Matilde Bella (Ufficio Stampa) Email:
Livio Muci (Editore) Email:
Simona Muci (Ufficio Commerciale) Email:
Paola Perrucci (Redazione) Email:
Matteo Sabato (Responsabile collana per ragazzi "Rendez-vous") Email:
Since 1995, Besa publishing house has been focusing primarily on literary issues that have always been neglected by mainstream publishing circles: the Balkans’ anguish, the multiethnic melting pot of the Mediterranean, the transnational radiance of the Hispanic world from Europe to the Americas. The Rendez-vous children’s book series is considered as collection of “borders” stories: borders between nations, continents, languages, customs; a liquid border we can cross in a double direction and a plot of land in which children could meet thanks to the stories.
Diversity and Inclusion Fairy Tales Fiction History
(B) Early readers (C) Middle grade (D) Young adults
Via Duca degli Abruzzi, 13 73048 Nardò LE, ITALIA