Xosé Ballesteros (Managing director) Email: direccion@kalandraka.com
Lola Barcelò (Italy subsidiary director) Email: info@kalandraka.it
Margarida Noronha (Portugal subsidiary director) Email: edicao@kalandraka.pt
Silvia Pérez Tato (Foreign rights) Email: edicion@kalandraka.com
Manuela Rodriguez (Editorial director) Email: obras@kalandraka.com
Picture books for young readers, high quality education and illustration. Some of them were awarded with national and international prize.
(21-111) Novels (21-113) Picture books (21-114) Poetry
(A) pre-school (B) Early readers (C) Middle grade
C/ Pastor Díaz 1 4° A 36001 Pontevedra , SPAGNA