Fairtale The BCBF waggles
The Stories, the People and the Magic of BCBF



Morag Styles, BRAW Juror

In this heartfelt and insightful post, Former Professor of Children’s Poetry at the University of Cambridge and Emeritus Fellow at Homerton ...


Universal Rigths to Poetry

Much loved by a wide audience and translated into many languages, Bernard Friot - poet, writer and translator - is our guest on World Poetry ...


BRAW 2021 - Focus on Poetry

Poetry is the new special category of the BolognaRagazzi Award. Next year marks the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri and BCBF ...


BRAW 2020: the winning books

Since 1966, the BolognaRagazzi Award is given to a book that excels in terms of production quality, visual text and the unique way it broadens ...