Important: each CrossMedia Project and each Digital Reading Experience requires a separate entry; therefore, if you want to submit more than one application, e.g. both a CrossMedia Project and a Digital Reading Experience, you must proceed by submitting separate entries.
In submitting this Application Form, Applicants hereby declare they are the owner, or authorized by the owner, of all copyright to the documentation submitted to BolognaFiere through this website, and hereby expressly hold harmless BolognaFiere from any and all eventual claims by third parties in respect of the rights and ownership of the content transmitted herewith.
* Consent To The Processing Of Personal Data Having read the above Information, you expressly consent to the processing of personal data in the manner indicated therein for:
*a) development of statistical and market studies and research (e.g. sending out customer satisfaction questionnaires);
*b) fulfilments connected with the profiling activity carried out by BolognaFiere;
*c) fulfilments connected with the marketing activities carried out by BolognaFiere;
*d) sending your data to BolognaFiere Group companies and third parties for their marketing purposes;