Writing & Self-Publishing @BBPLUS2023

Writing & Self-Publishing @BBPLUS2023

How to write

WhenMonday, 6 March 2023
Medium: Physical Event
Duration: 4 Hours

This event was curated by BolognaBookPlus in association with ArgentoVivo

Bologna Book Plus confirms for 2023 its attention to authors and writers - whether they want to publish with a publisher, to self-publish or make writing their job - offering them two unique days of training and updating.

Professionals of the sector will take turns in quick operational workshops to provide valuable functional guidance in the various areas, providing practical tools for authors to move more effectively and consciously to present and publish their work.

How to self publish

WhenTuesday, 7 March 2023
Medium: Physical Event
Duration: 4 Hours

How to organize your work, how to present it, to whom to present it... these are some of the topics covered by the professionals involved.


6th March 2023


SALA OUVERTURE (Services Centre, 1°floor, D)

9.30-10.30 The profession of writing, lectio magistralis– Sara Rattaro
Writing is a profession and like all professions it has rules. Our culture often portrays writers as individuals dominated primarily by talent and inspiration and often this is considered to be enough to tell a story. The reality is very different. Of course the attitude towards writing and, even before, reading a lot, is fundamental but to tell a story or better, to make sure that a reader does not abandon you until the last line, there is much more needed. In our toolbox there are many valuable tools, indispensable and not always easy to find.

10.30-11.45 AM The suitcase of the writer for kids  Alessandra Berello
Writing a kid’s book is a journey for which the author must prepare a very specific baggage. First of all, in your suitcase you have to put some tools to evaluate if your book corresponds to what the public and the market are willing to accept.
Then, some tricks to recognize which publisher is the right one.
Indications to package and present your work in the best way.
And something to get ready for everything that happens next.

14.30-15.45 Writing screenplays, from the idea to the screen – Cristina Borsatti
What is the process that brings a script to the screens? In this meeting will be shown to those who propose one’s work, how to prepare an effective pitch and what to pay attention to make one’s passion a real professional activity.

15.45-17.00 Not only drawing: writing comic books – Alex Crippa
Writing a story that will become a novel is different from writing a story that will become a comic. It’s always about stories, but while the style of the writer is an integral part of the work, the style of a comic writer must be interpreted by an illustrator.

12.00-1.15 PM The essential elements of a good detective story – Paolo Roversi
The journey of the detective story: from writing to publication to the promotion of a genre novel. Ideas, suggestions and strategies to get by (and earn) with the most beloved literary genre in Italy.

In the afternoon the focus is on other professional opportunities for authors.

SALA OUVERTURE (Services Centre, 1°floor, D)


2.30-3.45 PM Writing romantic stories – Edy Tassi
Romance fiction in recent years has been a driving force in publishing and romance novels are often at the top of the sales charts. What are the essential elements of the genre, capable of winning over not only readers but also publishers? Tips and suggestions to publish your novel and make it a success.

3.45-5.00 PM Not only drawing: writing comic books –  Alex Crippa
Writing a story that will become a novel is different from writing a story that will become a comic. It’s always about stories, but while the style of the writer is an integral part of the work, the

style of a comic writer must be interpreted by an illustrator.

5.00-6.15 PM Writing about sports –  Federico Vergari

The sports story is increasingly entering into our lives, but what does it mean to write about sports? How to find the right story and how to tell it in the best possible way? And if you have a story that works, how can you "sell" it to newspapers and periodicals? This short workshop will answer these questions by trying to leave a toolbox from which - if necessary - to draw to perform at its best what according to many is the literary genre of the Twenties: The sports story.

7th March 2023

In the course of the day you will take stock of the self-publishing market and, above all, will be given indications on how to promote and distribute your book independently and effectively.


SALA OUVERTURE (Services Centre, 1°floor, D) - Sara Speciani moderates and introduces

9.30-9.40 Self-publishing in Italy – The market  – Sara Speciani
Although it is not easy to have an accurate estimate (part of the self-production - the one without ISBN - is in no way investigable) the market of self publishing in Italy shows signs of vitality and increase, as confirmed by the trends and numbers available.9.30-10.10 AM Self-publishing in Italy
The data of self-publishing in Italy. Reflections and trends in the market and overview of the latest developments of platforms for self authors

9.40-10.15 AM Self-publishing: how to choose the distribution platform  – Luana Prestinice
Analysis of the five main distribution platforms for self-publishers in Italy: Amazon
KDP, Youcanprint, Kobo Writing Life, Streetlib and Passionescrittore. For each distributor we will analyze the strengths and peculiarities, taking into account the technical level that the author must possess and the degree of autonomy to be able to sell their book, promotion opportunities and the possibility of obtaining specialized and professional support during all stages of self-publishing.

10.10-10.50 AM Self-publishing abroad - Clive Herbert
The data of self-publishing abroad. Reflections and trends in the market and overview of the most interesting platforms for international markets

10.50-11.00 AM Break

11.00-11.20 AM I have published. What now? The offline and online promotion – Chiara Beretta Mazzotta
Getting to publish, creating and selling your book on a platform is only a part of an editorial strategy that necessarily includes a valuable communication activity (this applies to self but also to those who publish with a traditional publisher). It is essential to be in conversation with “ideal”readers, both online and offline and to not confuse promotion with advertising. This means knowing the difference between traditional editorial marketing and digital marketing, and between direct and non-direct promotion. 

11.20-11.40 AM I have published. What now? The distribution – Renato Salvetti 
Communicating is the first important step, but only an efficient distribution allows you to sell books

12.00-12.30 PM Amazon store: a separate marketplace – Marco Luigi Palma
Regardless of which platform you self-publish with, the Amazon store is essential to sell your books, whether you are publishers or self-publishers. But what are the opportunities for promotion and visibility in the store for a self author?

12.30-1.30 PM Round table with the authors

Announcement of the Jacket Contest, the award for the best self cover to be made in 2024



The workshops will be held in repeated sessions from 14.30-17.30 in SALA ALLEGRETTO (service center, 1 storey, block C) and SALA RONDA (service center, 1 storey, block C) to allow participants to follow all the topics

Self publishing and promotion: Strategies for talking about your book off and online – masterclass with Lea Landucci 
When your book comes true, the complex part begins: you have to promote it! It means building a community and learning to dialogue with the people of which it is composed. For this reason it is essential to have an optimized profile to get in touch with potential collaborators and readers, draw the target audience to have a clear idea of the "identity card" of ideal readers, know the hashtags to be better intercepted, outline the contents to be shared in order not to be too egorelated and to better reason on off and on line events to be realized to promote the publication of the book.  

Self publishing and promotion: tools to self-publish your book without fear!–  masterclass with Paola Chiozza  
How to best design your own launch on Kindle KDP: from the layout of the text to the creation of an attractive cover (what works and what doesn’t?). Focus on the design of all the material essential to the promotion: content, royalty free materials, booktrailer, card.

Self-publishing secretsi principi senza tempo per promuovere il tuo libro – laboratorio Alessandro De Giorgi, Donato Corvaglia - founders Youcanprint.it

As a self-publisher, you have a duty to take care of the promotion of your book, but you do not have to be an expert to do so nor do you need special technical skills. You will find hundreds of methods to promote you but the principles are few. If you master the principles you can successfully choose your methods and get results. In this workshop we will tell you what these timeless principles are.hese timeless principles are.