2025 Illustrators Exhibition - How to take part


A major BCBF highlight, the Illustrators Exhibition is a unique international showcase for state-of-the-art trends in illustrations for children and young adults.

An outstanding international jury will select the winners whose illustrations will be presented at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.

Being selected will give illustrators great visibility with the publication of their works in the Illustrators Annual and the 2-year world tour of the exhibition.

The competition is open to published and unpublished illustrators, art school students and publishers with their artists.


The registration and file upload function will be made available from 2 JULY TO 12 18 OCTOBER 2024.

All entries must, without exception, be received by 18 OCTOBER 2024. 

  • Illustrators, professionals and beginners (born before December 31, 2007) can enter unpublished artwork, or artwork published in the previous two years.
  • Art schools can enter the most interesting innovative projects by students who have attended their Institute.
  • Publishers can purchase codes for your illustrators by writing to illustratori@bolognafiere.it


Participation shall be on payment of a fee of €22 (+ VAT if due), with the exception of students in possession of a code provided by the art schools/courses they are attending. 
Individual codes for each student will be sent by BolognaFiere at the request - in writing - of art schools/courses applying to: illustratori@bolognafiere.it 

Once candidates have uploaded their illustrations, they can then complete the procedure by going to Payment. On purchase completion, you will receive a confirmation mail with the activation code for the service you have purchased.

To activate your purchase, go to the reserved Visitors’ section of the BCBF website (or register if you haven’t already done so). Insert the activation code you received by e-mail. The system will then confirm that your application has been successfully registered. 


If you need assistance during purchase, please contact: bf@archimedia.it 

If you need an invoice, please write an e-mail to: bf@archimedia.it giving your VAT number.


Participation is free of charge for students, provided they are in possession of the code given them by the art school/course attended (codes will be sent directly to the school/course by BCBF). All those not in possession of a BCBF-supplied code shall be required to pay the participation fee.

Once students have uploaded their illustrations, they should enter the free code in their possession. The system will then confirm that the application has been accepted.

Each code is unique and may be used only once.

Schools/courses already corresponding with BCBF will receive free codes for their students via e-mail. However, further codes may be requested by e-mail at: illustratori@bolognafiere.it

Schools/courses that have not received free codes should apply to: illustratori@bolognafiere.it indicating the number of students they wish to nominate to apply. 


Publishers can purchase codes for your illustrators by writing to illustratori@bolognafiere.it

Illustrators must enter their artwork exclusively online. 

The 5 artworks must be based on the same theme, and must be numbered, as preferred, from 1 to 5 on the digital format file. The number of artworks (5) is mandatory.

The 5 illustrations – 5, no more, no less - may be unpublished artwork or artwork published after 1 January 2023. The work can be in black and white or colour and be produced using any technique.

The digital format must be: jpg or png, maximum size 5 MB, resolution 150 DPI.

Read the Regulations carefully before you fill in your Entry Form.

Before filling out the Entry Form you have to register. If you are not already registered, you can do so by going to the BCBF Visitors Reserved Area. If you are already registered, simply login to the Visitors Reserved Area.

Fill out the personal data fields, upload your five illustrations (mandatory number), which can be either unpublished work or work published after 1 January 2023, produced either in black and white or colour with any technique.

File format: jpg or png, max size 5 MB, resolution 150 DPI.

The 5 artworks must be based on the same theme, and must be numbered, as you choose, from 1 to 5 on the digital format file. The number of artworks (5) is mandatory.

If you realize you have made a mistake while uploading, you can delete and repeat the operation. At the end of the procedure, a final click will confirm that upload has been successfully completed.

Once the images have been uploaded, your registration and submission must be completed with payment of the registration fee. Follow the steps appearing automatically. Should the payment fail, or in case of churn, an automatic e-mail notification will allow you to complete the payment without having to repeat the entire procedure.

PLEASE NOTE: during payment, use the same e-mail you gave when entering the reserved area.

An automatic message at the end of the procedure will confirm that registration has been successfully completed. Registration confirmation will also appear in your Reserved Area. 

PLEASE NOTE: registration will be valid only after payment has been completed. Please note that registration and payment must be made by 18 October 2024.

Just uploading your images does not register you for the contest.

Read the Regulations carefully before you fill in your Entry Form.

Before you can fill out the Entry Form, you have to register in the Reserved Area. If you are not already registered, you can do so by going to the BCBF Visitors Reserved Area. If you are already registered, simply login to the Visitors Reserved Area.

Fill out the personal data fields, upload your five illustrations (mandatory number), which can be either unpublished work or work published after 1 January 2023, produced either in black and white or colour using any technique.

File format: jpg or png, max size 5 MB, resolution 150 DPI.

The 5 artworks must be based on the same theme, and must be numbered, as you choose, from 1 to 5 on the digital format file. The number of artworks (5) is mandatory.

If you realize you have made a mistake while uploading, you can delete and repeat the operation. At the end of the procedure, a final click will confirm that the upload has been successfully completed.

After you have finished and confirmed the upload of the images, you will be asked to enter the student gift code. Participation shall be on payment of a fee of €22 (+ VAT if due), with the exception of students in possession of a code provided by the art schools/courses they are attendingIf the code is correct, an automatic message at the end of the procedure will confirm that you have successfully completed the procedure. Registration confirmation will also appear in your Reserved Area. 

If you have any problems with your code, please write to: illustratori@bolognafiere.it 

PLEASE NOTE: registration will be valid only after the code entered is accepted.

Just uploading your images does not register you for the contest.

All works compliant with the entry regulations and uploaded on the Bologna Children’s Book Fair website shall be examined by the international Jury comprising five members (from publishing houses, art schools, museum curators or illustrators) appointed by BolognaFiere. The Jury’s decision shall be final.

The Jury will make a first selection, choosing approximately 300 finalists and then the final selection of the winners whose names will be published on the Bologna Children’s Book Fair website by the end of January 2025.

The illustrators admitted to the selection process will automatically receive (from January 2025) a code number via email. This code will entitle them to a special-price entry ticket to BCBF 2025.

The 300 finalists whose works are shortlisted for the final selection phase will receive an e-mail with a code allowing them free admission to the 2025 BCBF.

During the fair, the 300 finalists will also enjoy priority access and be allocated a portfolio review slot at a session of the 2025 Illustrators Survival Corner where major publishers, illustrators, authors, agents and art directors review illustrators’ work and offer valuable suggestions.

An illustrator will be chosen to create the visual identity of the Bologna Children's Book Fair 2026 under the tutorship of Chialab Design Studio.

In addition to what has already been listed for the finalists, illustrators whose work is selected for the Illustrators Exhibition will be offered further opportunities:

  • Winners under 35 will automatically be shortlisted for the International Award for Illustration Bologna Children’s Book Fair - Fundación SM. Established in 2009 to encourage new illustration talent, the prize consists of a 15,000 Euro cheque giving the artist the opportunity to create an illustrated book, which will be published by the SM publishing house, and also be the subject of a solo exhibition at the next BCBF.
  • Unpublished winners under 30 will also compete for the ARS IN FABULA scholarship. Set up in 2012 by the ARS IN FABULA – Masters course in Illustration for Publishing - in partnership with Bologna Children's Book Fair, the grant covers the entire Masters course fee.

To be included in the Illustrators Exhibition, the winners only must send the originals of the selected artwork to the address and within the date that will be announced by the Show Office of the Illustrators Exhibition. 

  • The five works must be exactly the same as the ones sent to the competition, judged and selected by the jury members.
  • Retouching, additions and\or corrections are not allowed before shipment.
  • If the original artwork is in digital format, printed versions in high quality of all 5 images must be shipped. 
  • Entries may be delivered by express delivery service. For those sending from Italy, illustrations sent by post will also be accepted. Parcels must be sent to arrive “carriage paid” (i.e. with no charge accruing to the addressee). Any customs duties or delivery charges shall, without exception, be paid by the illustrator selected. Shipment by express delivery is to be preferred for shipment from non-EU countries. For customs purposes, we recommend indicating a low value of the goods shipped, and that the wording: “illustrations of no commercial value” be written on the forwarding documents.

Artwork received after the deadline given or through channels other than those indicated shall automatically be excluded from the 2025 Illustrators Exhibition.


  • The artwork (i.e., the size of the sheet) must not exceed the sizes 50 x 70 cm (or 70 x 50 cm)       
  • The artwork must be on paper or flexible board, maximum thickness 2 mm.
  • If artwork on stiff backing is received, BolognaFiere shall detach the illustrations at the artist’s risk.
  • The illustrations must be sent without passe-partout or any other form of mounting. BolognaFiere will, at its own discretion, mount the artwork in keeping with the staging of the Exhibition. The choices made by BolognaFiere may not be challenged in any way.

Illustrators Exhibition
Bologna Children's Book Fair 
Tel. 051 282494 
E-mail: illustratori@bolognafiere.it

If you have problems registering your data: bf@archimedia.it 
If you have problems or need assistance during purchasebf@archimedia.it