Award; Prize giving ceremony of the artists selected for the 2022 Illustrators Exhibition


Moderator: Marcella Terrusi, professor of History and Childhood Culture, UNIBO

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



Arriva l'Uomo Pesca! Coesione interculturale nei sottotitoli giapponese-italiano

Coesione interculturale nei sottotitoli giapponese-italiano: tipologie di errori e proposte per il miglioramento qualitativo della traduzione. Traduzioni di alta qualità insieme a un'adeguata coerenza semantica in grado di garantire un uso chiaro dei testi tradotti sono i prerequisiti di qualsiasi sottotitolazione audiovisiva interlinguistica. Questo è importante per evitare incongruenze interculturali che rischiano di corroborare e convalidare stereotipi, o di vedersi negato il piacere di scoprire ciò che sta alla base dell'esperienza audiovisiva.


Francesco Vitucci, Università di Bologna

Organizzato da


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23 marzo


PT translation ENG

The amazing art of non-fiction drawing in children's books

In this masterclass, Nelson Cruz, a Brazilian artist will present his unique work, illustrating poetry and non-fiction books for children. He will show his creative process and will talk about how he came up with the idea of a poetry and a non-fiction reference book and how he deals with art and images. His book “Os Trabalhos da Mão” (the hand’s work), is a poetry book and won in 2018 the Jabuti Award (the most recognized award in Brazil) best illustration. His latest book “Sagatrissuinorana”, is a non-fiction book based in a real tragedy that occurs in Brazil. This book won in 2021 the Jabuti Award as the Book of the Year.


Nelson Cruz, Brazilian illustrator 

Organizzato da

Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL) and Embaixada do Brasil em Roma 

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23 marzo



La Libreria dei Ragazzi di Milano compie 50 anni!

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23 marzo


Trailblazing Women in Publishing


Senja Požar. M.Sc, Senior Rights Manager, Slovenia;
Chris Modafferi, Senior Art Agent, Advocate Art, Italy-America;
Sandra Tamele, Editora Trinta Zero Nove, Mozambique

Organizzato da

PublisHer - An Industry - Led Movement To Bring Gender Equality To World Publishing

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23 marzo



Accessible books to give everyone the opportunity to read

One of the challenges of the European Accessibility Act is to allow 80 million Europeans with disabilities to have easier access to books. The objective of our round table is to address the subject of adapted publishing accessible to disabled people. The question is to adapt the existing books in different mediums, so that it adapts to the disorder of each one. What are the reading difficulties that arise for these different audiences? What are the adapted books offered today by publishers, in digital and in print? What innovative technologies allow the industrialization of adaptation on a larger scale? To answer these questions, we suggest inviting to this round table: a specialist in Language Disorders, an Italian publisher who offers different digital versions of the same book, a French publisher whose adapted paper collections are very successful, and an expert in innovative technology at Mobidys. Beyond European Accessibility Act compliance, it is about showing that books evolve and innovate to make reading possible for everyone.


Sophie Hamon, head of innovation, MOBiDYs;
Daniela Marchitto, editor, Les Mots Libres Edzioni;
Gabriele Cordovani, member of board of directors, A.I.D. Associazione Italiana Dislessia;
Paolo Albert, CTO and founder, PubCoder

Organizzato da

MOBiDYS for BBPlus

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23 marzo


Yuval Noah Harari announces his new project for pre-teens

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



Visual voices from Georgia

Tbilisi is UNESCO`s World Book Capital for 2021. One of our priorities was visual arts. We organized Tbilisi Illustration Festival and printed its catalogue. Now we are bringing three illustrators with us to Bologna Fiere.


Ana Janelidze, illustrator, Georgia;
Gio Jincharadze, illustrator, Georgia;
Varlam Jmukhadze, illustrator, Georgia

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23 marzo



Abbracci di suoni. Ascolto, lettura, cura, contatto, musica per crescere insieme (0-6 anni)

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23 marzo



Assemblea nazionale Gruppo di Servizio per la Letteratura Giovanile

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23 marzo



Leggi qui. Il piacere della lettura per ragazzi stranieri

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23 marzo



Children's bookshops: a special focus on comic books

The fourth International Conference of Children's Bookshops, to be held online during BCBF, will once again be an important opportunity for discussion, sharing of strategies and best practices among those working in the field. Having seen a significant increase in the production of comics aimed at young readers, the meeting aims to highlight how the comics market is evolving within children's bookshops.


Dulia Lengema, itinerant bookseller, Belgium;
Anna Giulia Moraro, Libreria per ragazzi Giannino Stoppani, Italia (Alir);
Huang Yujiao, Page One, Cina;
Molly Olivo, Barstons Child’s Play, USA

Moderator: Ed Nawotka, Publishers Weekly

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

ALIR - Associazione Librerie Indipendenti per Ragazzi

23 marzo



OLTRE CONFINE. Editoria per ragazzi e internazionalizzazione

Da anni i libri per ragazzi sono uno dei settori trainanti dell’export editoriale e gli autori e gli illustratori made in Italy apprezzati in tutto il mondo. Ma quali ingredienti deve avere una storia per catturare l’attenzione internazionale? Come promuovere autori e libri all’estero? Quali sono le figure professionali che operano in questo campo e come si trasforma la passione in professione? Esperienze e consigli a confronto, con le testimonianze di Pierdomenico Baccalario, scrittore, socio di "Book On a Tree", agenzia creativa impegnata nella realizzazione di progetti transmediali internazionali, di Alice Fornasetti, agente letteraria specializzata in editoria per ragazzi e young adult e socia di Grandi & Associati, e di Arianna Squilloni, fondatrice in Spagna della casa editrice "A Buen Paso". Conduce Paola Di Giampaolo, analista editoriale, responsabile progettazione e sviluppo dei Master in Editoria dell’Università Cattolica. Partecipano alla gestione dell'evento e alla comunicazione gli allievi del Master Professione Editoria cartacea e digitale, coordinati dai docenti


Pierdomenico Baccalario, scrittore;
Alice Fornasetti, agente letteraria, Grandi & Associati;
Arianna Squilloni, editrice, A Buen Paso;

Moderatrice: Paola Di Giampaolo, analista editoriale, responsabile progettazione e sviluppo dei Master in Editoria dell’Università Cattolica

Organizzato da

Master Professione Editoria e Master BookTelling dell’Università Cattolica

In collaborazione con

CRELEB (Centro di ricerca Europeo libro, editoria, biblioteca), MVGPress, Manzoni22 e Out of the blue

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23 marzo


Supply Chain and Sustainability: how are publishers, printers and technology providers working together to improve sustainability in the supply chain?

There is an urgent need for the publishing supply chain to become more sustainable. At the same time, the global supply chain is under enormous pressure, especially economic with paper shortages and inflated shipping costs. This panel of experts including publishers, printers and HP will explore how the supply chain can work together to change how and where books are printed and manufactured, tackling the supply chain issues and at the same time creating environmental efficiencies.  

Organizzato da

Hewlett-Packard for BBPlus

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23 marzo


Topo pecoso/Moley Mole: a journey through languages and translation


David Unger, author and translator, UK;
Mercedes Ariza, translator, Argentina

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



Caldecott & Co. Illustration according to Sendak

Relatori Martino Negri Children’s Literature Professor, Università Milano Bicocca Sergio Nutini, publisher, Edizioni Junior Steven Guarnaccia, illustrator and designer, Associate Professor of Illustration at Parsons Sergio Ruzzier, illustrator
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23 marzo



Le scienziate e le loro vite: l’arte della biografia

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23 marzo


Portfolio Review - Francesca Chessa


Francesca Chessa, illustrator, Italy

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23 marzo


Portfolio Review - Irene Savino (Ediciones Ekaré)


Irene Savino, art director, Ediciones Ekaré

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23 marzo



Premio Strega Ragazze e Ragazzi 2022: incontro con i vincitori 2021 e annuncio del libro vincitore nella nuova categoria "Narrazione per immagini"


Davide Morosinotto, Alessandro Barbaglia, Annet Schaap, vinictori Premio Strega 2021

Moderatrice: Marcella Terrusi, docente di Storia e culture d'infanzia UNIBO

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

Fondazione Bellonci

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23 marzo



La rappresentazione dei migranti nelle narrazioni, tavola rotonda a cura di Lorenzo Luatti

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23 marzo



Educare ai diritti. Percorsi di Bioetica con Unicef

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23 marzo



Drawing and being drawn by emotions

Pei-Hsin Chon will dive into her emotional and creative journey that lies behind her work as illustrator and animator.


Pei-Hsin Cho, illustrator and animator, Taiwan

In collaborazione con

Taipei Book Fair Foundation

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23 marzo


I mestieri del fumetto

All the professions involved before and during the publication of a comic book. An appointment for all those who dream of working in a comic book publishing house.


Marco Rana, editor, Mondadori;
Georgia Cocchi Pontalti, licensing e marketing manager, edizioni BD;
Jacopo Moretti, Senior Event Manager, Lucca Crea

Moderatore: Emanuele Di Giorgi, Resp. Commissione Comics & Graphic Novels di AIE

Organizzato da

AIE - Associazione Italiana Editori

In collaborazione con

Aldus Up and Eudicom

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23 marzo



Maestri scrittori

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23 marzo



Make Faces! Real and Imaginary Portraits

A workshop that starts from the life drawing of characters and above all of the faces to think about the portrait. We will move from the first sketches to a complete drawing, taking advantage of the presence of the mask - an element that hides - to imagine and invent the second part of a face. The drawings will be collected in a collective "harlequin" book.

MATERIALS: Paper, normal drawing tools (pencils)


Joëlle Jolivet, illustrator, France

Organizzato da

Hamelin associazione culturale

In collaborazione con

Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna and LXL. Leggere per leggere Bologna

Sponsorizzato da

MiC - Ministry of Culture - Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity

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23 marzo


MeFu help desk

The MeFu association, thanks to its experts in the field, provides authors with a service to investigate and resolve legal and tax issues in the world of comics and graphic novels.


Emanuele Rosso, founder, MeFu;
Armando Perna, lawyer;
Saverio Romanelli, accountant

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23 marzo



Premio LiBeR 2021. Premiazione di Silvia Vecchini e Sualzo con il loro libro “Le parole possono tutto”

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23 marzo



Desperate Bledardes: tradurre la lingua della banlieue in un fumetto virtuale

Come tradurre il linguaggio della banlieue? Proposte di traduzione attraverso il fumetto digitale "Desperate Blédardes" di Mayada e Maïsa Gargouri


Ilaria Vitali, docente di Lingue, letteratura e cultura francese, Università di Macerata

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



A sentimental education for young people


Giuseppe Pierro, dirigente del Ministero dell'Istruzione;
Chiara Rapaccini, autrice;
Caterina Mazzucato, scrittrice;
Chiara Belliti, editor

Organizzato da

Beisler Editore

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23 marzo



Il coniglietto di velluto (1922) una riflessione critica nel centenario

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23 marzo


Dolls from the UAE Workshop

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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23 marzo


ENG translation: ITA

The Winners of the BolognaRagazzi Award 2022 - Comics category

Bienvenue à Bibiville (Early Reader), text and art by Éponine Cottey, Éditions 2024, France, 2021;
Teatro di natura (Middle Grade), text and art by Michelangelo Setola, Canicola, Italy, 2021;
Polly (Young Adult), text by Fabrice Melquiot, art by Isabelle Pralong, Éditions La Joie de lire, Switzerland, 2021



Olivier Bron, publisher, Éditions 2024, France;
Liliana Cupido, publisher, Canicola, Italy;
Francine Bouchet, publisher, La Joie de lire, Switzerland;
Animo Chen, comic book artist, winner of BRAW Comics 2020


Moderators: Sonia Deschamps, co-artistic director of the International Comics Festival of Angoulême and BRAW Comics juror; Alberto Sebastiani, professor of Linguistics, Literature and Comics culture UNIBO and BRAW Comics juror


Organizzato da


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23 marzo



AI Annual, una scelta ancora attuale?

Is it worth participating in competitions like Annual? We'll talk about it with Arianna Malacrida, Agent and Juror of the 2022 edition of the Annual competition, the illustrators Paolo D'Altan and Marco Somà and with Laura Urbinati, author of graphic novels


Arianna Malacrida, agente, Ghirigori Agency;
Paolo d’Altan, illustratore e docente, Scuola Internazionale di Comics;
Marco Somà, illustratore di libri per bambini e docente di illustrazione, Ars In Fabula;
Laura Urbinati, autrice di graphic novel

Organizzato da

AI - Associazione Autori di Immagini

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23 marzo



BAMBINI SI DIVENTA, presentazione del libro di Angelo Petrosino organizzato dalla rivista

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23 marzo



Disegnare il Mediterraneo: dall'illustrazione per bambini al fumetto

Incontro con l'artista libanese Lena Merhej e Enrica Batttista. Partendo dal suo graphic novel "Marmellata con laban", si parlerà di fumetto arabo e letteratura araba per bambine e bambini


Enrica Battista, Università di Venezia;
Lena Merhej, autrice e illustratrice, Libano

Organizzato da


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23 marzo


Picturebook Project Review - Valentina Colombo (Phileas Fogg Agency)

The agent will review only book project proposals (not portfolios)


Valentina Colombo, agent, Phileas Fogg Agency

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23 marzo


Portfolio Review - Maria Russo


Maria Russo, Editorial Director, Minedition US

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23 marzo


Portfolio Review - Valerio Vidali


Valerio Vidali, illustrator juror of The Illustrators Exhibition 2022

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23 marzo



Tbilisi World Book Capital 2021

The panel will discuss the challenging year the project had. The speakers will talk about the obstacles and the successful programs.

The talk will also cover Tbilisi World Book Capital attending the Bologna Book Fair and the program the Georgian side has put together with the help of the Bologna Fiere.

Limeri Grigolia (Tbilisi World Book Capital )
Relatori Ninia Matcharashvili (Tbilisi World Book Capital), Nino Kiknadze (Tbilisi World Book Capital)
Organizzato da
Tbilisi World Book Capital
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23 marzo


FR translation ENG

Other Fairy Tales: Benjamin Lacombe and Beatrice Alemagna

Two giants of contemporary children’s literature are confronted with the fairy tale, a reference for putting the great existential questions back into play.


Benjamin Lacombe, author and illustrator, France;
Beatrice Alemagna, author and illustrator, Italy

Moderator: Sophie Van der Linden, author and literary critic, France

Organizzato da

Hamelin Associazione Culturale

In collaborazione con

Rizzoli, Topipittori

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23 marzo



Georgian Children's literature nowadays

Fiction writers have been on display since Georgia was the Guest of Honor Country at the Frankfurt Book Fair back in 2018. But not much has been done to promote Georgian children's literature.  The talk will cover the current situation in the local industry: the progress it made in recent years and where it's headed.

Limeri Grigolia (Tbilisi World Book Capital)
Relatori Niki Tarkhan-Mouravi (Zoliani Kata)
Organizzato da
Tbilisi World Book Capital
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23 marzo


The advantages of acquisitions for building or starting a comics catalogue

The comics and graphic novel industry is growing fast worldwide. Publishers are looking to include these types of works in their catalogues, others are looking to start new comics publishing companies or imprints and there is also a desire to increase the number of these works in existing catalogues. The growth of demand is fast and producing these works takes time. Acquisitions can meet growth demands with ease. Speakers at this round table will talk of their experiences in helping publishers grow their catalogues with the foreign rights sale of their works and others will speak of how acquisitions helped them meet growth needs.


Veronique Ma, Hachette / Albert Rene;
Federico Zaghis, BeccoGiallo;
Amelia Mack, Astra Publishing House;
Wiebe Mokken, Scratch Books, The Netherlands

Moderator: Ivanka Hahnenberger, VIP Brands

Organizzato da


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23 marzo



Letteratura giovanile motociclistica. Presentazione del libro di Fabio Bianchi

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23 marzo



Zoliani Kata: Challenges Faced by Small Publishers in Georgia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, state-owned publishing houses disappeared, and private publishing houses replaced them. In the changing political and economic reality, private publishing houses have gained some new experience: Georgia joined the Berne Convention in 1995 and adopted a copyright law. Translations of modern Western literature gradually appeared on the Georgian book market, and the struggle for a license sparked competition among publishers. At the same time, new Georgian authors appeared. As a result, the ties to the Soviet publishing traditions were cut as independent publishers faced utterly different challenges - the small market and the high price of books limited them with a choice to publish only those books that were less risky.

Translated fiction took over the market as it was cheaper for local publishers to license internationally published texts and illustrations. Meanwhile, local children's books favored a safer approach by producing works adapted from myths and fables.

The need to establish Zoliani Kata became even more apparent when we discovered a shortage of books for our young children. It was a vast, untapped area open for novelties. It motivated us to plan things in the long run and not be discouraged by the obstacles.

Initially, we started to work on picture books involving local authors and illustrators. However, this format was still unfamiliar to the Georgian market and was considered risky. Then We expanded to new age categories and started publishing Young Adult novels and translated titles. 

The priorities we set from the beginning are the same today - we are interested in publishing books for children and not for their parents. We offer books that teach them to care for nature and each other, to introduce them to the ideas of empathy, acceptance, and respect for different opinions.

We never advertised our books since they speak for themselves. However, our publications received high praise over the years. Now we believe this once hobby-like experimental endeavour can become a sustainable business.

Relatori Niki Tarkhan-Mouravi (Zoliani Kata)
Organizzato da
Tbilisi World Book Capital
In collaborazione con
Zoliani Kata
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23 marzo


Talking Pictures. Talking Nothing


Steven Guarnaccia, illustrator and designer, USA;
Massimiliano Tappari, writer and illustrator, Italia;
Ilaria Tontardini, Hamelin Associazione Culturale

Moderator: Emilio Varrà, Hamelin Associazione Culturale

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

Hamelin and Steven Guarnaccia 

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23 marzo



Writers' House Georgia Presents Authors: Vaso Guleuri and Mariam Tsiklauri

Writers' House of Georgia presents Georgian writers Mariam Tsiklauri and Vasil Guleuri.  They will talk about their Literature and the books that Georgian children especially love.

The event will also feature the first presentation of Mariam Tsiklauri’s book Una Domestika Insolita translated (by Nunu Geladze) and published in Italy (2021) by Giuliano Ladolfi Editore.

Mariam Tsiklauri and Vasil Guleuri have been writing children's literature in Georgian for decades now. Both authors are active in the field of both children's prose and children's poetry. They are winners of numerous Children's Literary Prizes in Georgia and were also the nominees for the Astrid Lindgren Children's Literary Prize. Nowadays both writers are actively involved in different children’s literary projects. Their works have been translated into many languages, including English, German, French and Italian.

Giuliano Ladolfi
Relatori Mariam Tsiklauri, Vaso Guleuri
Organizzato da
Tbilisi World Book Capital
In collaborazione con
Writer's House of Georgia
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giovedì 24 marzo 2022

24 marzo


Portare il mondo ai bambini attraverso i libri (6-8 anni)

Gli editor e gli editori verso il mondo della scuola con proposte di letture e percorsi.


Francesca Archinto, editrice, Babalibri;
Fausta Orecchio, fondatrice e direttore, Orecchio Acerbo;
Silvia Nono, Foreign Rights e Emons Raga, Emons;
Daniela Gamba, editor, La Coccinella

Moderatore: Giovanni Nucci

Organizzato da


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24 marzo



Fumetto e scuola: strategie ed esperienze nazionali e internazionali

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24 marzo


Il cervello del bambino che legge - Percorsi di lettura per insegnanti (scuola dell’infanzia)

Come reagisce il cervello del bambino di fronte alla lettura, cosa realmente vede, cosa scopre, cosa preferisce? Come facilitare una lettura attiva e partecipata.


Ilaria Tagliaferri, direzione LiBeR

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con


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24 marzo


Laboratorio concorso di traduzione dalla lingua araba IN ALTRE PAROLE


Elena Chiti, professor of Middle Eastern Studies, Stockholm University;
Silvia Moresi, editor, Arabpop

Organizzato da


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24 marzo


ES translation: ENG

An illustrated trip in the Basque Country

A conversation between three Basque Illustrators working through different mediums like murals, illustrated books, communication and comics. Travelling into their landscapes and culture through their works and images.

Language: ES

Translation: EN


Maite Mutuberria, illustratrice;
Sandra Garayoa, illustratrice;
Maite Rosende, illustratrice

Organizzato da

Euskal Irudigileak (Basque Books) and Irudika

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24 marzo



Erga/Vesepia interactive books with video, audio and music. Educational, theatre, poetry and foreign languages

Reading, watching and hearing a book: this is the new world of Erga/Vesepia interactive books. A dialogue that goes on the school IWB (interactive whiteboard), that builds bridges on the web and becomes a constantly updated text. It can be used with a simple mobile phone, tablet or PC. Artists, authors and teachers talk about it.
Donata Federici
Relatori Donata Federici
Organizzato da
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24 marzo



Small and big - experimenting with colour and collage

During this workshop, participants will first make a small illustration in collage technique. Then, the part of this image will be trasformed into something completely new. During the process, we'll swap images, continue and finish someone's work and and experiment with colour! In the end, participants will have a bunch of collages from A4 to A3. The imagination will be running wild!

MATERIALS: colored paper, A4 (around 20 sheets) and A3 formats (at least 3-4); Scissors and glue sticks; black permanent markers, colored pencils or markers


Yulia Dubrova, illustrator, Uzbekistan

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24 marzo


Portfolio Review - Nana Furiya


Nana Furiya, illustrator and author, juror of The Illustrators Exhibition 2022

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24 marzo


Uno due tre dimensioni: viaggio nelle tecniche di costruzione dei libri pop-up con Massimo Missiroli

All’inizio c’è un sottile cartoncino, poi, a poco a poco, piega dopo piega, taglio dopo taglio, con l’aiuto di un po’ di colla, quel cartoncino diventa un castello, un drago, un aereo, un missile che ci accompagna nella terza dimensione. Un viaggio nelle tecniche di costruzione dei libri pop-up raccontato da Massimo Missiroli.


Massimo Missiroli, pop-up designer, Italy

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24 marzo


Forti, motivati e accattivanti - Percorsi di lettura per insegnanti (scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado)

Idee per costruire un percorso di lettura - forti, motivanti e accattivanti - per giovani lettori (11-14 anni)


Giuseppe Assandri, author, LiBeR

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con

Pepeverde – letture e letterature giovanili

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24 marzo


MeFu help desk

The MeFu association, thanks to its experts in the field, provides authors with a service to investigate and resolve legal and tax issues in the world of comics and graphic novels.


Emanuele Rosso, founder, MeFu;
Armando Perna, lawyer;
Saverio Romanelli, accountant

L'evento non è più disponibile

24 marzo



Premiazione del concorso IN ALTRE PAROLE


Con i membri della giuria 2022 Elena Chiti e Silvia Moresi e delle giurie 2020-21 Elisabetta Bartuli e Cristina Dozio

Organizzato da


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24 marzo



Saperne di statistica aiuta a comprendere la realtà e a decidere nell’incertezza. A volte, però, le statistiche sono difficili da leggere, soprattutto per chi non è esperto, o per i più piccoli. È in gran parte una questione di linguaggio. Un ottimo espediente per superare l'ostacolo, molte volte solo apparente, è proprio cambiare lingua e comunicare numeri e statistiche in modo che ciascuno trovi quello più adatto alle proprie corde. L’Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (Istat) è il principale produttore di statistiche ufficiali a supporto dei cittadini e dei decisori pubblici. Negli ultimi anni è sempre più attento allo sviluppo della cultura statistica tra la cittadinanza, con particolarmente riguardo alle giovani generazioni. Lo fa raccontando dati e informazioni statistiche in modo semplice garantendo un elevato livello di qualità. Gli interventi sul territorio vengono modulati in base alle competenze e ai processi cognitivi dei più giovani. In occasione del BCBF Istat propone un seminario dal titolo #IstatForChildren nel quale verranno presentate attività laboratoriali giocose e illustrata la propria produzione editoriale dedicata a bambini e ragazzi. Tutte le attività possono essere facilmente replicate o reinventate in classe o in biblioteca.

Benvenuti fra noi - Roberto Costa
Dati alla mano: dove tutto è più facile - Francesca Vannucchi
C’era una volta. Le fiabe raccontano la statistica - Susi Osti
Imparare la statistica divertendosi? Si può fare! - Monica Bailot
Leggere dati, scrivere storie - Francesca Vannucchi
Alla scoperta delle parole amiche dei numeri - Nadia Caporrella
Dibattito - Chiusura lavori

Organizzato da


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24 marzo



Cercare la poesia nascosta col metodo Caviardage

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24 marzo


Colpi di Scena - Biennial Festival of Theatre for Young Audience

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24 marzo



"Italian Excellence" exhibition - guided tour with Silvana Sola


Silvana Sola, Giannino Stoppani-Accademia Drosselmeier

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24 marzo


ES translation: ENG

Visual storytelling and authorship. Processes of a Peruvian publishing house TORRE I MAR specialized in illustration

Talk about the experience and the processes that take place between the several players (editor/ illustrator/ author/ designer) that are involved in the production of the Peruvian publishing house TORRE I MAR specialized in illustration. We will talk about the dynamics of execution and its development up to the final product. How the collaboration enables a dialogue between the author’s narration, the visual image, the storytelling and the book as an aesthetic object.


Kike Mendoza Rojas, publisher, TORRE I MAR;
Marite Canepa, designer;
Natalí Sejuro Aliaga, illustrator;
Fernando Arce, illustrator;
Dominique Milan, illustrator;
Andrea Balbuena, illustrator;
Abraham Zambrano, illustrator;
Maria Paula Núñez, illustrator;
Estelí Vela, illustrator;
Almendra Tamariz, illustrator

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24 marzo


Portare il mondo ai bambini attraverso i libri (8-12 anni)

 Gli editor e gli editori verso il mondo della scuola con proposte di letture e percorsi.


Chiara Fiengo, editor, Feltrinelli;
Beatrice Fini, director divisione area ragazzi e YA, Giunti;
Della Passarelli, editorial director, Sinnos;
Gaia Stock, editor, EL, Einaudi Ragazzi

Moderatore: Giovanni Nucci

Organizzato da


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24 marzo


Sharjah Guest of Honour programme - The Sharjah Translation Award “Turjuman”

A panel discussion on the Sharjah Translation Award ‘Turjuman’ to discuss the objectives behind the award’s entry criteria, and its vital role in promoting the Arab culture and supporting Arabic books worldwide.


Isabella Camera d'Afflitto, La Sapienza University in Rome, member of the Postgraduate Graduate Studies Council of the University of Naples;
Mohamed Mahdi, Sharjah Book Authority

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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24 marzo


Young Adults Science Fiction

Organizzato da

Sharjah Book Authority

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24 marzo


Raccontare il presente, immaginare il futuro: i libri per l'infanzia e l'adolescenza di fronte agli obiettivi dell'Agenda ONU 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile.


Anselmo Roveda, scrittore, coordinatore redazionale di Andersen

Organizzato da


In collaborazione con


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24 marzo


Portfolio Review - Elisabeth Perez, Asier Iturralde


Elisabeth Perez, director Irudika;
Asier Iturralde, illustrator, Spain

In collaborazione con


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24 marzo


Se il barone rampante scendesse dall’albero: la letteratura salvata dai ragazzini

L’importanza della poesia, del teatro e della narrativa nella scuola di oggi.


Federico Appel, redattore e autore;
Daniele Aristarco, autore;
Federica Iacobelli, scrittrice e docente

Moderatore: Giovanni Nucci

Organizzato da


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24 marzo



From idea to bookshelf: the creative process of Barroux

A journey around the creative process of the French illustrator Barroux about the main steps of creating a picturebook


Masterclass Barroux, illustrator, juror of The Illustrators Exhibition 2022

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24 marzo


La voce libera di Gianni Rodari - Favole, Filastrocche e Canzoni

Un viaggio di Max Paiella nel mondo rivoluzionario e poetico di Gianni Rodari.


Max Paiella, vignettista, cantante, musicista, Italia

Organizzato da


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