List of participating works 2013

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Publishing House Country/Region Category Title Author / Illustrator Publish date
AThousandHopes SOUTH KOREA FICTION 초원의 법칙 (The Law of the Wild Grasslands) Park Jongjin/Oh Seungmin 2023
Atnoonbooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 도로시 맨션 (Dorothy Mansion) Gaheezy/Gaheezy 2023
Atnoonbooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 모 이야기 (Mo Story) Yeonju Choi/Yeonju Choi 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 거북이자리 (A Place for a Turtle) Yu-Jin Kim/Yu-Jin Kim 2022
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 거짓말이 뿡뿡, 고무장갑! (Lying Makes Rubber Glove Go Poot-Poot!) Seol-Hwa Yoo/Seol-Hwa Yoo 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 그때, 상처 속에서는 (At that Time, Within the Wound...) Seong-Eun Kim/Su-Hyeon Lee 2022
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 꽁꽁꽁 캠핑 (Fridge Family Goes Camping) Jeong-Joo Yoon/Jeong-Joo Yoon 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 네 기분은 어떤 색깔이니? (What Color Are Your Emotions?) Sook-Hee Choi/Sook-Hee Choi 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 또 만나요, 달평 씨 (See You Again, Mr. Snail) Min-Jae Shin/Min-Jae Shin 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 백점 백곰 (Perfect Gomi’s Perfect Scores) Yu Kim/Mi-Ran Choi 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 숨지 말고 나와 봐 (Don’t Hide, Come Out) Ji-Hye Seo/Ji-Hye Seo 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 오늘의 아이스크림 (Ice Cream of the Day) Ji-Hye Seo/Ji-Hye Seo 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 오싹오싹 편의점 (Creepy Convenience Store) Young-Jin Kim/Young-Jin Kim 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 졌다! (I Lost!) Eun-Seo Lee/Grimm Hong 2022
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 참새의 신부가 되었습니다 (A Sparrow Wants Me As His Bride) Ji-Su Lee/Ji-Ah Lee 2023
Bear Books SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 편의점에서 경제도 파나요?-백냥이의 냠냠 수첩 (The Hidden Economics of Convenience Stores) Youn-Sook Chung/Hye-Min Jung (aka catdabang) 2023
BIR Publishing SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 100곰 (100 Bears) Nabiyassi/Nabiyassi 2022
BIR Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 메피스토 (Mephisto: Story of the Black Dog) Luly/Luly 2023
BIR Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 우화 (Fables) Iwona Chmielewska/Iwona Chmielewska 2022
BIR Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 자, 맡겨 주세요! (Leave it to Mr. Oh!) Soyoung Lee/Soyoung Lee 2023
Bombom Publishing SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 커다란 집에서 (A Great House for Everyone) Kim Seon-nam/Kim Seon-nam 2023
Bombom Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 코모도 코코의 특별한 생일 (Koko the Komodo's Perfect Family of Two) Min Ah-won/Min Ah-won 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 1795년, 정조의 행복한 행차 (1795, Happy Ceremonial Walk of King Jeongjo) Yoon MinYong/Lee Hwa 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 1795년, 정조의 행복한 행차 (1795, Happy Ceremonial Walk of King Jeongjo) Yoon MinYong/Lee Hwa 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA FICTION 가슴이 뻥 뚫린 아이 (A Child With a Gaping Hole in His Chest) Juan Lee/Juan Lee 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 가슴이 뻥 뚫린 아이 (A Child With a Gaping Hole in His Chest) Juan Lee/Juan Lee 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA FICTION 내가 예쁘다고? (Did You Say I Am Pretty?) Hwang Inchan/Lee Myeong-ae 2022
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 독도 바닷속으로 와 볼래? (Would You Like to Come Under the Sea of Dokdo?) Myoung, Gung-Goo, An miran/Lee SeungWone 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 독도 바닷속으로 와 볼래? (Would You Like to Come Under the Sea of Dokdo?) Myoung, Gung-Goo, An miran/Lee SeungWone 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA FICTION 박물관에서 (At a Museum) Barim/Barim 2023
Bombyeott SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여우 목도리 (Fox Muffler) Ryu Jiwoo/Ryu Jiwoo 2023
BookGoodCome SOUTH KOREA FICTION 4번 달걀의 비밀 (The Secrets of Egg No. 4) Hijin/Hijin 2023
BookGoodCome SOUTH KOREA FICTION 꽃이 필 거야 (Flowers Will Bloom) Jung Joo Hee/Jung Joo Hee 2023
BookGoodCome SOUTH KOREA FICTION 마녀식당 (The Witch's Restaurant) Shin Hee Kim/Shin Hee Kim 2023
BookGoodCome SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 수리네 자동차 (Suri's Family Inheritance) Joo Hee Suh/Joo Hee Suh 2023
BookGoodCome SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 오늘은 웃으며 (Smile Today) Yoo Jin Lee/Yoo Jin Lee 2023
Bookgorae SOUTH KOREA FICTION 파도의 맛 (The Taste of Wave) Jung Yuen Shin/Jung Yuen Shin 2023
Bookgorae SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 파도의 맛 (The Taste of Wave) Jung Yuen Shin/Jung Yuen Shin 2023
Bookgorae SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 파도의 맛 (The Taste of Wave) Jung Yuen Shin/Jung Yuen Shin 2023
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나야 나 (It's Me) Kim Ji-hyun/Kim Ji-hyun 2023
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 누가 누가 살까? (Who's Living in Here?) Park Young-shin/Park Young-shin 2022
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 달 기슭 (Moon's Verge) Shin Yeong-hee/Shin Yeong-hee 2023
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 바람개비 아가씨와 일곱 친구 (The Scarecrow Lady and her Seven Companions) Park Young-shin/Park Young-shin 2023
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 보들보들 실뭉치 (A Fluffy Ball of Yarn) Kim Hyo-jeong/Kim Hyo-jeong 2022
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 부지런한 일꾼 개미 (Diligent Worker Ants) Dong Min-soo/Ok Young-gwan 2023
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 새 그림자 (Shadow of a Bird) Kim Gyu-Jeong/Kim Gyu-Jeong 2023
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 어흥 냠냠 코코 (Roar, Yum Yum, Hush a Bye) Lee Seo-young/Lee Seo-young 2022
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 으뜸 비행사 잠자리 (Majestic Aviator Dragonfly) Jung Kwang-soo/Ok Young-gwan 2023
Bori Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 콩 세 알 팥 세 알 (Three Beans, Three Red Beans) Yoon Gu-byeong/Jeong Ji-yoon 2022
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 가을이 오리 (Autumn Will Come) Yeonjin Han/Yeonjin Han 2023
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 모모와 토토 하트 하트 (Momo and Toto Heart Heart) Seulkee Kim/Seulkee Kim 2022
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 무무에게 (To Mumu) Simtong/Simtong 2023
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 새의 모양 (Shape of Birds) Mina Lee/Mina Lee 2022
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 성공이란 무엇인가 (What Is Success) Sungpyo Lee/Sungpyo Lee 2023
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 야, 눈 온다 (Wow, It's Snowing) Sangkyo Lee/Seonjin Kim 2023
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 오리는 책만 보고 (The Duck Only Read a Book) Eunkyung Lee/Eunkyung Lee 2023
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 책상 왈츠 (Waltz on the Desk) Eunjeong Park/Eunjeong Park 2022
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 층간소음의 비밀 (The Seceret of Interstory Noise) Jungwon Byeon/Jungwon Byeon 2023
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 클림트의 정원으로 (Into the Klimt's Garden) Hyejin Kim/Hyejin Kim 2023
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 특별 주문 케이크 (Special-ordered Cakes) Jiyoon Park/Jiyoon Park 2022
Borim Press SOUTH KOREA FICTION 프랑켄 수선집 (Franken Repair Shop) Damyo Yoon/Damyo Yoon 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 건전지 엄마 (Battery Mommy) Kang Insuk/Jeon Seungbae 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 겨울 이불 (Winter Duvet) Bonsoir Lune/Bonsoir Lune 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 공평해? 불공평해? (Fair or Unfair?) Kwon Jae-won/Kwon Jae-won 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 굿모닝 해님 (Good Morning Sunshine) Noh Seokmee/Noh Seokmee 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는 흐른다 (I Flow) Song Mi-kyung/Chang Seon-hwan 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나의 빨간 공 (My Red Ball) Seo Eun-Young/Seo Eun-Young 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 내 친구 붕붕 도사 (My Friend Master Bung Bung) Lee Yoo-jin/Lee Yoo-jin 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 눈, 물 (Snow, Water) Bonsoir lune/Bonsoir lune 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 도시 비행 (City Flight) Park Hyun-min/Park Hyun-min 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA COMICS YOUNG ADULT 뒤늦은 답장 (Belated Reply) Jeong Won/Jeong Won 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 똑똑똑 축하해 (Knock Knock Knock Congratulations) Jeong Ho Seon/Jeong Ho Seon 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 마지막 섬 (The Last Island) Lee Ji Hyeon/Lee Ji Hyeon 2021
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 바로의 여행 (Baro’s Journey) Ji-Seung Kook/Ji-Seung Kook 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 사라진 저녁 (The Disappeared Dinner) Kwon Jeong-min/Kwon Jeong-min 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA COMICS YOUNG ADULT 사랑하는 이모들 (Loving Aunts) Geun Hah/Geun Hah 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 살까? 말까? (To Buy or Not to Buy? : Children’s Economics for Smart Consumption) Kwon Jae-won/Kwon Jae-won 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 상상은 어떻게 하나요? 아인슈타인 (How Do You Imagine?: Einstein) Kim Seong-hwa, Kwon Su-jin/Jung Jin-ho 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 시루와 커다란 케이크 (Siru and the Giant Cake) Kwon Seoyoung/Kwon Seoyoung 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 아빠와 호랑이 버스 (Daddy and the Tiger Bus) Kook Ji-Seung/Kook Ji-Seung 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 엄마 어디 있지? (Where Is My Mother?) Park Sung-woo/Bamco 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 우리 동네 꾹꾹 도사 (Our Neighborhood Cat Master) Lee Yoo-jin/Lee Yoo-jin 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 잊었던 용기 (The Courage That Was Forgotten) Wheelee/Wheelee 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 재밌는 여행 (Adventurer's Lullaby) Seung Joon AHN/Nari Hong 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 조용희 청소기 (Cho Yong-Hee Vacuum) Kim Bora/Kim Bora 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 출발! 자동차 여행 (Let's Go! Car Trip) Yoonleap Nam/Yoonleap Nam 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 커다란 비밀 친구 (My Big Secret Friend) Hyewon Kyung/Hyewon Kyung 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 코코에게 (Dear Coco) Choi Hyun-woo/Lee Yoon-hee 2023
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 탐정 칸 : 부리부리단의 습격 (Detective Khan: the Attack of Buriburi Gang) Ha Min-Seok/Ha Min-Seok 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 튤립 호텔 (Tulip Hotel) Kim Ji-an/Kim Ji-an 2022
Changbi Publishers SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 페브 농장 (FEB Farm) Minju Lee/Seung Ha Ahn 2023
D & Friends SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA Friends Hannah Choi/Daniel Ryu 2023
D & Friends SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Friends Hannah Choi/Daniela Ryu 2023
DajeongDagam SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는 불에서 태어났어 (I Was Born from Fire) Kim soye/Kim soye 2023
DajeongDagam SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나에게도 강아지가 있었어 (I Had a Dog, Too.) Min Sowon/Min Sowon 2023
DajeongDagam SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 바다로 간 여우 (The Fox to the Sea) Yeon woo/Yeon woo 2023
DajeongDagam SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 엉덩이야 , 오늘은 뭐 입을까? (What Should I Wear Today?) Kim Eune/Kim Eune 2023
DajeongDagam SOUTH KOREA FICTION 하얀곰과 빨간 꽃 (White Bear and Red Flower) Lee Yoonwoo/Lee Yoonwoo 2023
DajeongDagam SOUTH KOREA FICTION 훨훨훨 (Fly, Fly, Fly!) Jeun Keumha/Jeun Keumha 2023
DAWA&BOOK SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 고양이 밥 (Bob, the Cat) Yurapa/Yurapa 2023
DAWA&BOOK SOUTH KOREA FICTION 눈사람 무무 (Snowman MooMoo) Im Dawa/Im Dawa 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS A Piggyback Ride Minwoo Song, John Park, Victoria Holder/Jungeun An 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Boom! Boom! Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Eunsuk Jung 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Daddy, Wake Up! Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Hyunyoung Kim 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Dirty and Clean Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Narae Lee 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Happy Holidays, Grandma! Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Jinhwa Kim 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS I Want a Baby Panda Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Jinhwa Kim 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS I'm a Bird Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Sanggyun Kim 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Mommy, Look at Me! Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Bomemade 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Puppies Don't Eat Candy Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Eunsuk Jeong 2023
English Egg SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS Who Is It? Victoria Holder, Minwoo Song/Kyung Hwa Yoo 2023
Finger Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 수수바의 여름 마당에서 (Susuba's in the Summer Garden) Mi Ja Cho/Mi Ja Cho 2022
Finger Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 슬픔에 빠진 나를 위해 똑 똑 똑 (knock Knock Knock for Myself Lost in Sadness) Mi Ja Cho/Mi Ja Cho 2023
Finger Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 책 속으로 (Into the Book) Cho Mi Ja/Cho Mi Ja 2022
Flycookie SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 끼룩끼룩끼룩 (Kkirug Kkirug Kkirug) Cha Jae Hyuk/Choi Eun Young 2022
FlyingStar Books SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 빛방울이 반짝반짝 (Sundrops) Yeorim Yoon/Jeongwon Hwang 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 같이 삽시다 쫌! (Let’s Get Along!) Ha Soo-jung/Ha Soo-jung 2022
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS YOUNG ADULT 길 위의 아이 (On the Road) Lee Hye-jeong/Lee Hye-jeong 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 낮잠책 (The Nap Book) Yi Eun-gyung/Yi Eun-gyung 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 말도 안 되는 이야기 (The Ridiculous Story) Hyorim An/Hyorim An 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 미나의 작은 새 (Mi-na's Little Bird) Yoon Kang-mi/Yoon Kang-mi 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 비밀: 코끼리와 코요테 (Secret: an Elephant and a Coyote) Na Hyun-jung/Na Hyun-jung 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 시장에 가면 (When You Visit the Local Market) Kim Jung-Sun/Kim Jung-Sun 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 안녕! 파라다이스 (Hello! Paradise) Kim Kyeong-hyu/Bae Yu-jung 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 옥춘당(그림책) (Okchun-dang) Go Jung-soon/Go Jung-soon 2023
Gilbut Children Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 틈만 나면 (At Every Chance) Lee Soon-ok/Lee Soon-ok 2023
Gimmyoung-sa SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 요즘 토끼 타령 (The Tale of Modern Rabbit) Hyesook Kang/Hyesook Kang 2023
Giyeok SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS Help! Yi Woohyun/Yi Woohyun 2023
Giyeok SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS Sea Glass Face Book 100 Kim Kyung-Gyun/Kim Kyung-Gyun 2023
Giyeok SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 난 고래, 새우 따윈 (I'm a whale, shrimp are annoying) ChekmaruchildLibrary/ChekmaruchildLibrary 2020
Giyeok SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 빛의 바다 (Sea of Light) Kim Kyung-Gyun/Kim Kyung-Gyun 2021
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA FICTION 2053년 이후, 그 행성 이야기 (Post 2053, Tales from that Planet) Soojin Cho/Soojin Cho 2023
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 30/Nov/0003 9:47:00 AM Gihun Lee/Gihun Lee 2021
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA FICTION 봄의 초대 (Spring Invitation) Hyunjung Na/Hyunjung Na 2022
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA FICTION 서쌩크 탈출 (Seoshank Redemption) Youngkyung Lee/Youngkyung Lee 2022
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 어쩌면 문 너머에 (Beyond that Door) Gidoo Song/Gidoo Song 2023
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA FICTION 우주지옥 (Galactic Hell) Yunkyung So/Yunkyung So 2022
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 이건 내 우주선이야! (This is My Spaceship!) Seunghee Yang/Seunghee Yang 2023
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 줄타기 한판 (A Round of Tightrope Walking) Minha/Minha 2022
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 코끼리는 왜 그랬을까? (Why would the Elfie act so?) Yisel/Yisel 2023
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA FICTION 탑의 노래 (Whispering of the Tower) Soojung Myung/Soojung Myung 2022
Gloyeon SOUTH KOREA FICTION 하루살이가 만난 내일 (The Mayfly Meets Tomorrow) Hyunjung Na/Hyunjung Na 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 가시 (Thorn) Lee Seunghee/Lee Seunghee 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 거대얼굴 (A Giant Face) Kyungja/Kyungja 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 공룡이 되고 싶어 (I Want to Be a Dinosaur) Jo Eunhye/Jin Kyung 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 내일 (Tomorrow) Baek Hyeyoung/Baek Hyeyoung 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 달 내리는 밤 (Moonlight Night) Chung Yujin/Chung Yujin 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 두 개의 밤 (Two Kinds of Night) Patricia Thoma/Patricia Thoma 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 무무의 선물 (Mumu's Gifts) Cheon Songyi Man Geuroo/Cheon Songyi Man Geuroo 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 벅스 ABC (Bugs Abc) Nan Joo/Nan Joo 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 벼룻물 (Water for Inkstone) Lee Jin-hee/Lee Jin-hee 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 새와 춤추는 사람 (A Man Who Dances With a Bird) Mi Anne/Mi Anne 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 순례 씨 (Mrs. Sunrye) Chaaeso/Chaaeso 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 스스로 (On My Own) Shin Susie/Lee Jaekyung 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 아들의 여름 (The Son’s Summer) Kim Geun-ah/Kim Geun-ah 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 아빠가 주르륵 (Melted Daddy) Hong juyeon/Hong juyeon 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여름 상상 (Summer Imagiantion) Park Kwangmyung/Park Kwangmyung 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 인삼 오 형제 (Five Ginseng Brothers) Gyanggyul/Gyanggyul 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 잃어버린 거울 (Lost Mirror) Kim Chailin/Lee Soyoung 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 작은 스케치북 (A Small Sketchbook) Sang Hyeon/Sang Hyeon 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 잠 (Sleep) Myung Eunjoo/Myung Eunjoo 2022
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 잠자리채 소년 (The Butterfly Net Boy) Chae Daon/Chae Daon 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 피에로 우첼로 (Uccello the Pierrot) Ru Jiyun/Ru Jiyun 2023
Goraebaetsok SOUTH KOREA FICTION 해골 씨의 새집 (Mr. Skeleton’s New House) Hong Jihae/Hong Jihae 2023
Green Spinach Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 빛나는 외출 (Shining Only in the Darkness) Eunyoung Choi/Jangmee Lee 2023
Green Spinach Publishing SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 안젤로와 곤돌라의 기나긴 여행 (Angelo and the Gondola's Long Journey) Eunyoung Choi/Seungmin Oh 2022
Hansol Soobook SOUTH KOREA FICTION 물고기 씨앗 (A Fish Seeds) Sangkyo Lee/Soyung Le 2023
Hansol Soobook SOUTH KOREA FICTION 소리 통통 음악 시간 (Music Class and a Magical Sound) Rira Kim/Rira Kim 2022
Hansol Soobook SOUTH KOREA FICTION 손을 내밀었다 (Reaching Out a Hand) Jungyoon Huh/Wonhee Cho 2023
Heart of sowing flower seeds SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA The red balloon is mine ! (The Red Balloon Is Mine !) Choi Eui Kyung/Choi Eui Kyung 2023
Heart of sowing flower seeds SOUTH KOREA FICTION The red balloon is mine! (The Red Balloon Is Mine!) Choi Eui Kyung/Choi Eui Kyung 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 고민 여행 (A Worry Trip) Lee Ju-hee/Lee Ju-hee 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 곰 공 콩 (The Bear, the Ball, and the Bean) Won Ji-hyeon/Won Ji-hyeon 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 다람쥐 로로 (The Best House for the Squirrel Roro) Song Seon-ok/Song Seon-ok 2022
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 똥꼬 아저씨의 하루 (A Day of Mr. Digest) Hwang Ji-young/Hwang Ji-young 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 마리온, 날다 (Marion, Fly) Gong Ji-hee/Shin Jin-ho 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 밤사이 폴짝 (Across the Midnight) Eon-ju/Eon-ju 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 변신 고래 래고 (Superwhale Saves the Friends!) Won Ji-hyeon/Won Ji-hyeon 2020
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 봄 여름 가을 겨울 (Spring Summer Fall Winter) GGom Eun-young/GGom Eun-young 2022
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 비법 하늘을 나는 법 (The Real Flight: How to Fly with Hang-glider) Mingle Mingle/Mingle Mingle 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 뽀글이 (The Bubble Fish) Woo I-na/Woo I-na 2020
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 삐치는 쿠션 (My Puffy Cushion) Park Seo-hyun/Park Seo-hyun 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 심심한 악어와 심심한 무당벌레 (No Patterns No Fun) Yoon Ji-hye/Yoon Ji-hye 2022
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 아무도 못 찾는 숨바꼭질 (Hide and Seek that No One Can Find) Kwon Oh-jun/Blue Flamingo 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 콧물 나라 (Runny Nose Country) Han Ji-won/Han Ji-won 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 콧물 눈물 (Even if my nose runs a hundred times) Chae In-seon/Park Seo-hyun 2023
Hollym Corporation Publishers SOUTH KOREA FICTION 토끼가 되었어 (I Became a Rabbit) Song Mi-kyung/Song Mi-kyung 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 바다 (The Sea) Kang Hyoseon/Kang Hyoseon 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 바다 (The Sea) Kang Hyoseon/Kang Hyoseon 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA FICTION 바다 낚시 (Sea Fishing) Cho Seulki/Cho Seulki 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 바다 낚시 (Sea Fishing) Cho Seulki/Cho Seulki 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA FICTION 보름달이 뜨는 행성 (Planet Whit a Full Moon) Hwang Hyunin/Hwang Hyunin 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 보름달이 뜨는 행성 (Planet With a Full Moon) Hwang Hyunin/Hwang Hyunin 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA FICTION 어느 날 (One Day) Suh Sunjung/Suh Sunjung 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여름의 선 (The Line of Summer) Shin Sungnam/Shin Sungnam 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 여름의 선 (The Line of Summer) Shin Sungnam/Shin Sungnam 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 옥두두두두 (Corn) Han Yeonjin/Han Yeonjin 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA FICTION 우리 같이 (Come Together) Cha Eunsil/Cha Eunsil 2023
HYANG SOUTH KOREA FICTION 테트릭스 (Tetrix) Oh Sena/Oh Sena 2022
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 그날 밤에 (That Night) Jeongyun Cha/Jeongyun Cha 2023
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 김장 (Making Kimchi) Hyangan Lee/Hyunju Bae 2023
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 눈이 오면 (When Snow Comes) Hwajung Lee/Hwajung Lee 2022
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 분홍 팬티 싫어! (I Don’t Like Pink Underwear!) Haneol/Haneol 2023
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 사이먼의 봄 (Simon's Spring) Lindsay/Lindsay 2023
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 온다 (It’s Coming) Juhyun Park/Juhyun Park 2022
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 이사 가는 꿈 (A Dream of Moving Out) Inseon/Inseon 2023
Hyeonamsa Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 책 읽는 개 (The Dog Who Can Read) Minu Kim/Minu Kim 2023
Hyunbooks publishing SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 바다, 거북 (Sea, Turtle) Sohyun Moon/Sohyun Moon 2023
Hyunbooks publishing SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 새벽, 항구 (Dawn, Harbor) Gawon/Gawon 2023
Iyagikot SOUTH KOREA FICTION 개씨와 말씨 (Mr. Dog and Mr. Horse) Osori/Osori 2023
Iyagikot SOUTH KOREA FICTION 다크 이야기 (Story of Dark) Heesun Jung/Heesun Jung 2023
Iyagikot SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 무등이왓에 부는 바람 (Wind Blowing on Mudeungeewat) Younghwa Kim/Younghwa Kim 2022
Jaimimage Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 우린 산책을 좋아했지 (We Liked to Walk) Young-min Pyo/Eunah Ji 2023
Junior RHK SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 도시 나무‧꽃 탐험대: 출발! 초대받은 식물 찾아 한 바퀴 (Urban Trees, Flower Expedition Team) Son Yeonjoo, Park Minji, Ahn Hyunji/Son Yeonjoo, Park Minji, Kim Honghee 2023
Junior RHK SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 열두 달 지구하자 : 같이 알자 같이 하자! (Twelve Month Earth Action : Let's learn and let's act) Jeong Dabin, Kwon Seonghui/Koohie 2023
Kidari Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 주름 때문이야 (The Wrinkle Man) Seo young/Seo young 2023
Kidari Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 태어나는 법 (We Are All Born) Saida/Saida 2023
Kidari Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 하늘에서 동아줄이 내려올 줄이야 (The Rope) Choi, min ji/Choi, min ji 2022
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 고민이 고민이야 (I'm Worried) Song Zo/Song Zo 2023
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는 (I Am) Han-bi Lee/Jeong-soon Ko 2022
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 달글라스 (Moonglass) Ji-eun Min/Ji-eun Min 2023
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 달팽이 달리기 (Snail Running) Hye-in Lee/Hye-in Lee 2023
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 복숭아 토끼 (Peach Bunny) Ji-Yoon Kim/Ji-Yoon Kim 2023
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 빙산 (The Iceberg) Se-na Oh/Se-na Oh 2019
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 산의 노래 (Song of the Mountain) Yoomi Shin/Yoomi Shin 2022
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여우 요괴 (The fox) Jin-ho Jung/Jin-ho Jung 2023
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 축하해 축하해 (Congratulations, Congratulations) Hyang Lee/Lilia 2023
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 큰별 작은별 (The Big Star and the Little Star) Il-Gob/Il-Gob 2022
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 파도가 온다 (Here Comes the Waves) Hyo-lim An/Hyo-lim An 2019
Kinderland (Bandal) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 하늘 호수 (Sky Lake) Hye-jin Shin/Hye-jin Shin 2023
Kiwibooks SOUTH KOREA FICTION 고래의 노래 (The Whale's Song) Sanghan Kim/Jeungin Choi 2023
Kiwibooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 누가 알았겠어? (Who Knew?) pureum/pureum 2023
Kiwibooks SOUTH KOREA FICTION 달빛춤 (Moonlight Dance) Jiyeon Kim/Jiyeon Kim 2023
Kiwibooks SOUTH KOREA FICTION 물줄기를 따라 (Along the Stream) JIwon Jeong/Soonseok Kang 2022
Kiwibooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 안녕, 나의 노오란 공 (Hello, My Yellow Ball) Kyeongsook Jeong/Kyeongsook Jeong 2023
Kiwibooks SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 응시 (Staring) Hwihoon Kim/Hwihoon Kim 2023
Kiwibooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 줄넘기 (Jump Rope) Ian/Ian 2023
KizM Education Group SOUTH KOREA FICTION 덜덜덜 (DRRRRRR) Yongmok Son/Yongmok Son 2023
KizM Education Group SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 매니큐어 바르는 남자 (The Man Who Wears a Manicure) Geunhyung Lee/Minkyung Hyun 2023
KizM Education Group SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 초록으로 가자 (Let’s Go into the GREEN) SEORI/SEORI 2023
KONG Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 사과꽃 (Apple Blossoms) Kim Jeong Bae/Kim Hwinyoung 2023
KONG Publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 어떤 레스토랑의 비밀 (The Secret of a Certain Restaurant) Kim Chang Soon/Kim Chang Soon 2023
Korean Studies Information SOUTH KOREA FICTION 쿵! 공룡 발바닥 (Thump! Dinosaur Feet) Kim Hyun-Tae/Oh Suk-Chin 2023
Kyowon SOUTH KOREA FICTION OH! MY 감정 그림책_23권. 나름이에게 생긴 일 (Oh! My Brain Cognitive Picture Books_23. What Happened to Nareumi) Borin/Myeongjin 2023
Kyowon SOUTH KOREA FICTION OH! MY 두뇌 인지 그림책_26권. 내 우주선은 더빠르지롱 (Oh! My Brain Cognitive Picture Books_26. My Spaceship Is Faster) Sangja/Lee, Ju Mi 2023
Kyowon SOUTH KOREA FICTION OH! MY 두뇌 인지 그림책_27권. 토니의 산 (Oh! My Brain Cognitive Picture Books_27. Tony’s Mountain) Stephen Prior/Stephen Prior 2023
Kyowon SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 창의 표현 아틀리에 27권 내가 다시 바다에 가면 (Creative Expression Atelier, Volume 27 When I Go to the Sea Again) Yoo-Gaeun/Yoon-Sihun 2020
laplanta SOUTH KOREA FICTION 꾸러기들의 크리스마스 선물 (Christmas Gift for Mischievous Children) Sun Young Lee/Cristina Nogales 2023
laplanta SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 순애는 집 밖을 안 나가 (Sunae Doesn't Go Outside the House) Solsol (Eunji Kim)/Solsol (Eunji Kim) 2023
Lizardbook SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 반짝, 가을이야 (Twinkle, Fall) Ha Sunyoung/Hwang Jiwon 2023
Lizardbook SOUTH KOREA FICTION 봄의 입맞춤 (A Kiss of Spring) Ha Sun Young/Son Yeong Gyeong 2023
Lizardbook SOUTH KOREA FICTION 춤추는 여름 (Dancing Summer) Seo Jihye/Seo Jihye 2023
Media Chabgbi SOUTH KOREA FICTION 고양이는 이사 중 (The Cat Is Moving) Soojin Kwak/Soojin Kwak 2023
Media Chabgbi SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 똑똑한데 가끔 뭘 몰라 (Amazing Eleven) Jung Won/Jung Won 2023
Media Chabgbi SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 안녕 팝콘 (My Dog Popcorn) Lee jun hyuk/Kang Han 2022
Media Chabgbi SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 안녕, 숲속 친구들! (Hello, Forest Friends!) Nari Hong/Nari Hong 2022
Media Chabgbi SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 우리 나가 놀자 (Let's Go Out and Play) Lucy/Lucy 2023
Media Chabgbi SOUTH KOREA FICTION 지구 레스토랑 (Earth Restaurant) Younggeul Cho/Younggeul Cho 2023
Media Chabgbi SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 호랭면 (Tiger Noodles) Kim Jian/Kim Jian 2023
Mirae Media and Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 기울어진 탑과 유령 가족, 유령 가족과 기울어진 탑 (The Dying to Know Series (The Leaning Tower and the Ghost Family, The Ghost Family and the Leaning Tower)) Park, Yeon-cheol/Park, Yeon-cheol 2022
Mirae Media and Books SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 냄새 박물관 (The Museum of Smells) Kang, Jin-yong/Kim, Seon-jin 2022
Modnnyoil (Junior RHK) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 벽 타는 아이 (A Child Who Walks on Walls) Minji Choi/Minji Choi 2023
Modnnyoil (Junior RHK) SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 우리 마을에 온 손님 (Visitors in Our Village) Hyesun Park/Suyeon Lee 2023
Modnnyoil (Junior RHK) SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 파란 조각 (A Piece of Blue) Chanmee Park/Chanmee Park 2022
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 그네탈래 (Swing) Jang, Hyeryun/Jang, Hyeryun 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 그래! 이 닦지 말자 (Okay! Let's Not Brush Our Teeth) Yeogi Choi, Byungdae/Yeogi Choi, Byungdae 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 꽃별 (The Flower Star) Jung, Juhee/Jung, Juhee 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는, 나는 (I Am, I Am) Kim, Hyochan/Kim, Hyochan 2022
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 눈물샘 (The Spring of Tears) Kim Seyoun/Kim Seyoun 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 루시의 거미줄 (Lucy's Web) Kim, Sujeong/Kim, Hyoungjun 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 박치기 발차기 (The Headbutting, The kicking) Kwon, Eunjeong/Kwon, Eunjeong 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 수탉은 왜 늦잠을 자지 않을까? (Why Doesn’t the Rooster Oversleep?) Lee, Hansang/Yeogi Choi, Byungdae 2022
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 아기꽃 (The Baby Flower) Shin, Jaehyun/Lee, Jakyung 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 어디든 바다 (Everywhere Is The Sea) Park, Arim/Park, Arim 2022
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 어디든 바다 (Everywhere Is The Sea) Park, Arim/Park, Arim 2022
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 컵마을 (Cup Town) Shinnakun/Shinnakun 2023
Moon1000Company SOUTH KOREA FICTION 콧물끼리 (The Snot Elephant) Yeogi Choi, Byungdae/Yeogi Choi, Byungdae 2023
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 곰곰 걷다 (White Bear & Brown Bear) Nam Yoon-leaf/Nam Yoon-leaf 2022
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 꽁꽁 사르르 비밀의 밤 (Our Secret Summer Night) Noh In-kyung/Noh In-kyung 2023
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 나와 티라노와 크리스마스 (Me and T-rex and Christmas) Kyung Hye-won/Kyung Hye-won 2022
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 내 거야 다 내 거야 (Me Me) Noh In-kyung/Noh In-kyung 2022
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여름이 오기 전에 (Before Summer Comes) Kim Jin-wha/Kim Jin-wha 2023
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 여름이 오기 전에 (Before Summer Comes) Kim Jin-wha/Kim Jin-wha 2023
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 우리 반 문병욱 (See You Tomorrow) Lee Sang-kyo/Han Yeon-jin 2023
Munhakdongne Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 우리가 케이크를 먹는 방법 (This Is How We Split a Cake) Kim Hyo-eun/Kim Hyo-eun 2022
mustB SOUTH KOREA FICTION 걱정 많은 새 (Worried Little Bird) Jiyeonlee/Jiyeonlee 2023
NCSOFT Corporation SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나랑 같이 축구 할래? (Do You Want to Play Soccer with Me?) Ahn, Jae-sun/Ahn, Jae-sun 2023
NCSOFT Corporation SOUTH KOREA FICTION 할머니네 집지킴이 (The Guardians of the Grandma’s House) Lee, Sang-gyo/Han, Byung-ho 2023
Nonjang publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 여름비 (Summer Rain) Shin Kyeongah/Shin Kyeongah 2023
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는 까마귀 (The Crow) Miu/Miu 2023
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 달려도 될까? (Can I Run?) Oh Hana/Oh Hana 2023
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 바다 레시피 (Sea Recipe) Yun Ye-na/Seo Pyeong-hwa 2020
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 비늘과 파편 (Scales and Shards) Kim Soojin/Kim Soojin 2023
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 비늘과 파편 (Scales and Shards) Kim Soojin/Kim Soojin 2023
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 새빨간 질투 (The Red Jealousy) Jo Sion/Lee Soyung 2023
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여름, 제비 (Swallows of the Summer) Koo Yoon-mi, Kim Minu/Koo Yoon-mi, Kim Minu 2023
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 우리 곧 사라져요 (We’ll Disappear Soon) Lee Ye-sook/Lee Ye-sook 2021
Noran Sangsang Books SOUTH KOREA FICTION 집으로 가는 여정 (The Way Home) Pyo Hyun-woo/Pyo Hyun-woo 2023
Opsway SOUTH KOREA FICTION Oversoul Seoyoon Kim/Seoyoon Kim 2023
Paidion Ministries SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는 회색 거미야! (I Am A Grey Spider!) Lee, Siwon/Lee, Siwon 2022
Paper Dog SOUTH KOREA FICTION 넌, 없어! (You Don't!) Kyungkug-Lee/Kyungkug-Lee 2023
Pepe in the clouds SOUTH KOREA FICTION 고요의 집 (The House of Serenity) Eeyo/Eeyo 2023
Pepe in the clouds SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 고요의 집 (The House of Serenity) Eeyo/Eeyo 2023
Pulbit SOUTH KOREA FICTION 달터뷰 (Interviewing the Moon) Im Yoon/Im Yoon 2023
Pulbit SOUTH KOREA FICTION 만약에 내가 (If I Had…) Jang DukHyun/Mi-sook Yoon 2023
Pulbit SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여름 소리 (Sound of Summer) Park Sun Jung/Park Sun Jung 2023
Pulbit SOUTH KOREA FICTION 할머니 나무 (Grandma Tree) Yang-jung Seok/Young-ji Jo 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 고롱고롱 하우스 (Gorong Gorong House) Jo Shin Ae/Jo Shin Ae 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 백 개의 꽃씨와 쥐 (A Hundred Seeds and A Mouse) Lee Bom/Lee Bom 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 백 살이 되면 (If I Become 100 Years Old) Hwang In Chan/Seo Soo Yeon 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 부릉부릉 누구 생일? (Vroom Vroom, Whose birthday?) Kim Jung Hee/Lee Hee Eun 2022
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 쌀알 돌알 (A Decent or A Poor Grain of Rice) Byure/Byure 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA FICTION 여름 빛 (Summer Light) Moon Jina/Moon Jina 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 여름의 루돌프 (Rudolph of Summer) Kim Sung Ra/Kim Sung Ra 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 열매가 톡! (The Fruit Falls, Bap!) Kim Jung Suk/Kim Jung Suk 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 작은 버섯 (A Tiny Mushroom) Jung Jiyeon/Jung Jiyeon 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 존엄을 외쳐요 (Let’s Shout Out ‘Dignity’) Kim Eun Ha/Yun Ye Ji 2022
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 토끼행성 은하늑대 (Rabbit Planet and Galaxy Wolf) Sim Bo Young/Sim Bo Young 2023
Sakyejul Publishing SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 호랭떡집 (Rice Cake House of a Tiger) Seo Hyun/Seo Hyun 2023
Sanzini SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 배고픈 노랑가오리 (The Hungry Yellow Stingray) Jo Mihyoung/Park Kyounghyo 2021
Sigongsa SOUTH KOREA FICTION 길 (The Road) Kook Eun/Kook Eun 2022
Sigongsa SOUTH KOREA FICTION 바나나 왕국 (Banana World) Jeong Hee-Jeong/Jeong Hee-Jeong 2023
Sigongsa SOUTH KOREA FICTION 안녕, 나의 루루 (Hello, My Loulou) Lee So-Young/Lee So-Young 2022
Sigongsa SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 완두콩 동그라미 (Round Peas) Choi Yoon-Hye/Choi Yoon-Hye 2022
Sigongsa SOUTH KOREA FICTION 한 사람 (One Person) Wee Hae-Joon/Yael Frankel 2023
Sodong Publishing House SOUTH KOREA FICTION 츄로스 (Churros) HongDangMu/HongDangMu 2023
Sowonnamu SOUTH KOREA FICTION 반짝이 (Twinkle) Sun Yang/Sun Yang 2022
Sowonnamu SOUTH KOREA FICTION 잠이 솔솔 핫초코 (The Sleepy Sweet Hot Chocolate) Sun Yang/Sun Yang 2022
Sowonnamu SOUTH KOREA FICTION 하트방구 (Heart Fart) Yoon Siki/Yoon Siki 2023
Studiojujube (Jujube books) SOUTH KOREA FICTION 그곳은 따듯한가요 (Is There Warm?) Yeojoon Yoon/Yeojoon Yoon 2023
textcontext SOUTH KOREA FICTION 마이 비 데이 (My B Day) Seungyoun Kim/Seungyoun Kim 2023
textcontext SOUTH KOREA FICTION 모자의 숲 (The Forest of Hats) Seungyoun Kim/Seungyoun Kim 2022
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA FICTION 낙엽 다이빙 (Dancing Leaves Diving) Kang Eunok/Kang Eunok 2023
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 낙엽 다이빙 (Dancing Leaves Diving) Kang Eunok/Kang Eunok 2023
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA FICTION 눈물문어 (Tear Octopus) Han Yeon Jin/Han Yeon Jin 2023
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA FICTION 뜬구름 (Floating Cloud) Yoon Yeorim/Lee Jinhwa 2022
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA FICTION 머리숱 많은 아이 (Kid With Thick Hair) Lee Deok Hwa/Lee Deok Hwa 2022
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 엄마는 따뜻해 (My Mom and Me) Jeong Eunjung/Seolzzi 2023
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 열 밤 더 (Ten More Nights) Lee Seoyoung/Lee Seoyoung 2023
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA FICTION 찍찍찍 마을 딸기 축제 (Happy Mouse Village’s Strawberry Festival) Melly/Melly 2023
Wisdom House SOUTH KOREA FICTION 초능력 (Superpower Surprise) Yoon Yeorim/Choi Miran 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 꿈꾸시락 (Dream Box) Soo-jung Myoung/Soo-jung Myoung 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 끈적맨 (Sticky Man) Chayada/Chayada 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는 코끼리야 (I am an Elephant) Hye-jin Go/Hye-jin Go 2022
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나의 그늘 (Shade) Zo-o/Zo-o 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 날씨 상점 (The Weather Store) Thomas Lee/Thomas Lee 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 단골손님 관찰기 (Observation Note of the Convenience Store) Young-ji Kang/Young-ji Kang 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 달그락 탕 (Shaking Shaking Bammm!) Young-rim Lee/Young-rim Lee 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 달리다 보면 (As You Drive) Ji-an Kim/Ji-an Kim 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 대레대레댑댑 (Brr, Brr, Broom) Ji-hye Yun/Ji-hye Yun 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 동갑 (Friends: The Same Age) Sang-hyo Gil/Eun-jung Cho 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 동물원 탈출 (Escape From a Zoo) So-ri Kim/So-ri Kim 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 뛰어 보자 폴짝 (Let's Jump!) Ju-hyeon Kim/Cheol-won Seok 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 반짝반짝 비행접시 (Twinkling Flying Saucer) Yoonji/Yoonji 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 번개 열매 (Lightening Berries) Deok-hwa Lee/Deok-hwa Lee 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 옛날옛날에 심심한 사람이 있었는데 (Once upon a time, there was a bored man) Hye-sook Kang/Hye-sook Kang 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 잘 가 (Good-bye) Jeong-sun Go/Jeong-sun Go 2022
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 집 장만이 만만치 않아 (Buying a House Is Not Easy) Jeong-mi Yun/Jeong-mi Yun 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA COMICS EARLY READER (6-9 anni) 태양 왕 수바: 수박의 전설 (The Legend of King Watermelon) Gee-eun Lee/Gee-eun Lee 2023
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 파도는 나에게 (Waves on Your Fingertip) Su-jeong Ha/Su-jeong Ha 2019
Woongjin ThinkBig SOUTH KOREA FICTION 풍덩 (Splash) Song-yi Kwon/Song-yi Kwon 2023
Woorinabi Publishing Company SOUTH KOREA COMICS MIDDLE GRADE 그림자 밟는 아이 (Shadow Chaser) Park So-lim/Park So-lim 2022
Woorinabi Publishing Company SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 방긋 방게 (A Crab Walking Back Home) Park Kun-Woong/Park Kun-Woong 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 경계선 (A Boundary Line) Sun-woo Jang/Seo-yun Jang 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 나는 그냥 나입니다 (I'm Just Me) Ah-hae Yun/In-ha Jeong 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 넌 토끼가 아니야 (You're Not a Rabbit) Seong-im Baek/Bong-seon Yun 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA TODDLERS 랄랄라 ㄱㄴㄷ (Lalala, ㄱㄴㄷ) Hye-jin Ko/Hye-jin Ko 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 로켓 아이 (Making Rocket myself) Min-woo Kim/Min-woo Kim 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 마음 일기 (A Heart-to-heart Diary) Ja-hyun/Young-Kyung Cha 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 말해 줄까 말까 (Should I Say it or Not?) Suk-kyung Jo/Suk-kyung Jo 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 멸치의 꿈 (The Dream of Anchovies) Mi-jeong Yu/Mi-jeong Yu 2020
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 문득 (Longing) Se-Na Oh/Se-Na Oh 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 뭐 해 먹고 살지? (How Do I Make a Living?) Do-kyoung Kim/Do-kyoung Kim 2022
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 빛을 찾아서 (In Search of the Light) Hyun-min Park/Hyun-min Park 2022
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 손톱 (Fingernail) Yu-Cheong/Hye-won Kim 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 손톱 (Fingernail) Yu-Cheong/Hye-won Kim 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 앵 (The Sound of Mosquitoes, Buzz) Jun-Hyung Cheon/Jun-Hyung Cheon 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 엄마의 노래 (Mother's Song) Tea-Kang Lee/Tea-Kang Lee 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 엄마의 노래 (Mother's Song) Tea-Kang Lee/Tea-Kang Lee 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 차갑고 뜨거운 이야기 (A Story About Cold and Hot) Ja-hyun/Young-Kyung Cha 2022
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 찬란한 여행 (Brilliant Journey) Wook-Jae Lee/Wook-Jae Lee 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA THE SEAS 찬란한 여행 (Brilliant Journey) Wook-Jae Lee/Wook-Jae Lee 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 찾아라! 떡볶이 스타 (Find It! Teokbokki Star) Se-rang Park/Se-rang Park 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 하얀 개 (A White Dog) Hyun-min Park/Hyun-min Park 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA FICTION 학교에 가지 않을 거야 (I Don't Want to Go to School) U-cheong/Ah-young Hu 2023
Yellowpig Publisher SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 학교에 가지 않을 거야 (I Don't Want to Go to School) Yu-cheong/Ah-young Hu 2023
yrurybooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 놀부와 ㅇㄹㄹ 펭귄 (Nolbu and O Penguin) Hye-young kim/Hye-young kim 2023
yrurybooks SOUTH KOREA FICTION 똑똑똑 빌라 (Tattarrattat Villa) Soo-young Byun/Soo-young Byun 2023
yrurybooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 블러와 고프 (Full and Hungry) Eun-Ah Yang/Eun-Ah Yang 2023
yrurybooks SOUTH KOREA FICTION 사랑하는 까닭 (The reason for loving you) Yong-Un Han/Hui-Kyung Do 2023
yrurybooks SOUTH KOREA OPERA PRIMA 안녕, 행복 (Hello, Happy!) Eunmi Song/Eunmi Song 2023
yrurybooks SOUTH KOREA NON FICTION 펭돌이의 신부 찾기 (Finding Pengdoli's Bride) Rury-Lee/Gomawoon 2023
Yun Edition SOUTH KOREA FICTION 접으면 (Fold and Unfold) YUN/Deokkyu Choi 2023