Exhibitors info


Smile and Learn is an educational platform with 12,500+ activities in apps, and videos, for children aged 3 to 12 years, available in 6 languages. Designed by educators, our content reinforces curricular areas such as math, literacy or science, and skills such as emotional intelligence or programing. Our state-of-the-art platform includes a powerful learning analytics system and a AI based recommendation model. Our mission is to bring the best of technology to Education, helping to universalize access to personalized learning for ALL children, incl. children with special educational needs. We have already demonstrated that using Smile and Learn improves learning, as shown in scientific papers, published in publications such as the British Journal of Education or Frontiers in Education. Our platform has been awarded by the EU Horizon 2020 program, the MIT in Boston, Massachusetts, and we have been finalists at Bett London 2018. http://www.smileandlearn.com


Arts Biographies Disabilities Diversity and Inclusion Fairy Tales Food & Health  Geography History Hobbies & Leisure Music Politics & Social Sciences Psychology Science & Nature  Sports
