inspiring children’s books to help achieve a sustainable future
This exhibition features 70 outstanding environmentally-themed children’s books from all over the world.
Children’s titles about sustainability serve as a powerful tool to introduce global issues to young audiences, inspiring them to become active participants in creating a sustainable future. Children’s books can help convey complex ideas about the impact of our actions on the environment and empower kids to start making a difference in their communities from an early age.
This exhibition is in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, a framework for a better future for all by the United Nations. Inspired by the SDG Book Club, a collaboration of the United Nations, the International Publishers Association, the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the European & International Booksellers Federation, the International Board on Books for Young People, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.
Susan Hayes, Penny Arlon, Pintachan, The Extraordinary Book That Eats Itself: Every Page Turns Into An Eco Project That Helps You Save The Planet, Insight Editions, 2021
Tobias Hickey, Sea Change: Save the ocean, Otter-Barry Books, 2023
Jilanne Hoffmann, Eugenia Mello, A River of Dust: The Life-Giving Link Between North Africa and the Amazon, Chronicle Books, 2023
Martin Jenkins, Vicky White, A Walk Through the Rainforest, Walker Books, 2022
Jung Jin-Ho, The Little Pond, Changbi Publishers, 2021
María José Arce, Josefina Hepp, Un nuevo barrio, Muñeca de Trapo, 2021
Klara Kapprell, Korallen: Wer lebt im Riff?, Achse Verlag, 2023
Labor Ateliergemeinschaft, Das wird bestimmt ganz toll! Wenn ich groß bin, Beltz & Gelberg, 2021
Aron Landahl, Alla äter alla, Rabén & Sjögren, 2023
Claire Lecceuvre, Arnaud Tételin, Les pieds dans la terre: Cinq histoires de paysans, Les Éditions des Éléphants, 2022
Pilar López Ávila, Gina Rosas Moncada, Si yo fuera, Bookolia, 2022
Azul López Martínez, Volver a mirar, Ediciones SM, 2023
Stefano Mancuso, Philip Giordano, Il favoloso mondo delle piante, Aboca Edizioni, 2023
Jérémie Moreau, La Chambre de Warren, Albin Michel Jeunesse, 2023
Sally Morgan, Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr, Thank you rain!, Magabala Books, 2022
Nabiyassi 100°õ (100 Bears), BIR Publishing, 2022
Arnaud Nebbache, Une journée d’apicultrice, Kilowatt Editions, 2022
Philippe Nessmann, Jean Mallard, Pas bêtes, les plantes!, Sarbacane, 2023
Till Penzek, Julia Neuhaus, Die Klima Schweine, Kunstanstifter, 2020
Alex Nogués, Ina Hristova, A veces el bosque… , Akiara Books, 2023
Yukiko Noritake, De l’autre côté de la mer, Actes Sud Jeunesse, 2022
Yukiko Noritake, Due fratelli, una foresta, Terre di Mezzo Editore, 2022
Michele Oka Doner, A Seed Takes Root: A True Story, Tra Publishing, 2023
Andrea Paluch, Annabelle von Sperber, Die besten Weltuntergänge: Was wird aus uns? Zwölf aufregende Zukunftsbilder, Klett Kinderbuch Verlag, 2020
Ana Pêgo, Isabel Minhós Martins, Plasticus Maritimus: Uma espécie invasora, Planeta Tangerina, 2018
Jordi Pigem, Neus Caamaño, Redescubrir el mundo, Akiara Books, 2023
Isabel Pin, Damals der Dodo: Vom Aussterben und Überleben der Arten, Karl Rauch Verlag, 2021