This event is curated by BolognaBookPlus, in collaboration with ArgentoVivo
The second day of SELF-PUBLISHING: HOW TO SUCCEED IN ITALY AND ABROAD will focus on self-publishing in Italy to help understand the fundamental elements to embark on the path of self-publishing: from the book marketing, rights, distribution and the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence.
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
9.30-10.10 The state of self publishing in Italy with Sara Speciani, Argentovivo
10.10-10.50 Enhanced writing: AI as a creative assistant with Davide Giansoldati
10.50-11.00 Break
11.00-11.40 Promoting your books as a self publisher: winning social media strategies with Dieci04
11:40-12:20 Copyright and Artificial Intelligence: what changes for independent authors? with Beatrice Cunegatti
12:20-13:00 Self publishing: platforms, strategies and community with Letizia Cherubini e Gabriele Dolzadelli
Afternoon workshops (Italian language only)
14:00-15:00 The importance of networking for self published authors
15:00-16:00 Self publishing and boosting sales with Amazon KDP with Andrea Pasino, Amazon KDP
16:00-17:00 Do you know what a story is? with Antonello Grassi, Bottega Finzione
Bottega Finzioni, Italy’s first Narrative Foundation, is a writing school specializing in cinema, literature, TV formats, documentaries, and productions for children and young adults. Through Bottega Finzioni Produzioni Srl, it brings the best classroom-developed projects to life.
From March 31 to April 2, Bottega Finzioni will offer a Narrative First Aid Service at Pavilion 29, Stand A8.Click here for more information and to register.
The first narrative foundation in Italy, a writing school for cinema, literature, TV formats, documentaries, and productions for children and young adults. It is also a production company (Bottega Finzioni Produzioni Srl) that brings to life the best projects developed in the classroom.
Letizia Cherubino is a writer, a blogger and a creative of words. She debuted in 2006 with her first novel. Today she has more than 10 novels and a community of only 170,000 fans.
A lawyer admitted to practice before the Court of Cassation and Higher Jurisdictions, she founded IT Law Firm, a legal practice specializing in Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law for over 25 years. She is an adjunct professor of Copyright Law at the University of Milan “La Statale” and a lecturer in the Publishing Master’s Program at the same university. She holds a Ph.D. in Legal Informatics and Information Law. An author of monographic studies, essays, and articles on copyright and new technologies, she has published with Editrice Bibliografica Manuale del diritto d’autore (2020; second updated edition forthcoming) and Il diritto d’autore. Profili giuridici e applicativi (2025).
dieci04 is a creative agency specializing in online projects and social media communication. It collaborates with brands such as Treccani, Einaudi, Salone Internazionale del Libro, Biennale Tecnologia, iGuzzini, Harper Collins Italia, and Sellerio. Among other projects, dieci04 curated the anthology The Game Unplugged (Einaudi Stile Libero, 2019), conceived and designed Alessandro Baricco’s book Quel che stavamo cercando (2020), and developed the I Quanti series for Einaudi.
Gabriele Dolzadelli debuted in 2014 self-publishing the first volume of the saga Jolly Roger: La terra di nessuno, which will be followed by Le chiavi dello scrigno, I
fratelli della costa, La torre del ribelle e Il piano di Archer. In 2019, also self-published, he published Backup, a science fiction novel. With L'uomo senza epilogo (2020, Augh! Edizioni) he arrives in the final at the International Prize City of Como. In 2021, with Morellini Editore, he published Chi nasce a San Giuda.
He also founded the Facebook group Self Publishing Italia, landmark of italian self-publishing, and the Valtellina festival Libri in Valle.
A manager, digital strategist, speaker, storyteller, author, and trainer, he teaches Social Media for Publishing in the Professione editoria cartacea e digitale and Booktelling master’s programs (Università Cattolica) as well as in MasterBook (IULM). He created his first website in 1996, first e-commerce site in 2003, and first social media profile in 2007. His publications with Editrice Bibliografica include: Promuovere e raccontare i libri online (2020), E-commerce per editori e librai (2017), Promuovere e raccontare i libri sui social network (2014). He is also the host of the Promuovere e raccontare i libri podcast.
He wrote the documentary San Donato Beach, directed by Fabio Donatini, and Slipknot: Last Song.
For television, he has contributed as an episode writer for formats such as Muse Inquietanti, Profondo Nero, Inseparabili, and In Compagnia del Lupo, for which he also handled the podcast adaptation and its subsequent publication as a book.
More recently, he created the podcast Giallo in Castello, a scientific outreach series for Federchimica.
He is currently collaborating with Tiwi, Colorado Film, Reboot Teatro, Cantieri Meticci, About Bologna, and Sayonara Film.
Sara Speciani has been working for over twenty years in the publishing world, covering different roles and positions that allow her to have a 360-degree vision on the market.
Expert in media communication and events, she collaborates at various levels with the most important fairs in the sector - Turin Book Fair (Libreria dei Self Publisher project), Book Pride, Più Libri più Liberi and Bologna Children’s Book Fair - and with publishers trade associations.
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