Emma Beseghi
Emma Beseghi is Professor of Children’s Literature at the University of Bologna and was the coordinator of the PhD course in Pedagogical Sciences until 2016. She is currently the Principal Investigator of a two-year research project (2018-20) Alma Idea Grant - University of Bologna, entitled Dall’Orbis Pictus ai nuovissimi albi illustrati di divulgazione scientifica per l’infanzia. Comunicare il mondo attraverso la meraviglia e la bellezza. She was founder and head of the Center for Research in Children’s Literature (CRLI) of the Department of Educational Sciences of the University of Bologna and is a member of the scientific committee. She is author and curator of numerous publications and titles including Infanzia e racconto. Il libro le figure la voce lo sguardo, Bup 2008; La Letteratura invisibile. Infanzia e libri per bambini in collaboration with Giorgia Grilli (Carocci 2012); Lo sguardo della memoria. Rileggendo il Piccolo Principe (ETS 2014). She is the curator of the column La cattedra di Peter for the journal LiBeR which specializes in children’s literature.